Design your own Civ VI civ

'Legendary' scenario
(Cannot found a Religion)
When you found your first city...
Artemis - Receive Goddess of the Hunt and Temple of Artemis.
Zeus - Receive God of the Open Sky and Status of Zeus.
Helios - Receive Monument to the Gods and Colossus.
Poseidon - Receive God of the Sea and Great Lighthouse.
Apollo - Receive God of Healing and Goddess of Festivals.
Atum - Receive City Patron Goddess, River Goddess, and God of Creation.
Odin - Receive 'Odin' pantheon (+100 Gold when you pillage a tile) and 'Odin' wonder (Stave Church appearance, Holy Site gets an additional Standard Adjacency bonus (+1) from Woods, +1 Production for every coastal resource in city, +4 Faith, +1 Citizen slot, +1 Relic slot).
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Alternate China Leaders

Yu the Great

Leader Ability:
Cities suffer no damage from floods. All cities settled adjacent to a river get +1 Great Engineer point per turn.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with a large number of dams. Dislikes civs that have few dams.

Queen Dowager Xuan

Leader Ability:
Receives a combat strength boost against barbarians (+15 adjacent to the palace decreasing by 1 per further tile away from the palace). Spies perform assassinate governor missions as if they were two levels higher.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs that do not have barbarians near them. Dislikes civs that have barbarians near them.

Wen of Han

Leader Ability:
All farms produce an additional +1 food. All cities with a governor provide +2% science.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with a large number of farms. Dislikes civs that have few farms.

Jing of Han

Leader Ability:
Great works of writing produce Faith equal to the amount of culture generated. Cities with a governor provide +1 Ammenity.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs that have a relationship status of friendly or better with their neighbours. Dislikes civs that have a relationship status of unfriendly or worse with their neighbours.

Wu of Han

Leader Ability:
The default title of the governor in the capital applies in all cities. Theatre squares provide an additional +1 Great Writer point per turn and +1 Great Musician point per turn

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with a large number of great works of writing/music. Dislikes civs with few great works of writing/music

Xuan of Han

Leader Ability:
Encampment and Entertainment districts and buildings provide +1 Great Writer point per turm.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with a high military strength and great works of writing. Dislikes civs with a weak military and few great works of writing.

Guangwu of Han

Leader Ability:
Great Admirals, Generals and Merchants have +1 Charge.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs that have never declared war. Dislikes civs that have taken cities from other civs through war.

Zhang of Han

Leader Ability:
Trade routes within his territory cannot be plundered. Buildings in cities following his religion have -1 maintenance costs.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs that do not plunder trade routes or Pillage tiles. Dislikes civs that do a lot of plundering trade routes and/or pillaging tiles

Wen of Sui

Leader Ability:
Cities within 10 tiles of his empire get -1 loyalty per turn. Canals are unlocked with construction, cost 50% less production and can cover 2 flat land tiles.

Leader Agenda: Likes neighbouring civs with few cities. Dislikes neighbouring civs with many cities.

Princess Pingyang

Leader Ability:
All military units have -1 maintenance cost. Recruiting partisans cannot be used on her cities.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with a high amount of amenities and housing that exceeds population in each city. Dislikes civs that have a low amount of amenities and has housing that is lower than population in at least one of their cities.

Taizong of Tang

Leader Ability:
Gets an additional military, economic, diplomatic and wildcard policy slot. Can only freely change policy cards at the start of a new era.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs that change policy cards rarely. Dislikes civs that change policy cards frequently.

Wu Zetian

Leader Ability:
When appointing a governor for the first time (for that governor) they also get a Level 1 Title of her choice.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs that governors are highly promoted. Dislikes civs that have governors with few promotions.

Taizong of Song

Leader Ability:
Appointing a new governor does not cost a governor title. Great works of writing provide science equal to their culture.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with high amounts of food and science. Dislikes civs with a low amount of food and science.

Hongwu Emperor

Leader Ability:
Governors provide +10 loyalty. Spies perform counter espionage as if they were two levels higher.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs that do not use spies against them. Dislikes civs that use spies against them.

Yongle Emperor

Leader Ability:
Gains the Treasure Fleet unique unit. +10% production towards all wonders.

