DMOC's DEITY Game #1 - Gandhi


Aug 23, 2007
I'm back at it again. Unfortunately, when I tried to open my last Gandhi game computer wouldn't let me because I had set the game to Locked Modified Assets!

Well, this time, I'm smarter. I'm also ready to have a second go at Gandhi on Deity. My aim? To win.

Other games I have posted up here on the forums for you to see:

1. Immortal: Darius I - 1887 AD Space Race Victory. Score: 62,446. Time spent: 12 hours, 44 minutes.
2. Immortal: Boudica - 1798 AD Domination Victory. Score: 163,372. Time spent: 22 hours, 13 minutes.

I do not have enough games up here to start my own "bullpen" threads that I see around this forum, so I am just going to post them here.


Gandhi on Deity


Rounds Played:
Round 0: 4000 BC - Starting Position
Round 1: 4000 BC to 3200 BC (33 Turns) - Our Peninsula
Round 2: 3200 BC to 3000 BC (9 Turns) - Egypt's Rapid Expansion
Round 3: 3000 BC to 1800 BC (49 Turns) - Bombay and the Gold
Round 4: 1800 BC to 875 BC (38 Turns) - Limping Along
Round 5: 875 BC to 110 BC (42 Turns) - India's Two Scientists
Round 6: 110 BC to 250 AD (25 Turns) - The Liberalism Race
Round 7: 250 AD to 460 AD (15 Turns) - The Cottaging Spree
Round 8: 460 AD to 1090 AD (51 Turns) - You Have Discovered Steel!
Round 9: 1090 AD to 1320 AD (31 Turns) - Ramesses II Defeated
Round 10: 1320 AD to 1824 AD (139 Turns) - Arabia and India Race to the Stars!

I'm hoping that, because Thanksgiving and future holidays are coming up, that I will find more time to play and stay committed to this game.

Game settings:


I used a Continents map simply because it seems to be a standard map that most people play. Difficulty is deity of course, with 6 other opponents. One thing to note is that Random Events are off (and of course, Locked Modified Assets is not on). I chose Epic speed for this game in case I need to war extensively. I wouldn't want my army to get completely obsolete before it fights -- I don't think that's the point of Civ. Also, the game will last longer, making it seem more epic. :lol: If you want to shadow, you can always change the game speed via worldbuilder. Try zooming in really close and avoid looking at the minimap if you wish to use worldbuilder saves to change the game speeds. I welcome you to post shadow games in this thread as long as they are in spoiler tags, they display the date range, they warn of meeting leaders that I haven't met yet, and they warn of revealing any strategic resources that I have not discovered yet.

The start position, which is the first one I generated:


Just for your information, Gandhi is Philosophical and Spiritual. His starting techs are Mysticism and Mining. His unique unit is the Fast Worker which is exactly like the regular worker in all aspects except that it has 3 movement points instead of the normal 2. His unique building is the Mausoleum, which replaces the Jail and provides the same benefits along with 2 extra happiness.

Now for the starting position, I think it's pretty average to slightly above average. I have two animal husbandry resources which I need 2 techs for to take advantage of them (Hunting -> Animal Husbandry or Agriculture -> Animal Husbandry). The river here means that I can either farm or cottage this capital easily, although I think farming is probably the best early game. In my opinion, it's a no-brainer to start researching Hunting followed by Animal Husbandry. Hunting would be my first choice because it enables scouts if necessary, camps if necessary, and Archery, if necessary. I'm hoping that there's a strategic resource to the east of the settler, although if it's not horses, I probably won't utilize it early on (instead going to archery). Because the non-forest tile here is on a river, and this is a continents map, I believe that it is impossible to get copper on it. Therefore, horses or iron seem to be the likeliest possiblities. I like the Hunting -> Animal Husbandry route since it seems to be safe and provides me with the benefit of getting food from the pigs and cows and possibly horses. On the off chance that I happen to get a grain in one of the hidden tiles, I might change research to Agriculture -> Animal Husbandry although I doubt that will happen.

