As I mentioned before, I had a little shortage of siege weapons, so my army rested in P'yongyang (which had the dual effect of reducing the revolt percentage as well!) while cannons arrived through Cyrus' territory. Persia had more railroads than India.
Here is the rest of Korea. It's not much, but I do NOT want to keep Wang alive.
I finished Fission, hoping to use it as trade bait. Only Wang Kon (go figure) finished Fission before me. Unfortunately, trade opportunities were a bit lacking. Honestly, it probably would have been better if I had just researched straight to Industrialism rather than Fusion.
At least I was able to a Fission - Artillery trade with Salain (who, by the way, is an absolute beast this game). I decided that if I had a shortage of siege, I would just have more powerful siege instead. Artilleries are a nice jump from cannons.
On the other continent, Ethiopia was finally turning the tide of the war. This was the second war between Ethiopia and Zululand, the first of which was instigated before I made contact with them.
Here is a classic case of an AI overvaluing a resource. Thank you Zara for helping me increase the size of my cities!
Suddenly, out of nowhere, this appeared:
Okay, so I'm going to have to do something about Saladin. He could easily get a diplomatic victory since Zara and Shaka were both friendly at him at some point (and probably are). Even Cyrus is pleased with him!
As time went on, Saladin added more wonders to his arsenal. The Three Gorges Dam (a truly dangerous wonder if a powerful AI gets it in his hands) was built in Arabia, as well as Hollywood.
Seeing Saladin's huge advances, I hastily finished up my war.
I also finished Indistrialism. Unfortunately, it was a bit too late for tanks to help me out. I ended up building one tank (from Delhi, my Ironworks city), and that's it. Industrialism also revealed that I had a secure source of aluminum, so that was nothing to worry about.
With Industrialism "cleared," it was now time for Rocketry, which would enable me to build the Apollo Program.
Wang Kon's second-to-last city falls to India. The end is nearing for Korea. And if you've noticed, I upgraded some old cannons to artillery and riflemen to infantry.
I attempted to use this trade to get Flight in my hands, as well as have Zara incur a -1 diplomacy with Saladin, because Saladin happens to like Wang Kon.
Meanwhile, Rocketry was finished before 1700 AD (very similar to real life, right?) and I soon began the Apollo Program in Delhi. In all seriousness, though, I was quite proud at the date, as this is easily the earliest I've been able to start Apollo Program on a standard map.
Wang Kon's last city.
As Sisiutil would say, someone stick a fork in 'im becuase Wang Kon is done!
Unfortunately ...
Shaka vassaled to Saladin!

Saldin's just getting bigger and nastier with every turn. Will there be a way for India to stop him???
Stay tuned!
[To be continued in the next post]