Leader Unique Unit: Treasure Fleet: Replaces the Frigate. Unlocks at Cartography and does not require niter but with a melee strength of 40 and a ranged strength of 50. When it is adjacent to a captured city that China has not previously gained treasure from China has the option to take treasure which gains the yields that would be gained by pillaging every tile improvement, district and building in the city instead of conquering them. If this option is chosen all Chinese units are removed from the cities territory, all damage is repaired in the city and the city is restored to full health.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs that have a weak military or whom he has gained treasure from. Dislikes civs with a strong military that he has not gained treasure from.

Kangxi Emperor

Leader Ability:
The same great work of writing can be placed in unlimited cities (but only once per city). A city gains +1 loyalty per other city that one of its great works of writing is in.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with high science that trade with him. Dislikes civs with high science that do not trade with him.

Qianlong Emperor

Leader Ability:
All spies have the Cat Burglar promotion. All great works provide loyalty equal to their culture.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with few great works. Dislikes civs with many great works.

Empress Dowager Cixi

Leader Ability:
Gains eurekas for all tech that Civs that have sent trade routes to China have researched. Can build/buy military units that any civs that have sent a trade route to China have unlocked. Civs that are sending at least one trade route to China gain +2 culture, +2 faith and +5 gold per era that has/is happening.

Leader Agenda: Likes civs with high science that is sending a trade route to China. Dislikes civs with high science that are not sending a trade route to China.
Leader: Cunhambebe

Unique Unit: Uybabaeté
Unique Improvement: Maloca

Observation When he fought against the Portuguese he used two canon on his back to support
Since Sid Meier is part Swiss, I thought this would be interesting:

The Swiss:

Governors give a flat +1 bonus to all District yields in the city they are assigned to. Internal trade routes generate 100% Food and Production, and can generate Gold, but foreign trade routes have their yields halved.
UU-Halberdier: Replaces Pikeman. Automatically gains the 'Thrust' promotion upon creation. Upgrades to Anti-Tank, rather than to Pike and Shot.
UB-Chalet: Replaces Ski Resort. Available at Steam Power. Generates gold equal to half of its Tourism output.
CL-William Tell (Sorry, low on ideas)
LA-Swiss Confederacy: All Melee and Anti-Cavalry unites gain +4 Combat Strength within Swiss territory, +8 if also adjacent to a mountain.
Agenda-Battle of Sempach: Likes peaceful civs that respect small neighboring civs. Does not like civs that bully smaller neighbors.
Ce Ácatl Topiltzin (Quetzalcoalt)
Leading the Toltec Empire

Unique Improviment Atlantes Warriors

Unique Unit Atlantes Warriors
Why do the Unique Improvement and Unique Unit have the same name?
because have the warrior and the monument named the same
Well, we call them Atlantes because they are humanoid figures that work as columns for temples in a reference to the Atlas myth but if i'm not wrong i think that some names for military factions of the Toltec are recorded and one is them is like Coyote, so a Coyote warrior could work better for UU name
I'm pretty sure I've designed an Austrian civ before on this thread but not in a while since GS and the NFP, so here's an updated version:

Austrian Empire:

Leader: Maria Theresa
Capital Vienna:
Agenda: Hapsburg Monarchy- Likes to be allied with as many civs as possible. Dislikes civs with more allies than her.

LA: Dynastic Marriage- May to send a Royal Child to another leader you have an alliance with by spending extra gold. This gives you more diplomatic access plus extra diplo favor, and culture, per turn for both you and your ally.
(Maria Anna, Joseph, Maria Christina, Maria Elisabeth, Maria Amala, Leopold, Maria Carolina, Ferdinand, Maria Antonia, Maximillian Francis basically acts as another spy. The male children will go to a female ruler and female children will go to a male ruler.) :)

UA: Österreichische Zentralalpen: Cities receive an extra amenity when built adjacent to a mountain. National Parks and Ski Resorts gain more +1 appeal and +1 amenity when encompassing a mountain tile as well as yield gold equal to the appeal of tiles. Amphitheaters can hold a Great Work of Music slot.
(My idea is the Central Alps, which comprise 60% of Austrian's landscape, contributes to the majority of tourism, which also generates much money for the economy as well, in the country.)
Edit: Changed commercial hubs adjacency to mountains to let ski resorts and national parks yield gold which makes more sense.

