DMI IX - The Vampire Lord and the Tower of Mastery (FfH2)

Tough turnset. Was heading towards rage and leveling up vampires, but Stephanos spawned and took out the south-western city. He was badly wounded but I couldn't attack him due to Fear. Not even summons could because instead of their normal Angel/Elemental promotions Gibbon gave them "Illusion," which dosn't grant immunity to Fear :mad:. Also, Hell terrain in encroaching through Perp's lands into ours. I guess I left the next player in a pretty pickle :blush:.
Still, getting some Moroi to cast Burning Blood on themselves could negate the Fear issue, and rage is only a couple turns away.


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Ah, - censored - apocalyptic riders...I hate when that happens. At least he did not raze the city so we can take it back. We don't have a Spirit Node, do we ? If so, we could cast Courage on our units with a Spirit I + Channeling I Adept. But I guess we'll just have to stick it through somehow. Sanctify + Spring puts an end to any hell terrain.

The Roster

Imhotep -- made peace with the Clown
Ozbenno -- saw it coming
reverend_oats >> JUST PLAYED and ran into the herolds of armaggedon
Ralph Jackson >> UP NOW and likes hard turnsets
Monkeyfinger >> ON DECK
pholkhero -- played his first ones
Ok Got it, more tips from the experts a la Reverend Oats idea's greatfully received!

Had a look at th egame and I think my inexperience is showing as I cant see a viable way forward and dont just wnat to press enter in a difficult situation...

1. Any tips for how we should approach taking our city back from Stephanos as it was a good site and we need it...

2. Where to Post Rage

3. So oh ye of greater knowledge than me what do youse all think?

I can have a closer look on the save on Tuesday at the earliest. I think if no one comments within 24 hrs you should just go ahead - it can't get worse. Try out casting rage on some Moroi and then attack Stephanos, maybe that helps...
·Imhotep·;6787669 said:
Try out casting rage on some Moroi and then attack Stephanos, maybe that helps...

now THAT is some funny, funny stuff!

I'm assuming we don't have a spirit node to case courage. If not, there is no real way to get that city back. I must admit I'm not sure what to do. We have to get the AC down as a first call. Maybe leave Stepanos alone for the while and start razing Perpentach's cities. As we have no Sorcerers we don't have access to fireballs so unless we can eliminate Stepanos now we would struggle to do so without huge losses anyway.

Its a tough pickle.
Sorry if I was unclear, but Moroi can cast rage on themsevles, but iirc it gives immunity to fear.
So two options on the table as far as I can see.

1. Ignore Stepanos and go after Perpentach. How well will a summoned skeleton pack and our few vampires do? Have a horrible feeling we are outclassed and will just be feeding his troops experience.

2. Seeing if with Rage iunlockled we can get enough rage fuelled Moroi to Tackle Stepanos. Anybody know whether Revernd Oats' plan feels right?

Sorry for solwing things down but really struggling to find a viable plan. If no revelations forthcoming will play with whatever we have tonight and report tomorrow evening. Or if someone has a brainwave they want to try feel free to grab it as I will check here before playing

Gibbon is still about and his summoned host will complement the Summoned skeletons from our vampires as cannon fodder.

Guess I will play some turns and see what happens tonight, report later but it could be grim!!


No worries, just go ahead. We'll take it as it comes. After all we're sturdy Vampires and no sissies, right ? :)

Well I won’t repeat our woes but just lay down the General Plan, and unusually for me I will write the report as I play it so you get a running commentary…

Two main threats which we have to try and do something about.
  1. The Mad Clown as our next door neighbour
  2. and the evergrowing AC currently at 64.
  3. Meanwhile one of our top cities being occupied by Stepanos who is pretty close to invulnerable for us.

So we will complete Rage then look to research something suitable
Use our meagre army heavily supported by summoned ablative armour I mean cannon fodder – no make that gallant troops to try and take down a couple of Perp cities (razing).

Look at seeing if we can build some Moroi for a future rage fuelled suicide mission versus Stepanos..

So off we go first couple of turns are assembling something vaguely resembling an army on the Borders with Perp

When rage comes in start on Malevolent Designs. If nothing else its Vampirey!!

And with AC reaching 65 to add to our Joy Buboes + friend joins Stepanos!!

Anyway time to stop messing and invade Perp!
Ignore the screenshot by the time we arrived it was arquebus we were attacking

So we declare on the clown which upset Hyborem who joins in!! and Tikka Masala wants to have fun too.

We survive a decent counterattack versus Pavunar (just!!)

And after bombarding the defences down amazingly we manage to raze one of the clown’s cities.

So I decide to stop on a high not4e, we are holding in Pavunar,

Have something resembling an Army to push on Versus Perp

And have built the Baron, I still think it will end in tears but lets rock and roll.


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At the very least we'll go out with a bang!
Well played in a tight situation. If we lose this one, I'll try to setup a revenge SG - after all our starting spot was subprime. If there is not enough interest, DMI X will sport a very interesting Vanilla BtS variant...
Because I missed my last turnset I thought it would be wise to let you know that yes, I'll have this one. Expect it sometime this friday night.

Einherjar rule, Ars Morendi is a dick, and so is the RNG for sticking us with all 4 horsemen.
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