DLL - Various Mod Components

Is it possible to fix via dll the technology cost integer overflow? When the cost of a tech goes over 2^31/1000, it costs a negative amount and is researched instantly.
There is good time for me and all in the thread (or simply just say "Hi!" :) ).

There is two questions:
About Whoward`s component "True free Great People' - for GP from CS is affected too(in normal game they increase cost of next one)?

The other questions:
In scenery about viking invader`s to England "Viking Destiny" - in this scenery has a special conditions - Ally of CS can control their military units - maybe this a good idea too add it in Pck`n`Mix as one of components?

Thx for answers.
"True free Great People' - for GP from CS is affected too
yes, GPs gifted by allied City States are free

In scenery about viking invader`s to England "Viking Destiny" - in this scenery has a special conditions - Ally of CS can control their military units - maybe this a good idea too add it in Pck`n`Mix as one of components?
:dunno: Sorry, don't understand what you're trying to say

All four civilizations in this scenario are locked into war with each other. Science, social policies, happiness, and Golden Ages are disabled and Settlers cannot be trained, making this purely a military scenario. Additionally, all units possess the Defensive Embarkation promotion, and a special condition is in effect that allows a civilization allied with a city-state to control that city-state's units."
Firaxis re-use this idea in Civ 6.

There is - maybe you incorporate it as mod-component for Pick`n`Mix?
V87 uploaded to my web-site and GitHub

  • For City, Plot and Unit, local iX, iY = pObj:GetXY()
  • GLOBAL_NO_FOLLOWUP_FROM_CITIES no longer includes forts and citadels
  • GLOBAL_NO_FOLLOWUP adds NoFollow up to the Improvements table (default is false)
  • "Global - No Followup From Cities" rewritten to use GLOBAL_NO_FOLLOWUP and sets NoFollow to true for citadels, forts, fetoria, chateaux and kasbahs
  • "Improvements - Airbases" updated to not follow up from
  • GameEvents.UnitCanFollowupFrom() added for finer grained control, eg Dwarves don't follow up from mines, Elves won't followup from forests into open terrain, etc
  • Captured great people keep their names and (if applicable) current great work, see also "Global - Capture Great People"
  • PillageGold can be negative
  • "UI - Notify Exit Resistance"
  • "UI - Diary" updated to include cities exiting resistance

34/43/62 civ version updated to v87
When I use "GameEvents.TileRevealed" for revealing a specific plot, there is an error happened.
The unit which revealed this plot will repeated active this event when it move and also can "see" this plot! :crazyeye:
The event is sent whenever the game core changes the visibility on a tile. Unfortunately, nothing within the game core is optimised to remove multiple similar status changes - so it doesn't surprise me that the game core will "reveal" an already revealed tile.

I'll look into the code and see if there is a simple fix for this.
What exactly should I download from GitHub? I tried downloading everything and extract into the MODS folder but it didn't work. I can't access to the site where the downloads and manuals are also (www.picknmixmods.com - The server at www.picknmixmods.com is taking too long to respond), so, kind of lost on how should I install this.
GitHub has the DLL C++ source code, not the built mod. PnM web-site is respond fast for me, so you may just need to keep trying or wait for load on any routers to it to reduce and try again
I'm trying since yesterday, can't access. Rebooted my modem a couple of times and forced to change ip using ipv4 and ipv4+ipv6, couldn't access none of the 6 times already changed my ip. Even increased the timing from 10 to 30 seg on "max_script_run_time" on firefox and nothing, still taking too long to make a connection with the site, seems like it's impossible for me to access.
Used a VPN to access with a USA ip and everything worked. Ty.
Another problem, it's saying it's not compatible with the version of my Civ V, the mod is for an older version, what now?
Don't mind me, I'm probably retar***, downloaded the GK version, oh god.
Very odd. Wonder if the iframes are causing issues. Can you get directly to http://www.picknmixmods.com/parts/bydate.html (which is a fairly small HTML only file), or are you timing out to the server in general? What do you get as an IP if you ping www.picknmixmods.com (you can't access the site by ip, but you should get back the ip address). Can you tracert to that IP?

Unfortunately, as I don't control the internet between Brazil and the US, there's probably not a lot I can do to solve this :(
Now it seems it's working, LOL.
I tried 20 times + since yesterday and could not connect even a single time, now it's fine, can't say until when thou. It's probably a DNS problem with my internet.
Whoward69 can you add functionality from Gedemon 34dll leader fix to your dll?

None of that functionality is in the DLL. It's all in the UI Lua/XML files. Assuming the UI code is up-to-date with the last BNW update (unlikely given it's age), you should be able to just use that mod with my 34/43/62 civ DLLs
Sorry. I did not mean it. Fix work fine, and i know so that is not a dll, but maybe you can add this to your mod so people dont need to search. I think not everyone knows about it fix at all.
That would (unnecessarily) add 5 game core UI files to the mod, which would almost certainly lead to compatibility issues with other mods that also change some/all of those files.

In general, one huge monolithic mod that includes everything is not IMHO a good idea
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