However, this means that my capital build can't be a worker first. A worker would be idle for quite a while with all these forests and food resources he can't improve. I can build any of the following in the capital: a warrior, a monument, Stonehenge, a worker, a settler, and a barracks. The only options that I would even consider as the very first build is a warrior or Stonehenge. A warrior would be nice in this situation for added exploration since there seems to be a lot of land surrounding me. However, Stonehenge can provide me with some early cash. Whatever the case, I will be working a 2:food: 1:hammers: forest for growing to size 2.

I hope to hear your thoughts. :)

Oh yes, and I'm moving the warrior on the hill with the pigs, just to see what all that water really is.


Yeah, settling in place seems likely. Hopefully this game will get finished. :)
ghandi is one of my fav leader and deity ridiculous, so I'm lookin forward on this one!
I'ld build the henge. It makes future expansion easier and it will provide you with an early prophet for settling of bulbing.

Do you mean build the henge as my starting build or later on? I'm only planning on building Stonehenge for a few turns to get cash and let the city grow. I don't want to complete it.

Yeah, settling in place seems likely. Hopefully this game will get finished. :)

Yeah. :crazyeye:

ghandi is one of my fav leader and deity ridiculous, so I'm lookin forward on this one!

Round 1: 4000 BC to 3200 BC (33 Turns) - Our Peninsula

Well, I played the turns. The start doesn't look as good as I had hoped it was but this is what I got so no complaints.

I moved the warrior over on the pigs hill to see what was over there. Hopefully it was a freshwater lake OR coastal with seafood. It happened to be neither. It was just plain old boring coast.

There was no reason to move my settler so I settled in place.


It looks like I have a second cow...going Animal Husbandry makes even more sense. I set research on Hunting. Note that Agriculture takes 6 turns longer to research than Hunting!


My first capital build was a warrior for exploration and fog busting purposes. Growth was set for 17 turns.


On turn 3 (3925 BC) I find ivory. Good.

On turn 4 (3900 BC) I meet Ramesses II (Spiritual/Industrious) and find his capital, and then a few turns later, his second city. Both are very close to me and to the ivory. Bad.


As my capital's borders expanded, I realized that it completely blocked off a peninsula...let's hope for something good there!


The hut popped for 52 gold, by the way. It was the only hut I got.

Once my capital grew to size 2 (It built a warrior and invested 6 hammers into Stonehenge for cash later), I began a Fast Worker.


My second warrior went north to explore the peninsula...and it's total junk!


Look at that! Not a single resource apart from that pig...and no fish! There better be some strategic resource there to make the peninsula worth settling. The only good thing is that I can fit 3 cities on here (for Globe Theatre and other National Wonder purposes) and that one unit can fogbust all the land tiles. My warrior up north defeats a barb archer and the north is safe from barbarians from this point forth.

Meanwhile, I met my second continent mate...Cyrus (Charismatic/Imperialistic). I don't trust him, although Ramesses II seems okay to me. I'd better check them up on reference tables. Cyrus' land is nowhere to be found.

After I finished Animal Husbandry, I did find horses, but in a horrible spot!


Ramesses II will easily take the horses before I can...enabling his war chariots. :cry:

Anyway, I ended the round at that point.

Current research choices:


I currently know Hunting, Animal Husbandry, Mysticism, and Mining.

The map:


Two city sites I am considering:


I corrected the northern city's bad placement by putting it up one replaces 3 deserts and a peak for at least 3 better tiles. As an alternative, my southern city could also be settled south 1 tile, close to Ramesses II.

Now what to do about this start? In my opinion, it's complete bullcrap because there's no outstanding Great Person city that I can see and a close neighbor might grab all the southern land before I can. The capital won't have that much surplus food (only +7 including the capital center) and seems better suited for cottaging or production. But I hate to cottage early on Deity difficulty. So what to do? My tech path next round will likely be Archery first, then (Wheel/Agriculture/Bronze Working) and after I get those three, Writing. I don't know what order I want Wheel/Agricuture/Bronze Working though.

As for cities, I'm hoping to found the gold city forst, then the city up north, and then a fourth further east or on the junk peninsula if I can't found a good fourth city east. I need to found the gold city first and quickly, or else Ramesses II will take the spot or culturally flip my city if I settle it late.

