The Kogatende Lamal airstrip is a short dirt strip at the northern end of the Serengeti
My plane arriving (could be loud)
Baggage control
There was little to no security and everything was very casual. Much like I experienced back in the 1960s. Penuel handled all the paperwork. There were no tickets or boarding passes, just a list of names.
While flying to Zanzibar, I hoped to see Mt. Kilimanjaro and took this picture. But the mountain's profile doesn't fit so I don't think it is. (the bigger of the two)
They have a brand new massive terminal for the major carriers and their big planes. It was built in the past two years by the Chinese. I was flying Air France and after a loose security check (my bag only) I walked out in the open to this new terminal. It was football field size and divided into two roughly equal parts. Ticket counters were along one wall and the rest was completely open with only one row of hard chairs (20 maybe) along the back wall. It took me 20 minutes to find a charging station.
It was the only one I could find in this half of the building. It has two plugs. At least I had both of them to myself. There were no chairs near the outlet.
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