UU: Grenzer- (Replaces Ranger) Extra combat strength when fighting on the border tiles of your territory.

UD: Wiener Klassik (Replaces Theater Square) First time one is built unlock the Opera and Ballet Civic. +1 extra Great Musician points per turn. Whenever a Great Musician is retired in this district gain a boost of tourism.
(I know the Viennese School isn't an actual place, or building, but instead a group of people which makes it similar to Macedon's UB. Either way it's it's more Austrian than a Coffee House. :p Plus my original idea before GS, the Alpine Ski Resort, is now buildable by everyone.)
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Leader: Guayrá (most ancient Guarani name I ever found)
Unique Unit: Guaicurus

Unique Improvment
As Missões give extra faith and work force
Venice(i know this is done to death)
CA:La Serinissima
Can not settle cities.When suzerain of a city-state,recieve +15% of the appropiate yield.Can buy envoys at any city state for 75 gold times the envoys of the current suzerain,or for 250 gold if you are the suzerain.
CUB:Venetian Canals
Can only be built in districts next to the city center or districts with a venitian canal.+1 Trade Route Capacity.Recieve gold according to this distrcits adjacency bonus,and +1 gold for every building in this district.
Leade: Pietro II Orseolo
LUA: Doge of Venice
Captured Settlers automatically turn into Venetian Traders.Unlocks access to a special city project,Festa della Sensa.
LUU:Venetian Trader
Special Civilian Unit with 1 charge.Can trade with city-states or with other players.Trading with citiy-states automatically creates 2 Envoys in this city-state and a +10% boost of the appropiate yield for 10 turns.Trading with another players instantly grants gold according to their combined science,culture and faith incomes,as well as one free eureka and one free inspiration if the traded-with city has a campus/theater square.
LUP:Festa della Sensa
City Projects that provides Gold and Great Merchant Points while running and a Venetian Trader when finished.Can only be done once per era.
Can sacrifice owned units for an instant boost of science,faith and culture according to 150% their combat strength.This is increased to 200% if in a golden age.
Unique governor promotion that can be unlocked on every governor.Trade Rotes from or to this city provide +1 of the appropriate yield when a specialty district is built in this city,and +1 gold for every promotion of this governor.
LUA:First King of Dahomey
Settlers cost 3 population when built.Settling a new city provides +1 Governor title,and the first district is 70% cheaper to build and gains +1 adjacency.
LUB:Royal Palaces
City Center building that can only be built in the capital.Provides the normal Palace yields,as well as +1 governor title and +1 Housing and Amenity.
Can sacrifice owned units for an instant boost of science,faith and culture according to 150% their combat strength.This is increased to 200% if in a golden age.
Unique governor promotion that can be unlocked on every governor.Trade Rotes from or to this city provide +1 of the appropriate yield when a specialty district is built in this city,and +1 gold for every promotion of this governor.
LUA:First King of Dahomey
Settlers cost 3 population when built.Settling a new city provides +1 Governor title,and the first district is 70% cheaper to build and gains +1 adjacency.
LUB:Royal Palaces
City Center building that can only be built in the capital.Provides the normal Palace yields,as well as +1 governor title and +1 Housing and Amenity.
A Dahomey Civilization without the Dahomey Amazons as a UU? :wow:
I would make Dahomey different
Leader Ghezo
Hability The king of Slavery Coast: May sell population of conquered city

Unique Unit
Mino *Ahosi*
Substitue rifleman, have +10Atk against male unit
Spoiler Warning: Grotesque image :

Unique Improvment, Voodoo temple make all seled people follow your major religion

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I would make Dahomey different
Leader Ghezo
Hability: May sell population for conquered city

Unique Unit
Mino *Ahosi*
Substitue rifleman, have +10Atk against male unit
Spoiler Warning - Grotesque image :

Unique Improvment, Voodoo temple make all seled people follow your major religion
... What in the world would classify as a "male unit"?? I'm pretty sure they're all bloody "male", quote unquote.
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... What in the world would classify as a "male unit"?? I'm pretty sure they're all bloody "male", quote unquote.
There are female models in the Toa and Gaesatae for the Maori and Gaul. I guess they wouldn't work as well against them. :dunno:
Not to mention many modern/future units like tanks, helicopters, Giant Death Robots etc. don't have genders. :mischief:
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