Oh yes, and Ramesses II and Cyrus are both pleased with each other so a war between them seems next to impossible. Neither Buddhism nor Hinduism has been founded by the two for any chances of negative diplomacy occurring.

I need your advice!

Some additional information that may be of use:

The attitudes such as "Defensive pact," "Open borders," etc. (anything on the second block of data for each leader) are attitudes at which trade will be REFUSED! Cyrus, for instance, will not have a defensive pact with me when I am Cautious, Annoyed, or Furious with him. I also like how none of my neighbors will decide to declare on me when they are Pleased with me. There is, though, one thing that confuses me...what is the difference between "Declar war" and "Declare war on X?"

The save:


Wow D, the resource RNG kind of boned you. Not like Deity isnt hard enough already, heh.

Could the "X" thing be concerning your ability to ask them to DoW on another AI? For example, Ramesses will DoW on you at cautious, and you can get him to DoW on Cyrus if he is cautious with him.
That's how I've always interpreted the declare on X thing as well, it's not exactly crystal clear. (Why not rename "X" to "AI" in the next edition if it is indeed the case?)
That's how I've always interpreted the declare on X thing as well, it's not exactly crystal clear. (Why not rename "X" to "AI" in the next edition if it is indeed the case?)

Well it could be a human if another AI is asking for help or there are multiple human players.

Ouch, bad luck on the land. I don't see why you want to delay bronze working though, expecially since you start with mining. I mean maybe archery first depending how scared you are of barbs (I have no idea when they start becoming serious on deity, but I'm sure its soon) but right after that why shouldn't you get BW? After the animal resources are pastured the rest of your BFC is forested, so your worker won't have much to do... plus just maybe you'll luck out and Ramesses will settle elsewhere, and you might be able to grab the horse/elephant site if you chop out a settler.
Well it could be a human if another AI is asking for help or there are multiple human players.

Ouch, bad luck on the land. I don't see why you want to delay bronze working though, expecially since you start with mining. I mean maybe archery first depending how scared you are of barbs (I have no idea when they start becoming serious on deity, but I'm sure its soon) but right after that why shouldn't you get BW? After the animal resources are pastured the rest of your BFC is forested, so your worker won't have much to do... plus just maybe you'll luck out and Ramesses will settle elsewhere, and you might be able to grab the horse/elephant site if you chop out a settler.

The reason I am delaying Bronze Working is because FOOD is what it's all about early game. Bronze Working doesn't let me get any extra food in my capital.

Barbs come in EARLY. A human typically has time to aim for AH or BW but NOT BOTH before archery is necessary (unless they have a strategic resource in their capital).

I am thinking of reseraching Bronze Working after Archery, though. Maybe.
The reason I am delaying Bronze Working is because FOOD is what it's all about early game. Bronze Working doesn't let me get any extra food in my capital.

Barbs come in EARLY. A human typically has time to aim for AH or BW but NOT BOTH before archery is necessary (unless they have a strategic resource in their capital).

I am thinking of reseraching Bronze Working after Archery, though. Maybe.

I understand that, but aside from your AH resources you won't be getting any more food until bronze working. Archery is fine and makes sense, but The Wheel won't get you any food (until later with Pottery and granaries) and Agriculture at best will only nab you +1 food, if that tile doesn't get overgrown. (strategic resource maybe?)
I'm enjoying following all the thought in this game :) Excited for its continuation!
if you could get a settler around fast enough i'd take a potshot at the spot NW of the horses
there aren't any food at the gold either :p ... and a city NW of horses does so Epgyt can't get war chariots from what you know about the map
I'd quickly explore the far east and settle there, that fp site there could be great. If there are more fp's than the ones in sight it 'll pay quickly for it self.
there aren't any food at the gold either :p ... and a city NW of horses does so Epgyt can't get war chariots from what you know about the map

Do you mean NE of the horses?

I'd quickly explore the far east and settle there, that fp site there could be great. If there are more fp's than the ones in sight it 'll pay quickly for it self.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I need a few more warriors out there.
NE of the horses could do as well ... then it'll also get Corn ... but the reasoning being me saying NW is that then you get 'Phants as well ... but hey ... i'm just a Monarch player so how should i know :)
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