DMOC's DEITY Game #1 - Gandhi

On my normal level (emperor) I would settle city 1 one tile north, then city 3, then 4. I would settle copper last, and in the meantime rely upon archers. I don't really know around which turn the AI goes for jungle spots, maybe city 4 should be settled before 3.
Keep it coming, us weenies are hanging on your every word....

I'd settle your next city where you'd planned to. Yes, you'll need culture say a monument and library early, but isn't that going to be a commerce city anyway ? main reason to settle elsewhere would be fear of pacal ? - can't comment on this but I'd usually get my butt kicked rather than actually have the city flip...(on monarch where I play). or is pacal creative ?

Pacal is not on this continent. The 3 AI's are Ramesses II, Wang Kon, and Cyrus. None are creative.

The city I'm planning on founding will eventually become a commerce city. In the early game I plan on whipping this city for some production (there's a 6:food: tile there :goodjob:).

DMOC ... i think the spot 1e or 1ne he is talking about is 1e or 1ne of cityspot 1 AND place a city where your settler are atm (or 1n)

If that's the case, I don't want to found a city 1ne of where I plan on founding my next city, because of lack of food.

1ne will lose the corn obviously(yes, I meant from your current planned position), but it's also flippable from the 2nd pop of his city on. That itself wouldn't make me give up a corn either, but it'll also induce - border tension early, before you manage to sweeten him up. This might be a marathon habbit, but diff. religion and border tension would guarantee me a declaration before lib.

Mind you, even if cyrus can be a competent warmonger contrary to the other 2, all 3 have same warmonger respect, so normally they start pleased with each other. Ok, they're each the founder of their own religion, but still... won't take much to become worse enemy of one of them since they're naturally pleased with each other and probably already obed with each other and from here relations between them will only go up. Also, the other continent is all budhist, which doesn't help either.

And again, I'm not 100% sure the river is worth the short term drain(at least the southern part, the northern floodplains sure are). Especially with the lack of food.

All 3 AI's have a warmonger respect of 0 so they don't get any hidden positive modifiers with anyone for that reason.

The other continent will be a lovefest, I know (Hinduism). I'm hoping an aggressive AI is over there to cause strife.

Well, a city 1ne would have a difficult time flipping the corn from Cyrus's city of Tarsus. Although I understand the point about border tensions early on.

On my normal level (emperor) I would settle city 1 one tile north, then city 3, then 4. I would settle copper last, and in the meantime rely upon archers. I don't really know around which turn the AI goes for jungle spots, maybe city 4 should be settled before 3.

The only reason I'm holding off on settling 1 north is that the irrigated corn is in the first ring of culture tiles from my proposed city spot. This means faster growth and whipping of cultural buildings (although I do need Medit/Poly/Priest)


In the meantime, everyone, I am thinking about moving city 4 1 tile north so it's not too close to Cyrus. The downside is no resources and jungle.
As long as he have equal or more borderpops than cyrus' city he'll control the corn tile... Pissing off cyrus might be a problem, but controling the corn tile will probably not be.
The city I'm planning on founding will eventually become a commerce city. In the early game I plan on whipping this city for some production (there's a 6 tile there
If thats the tile you want, you'll need to settle next to it then surely .....
As long as he have equal or more borderpops than cyrus' city he'll control the corn tile... Pissing off cyrus might be a problem, but controling the corn tile will probably not be.

The key here will be getting that first border pop quickly to gain the cultural bonus. That's what the corn is for, to help grow the city to size 2 to whip its monument. Of course I need to get my fast worker to the site ASAP.

I'm praying that Confucianism will spread to that city so Cyrus will demand I switch to his religion. That's easy diplomatic points plus a 10 turn peace treaty.

If thats the tile you want, you'll need to settle next to it then surely .....

Yes, I want that 6:food: irrigated corn. It's the best land tile early in the game assuming a standard map (which doesn't have corn on a floodplained grassland tile, etc.)!
DMOC, in my opinion you have two paths to take if you want to keep research up and have enough early land to have a chance at winning this thing. the first option is to aggresively settle those spots further out, then hopefully grab the rest of the land behind you. This plan is quite risky though as firstly, those sites will take a while to get up and running and might not contain all optimum squares due to cultural pressure. And secondly, in order to keep research up at an optimal level you will probably have to convert delhi bombay into commerce cities by cottaging rather than production which is what i think they are more suited to. This is why i would advocate that you instead settle quickly sites two and three, maybe build one or two riverside cottages in delhi on those forested tiles, the chop going towards a unit or a settler. Then you could use delhi, the copper site and bombay to pump out some units whilst the other city can help your tech rate somewhat with some cottages. The reason i would go with this is that 1) despite being backward this may well be the most technologically equal you get to your opponents for quite some time as they will streak away from you soon. 2) no matter how aggresively you settle you wont have enough land to get a strong foothold in this game. 3) we all know that a captured capital is WAY better than any city you could settle yourself.
Interesting points, I will say my responses.

I believe that my path to victory here is to expand as much as possible on good city sites and then rebound my economy with cottages and later science specialists once I ever research writing. My future plans are to get Aesthetics for trade bait while my first Great Scientist gets settled in the capital for the additional 6:science:.

I will probably cottage Bombay but definitely not Delhi. I need Delhi to be my GP farm since 1) no other city seems good for this and 2) capital will get an extra population point happiness beacuse of the palace happiness and 3) it isn't culturally threatened as of the moment.

Don't worry, I'll try and get cities 2 and 3 settled ASAP, but I'll need to be sure I can still research Writing at some point.

I am not planning on making any units at all, just enough for 1 unit per city, but are you advocating an early war vs. Ramesses? My plan was to forget about that (I know I never mentioned it in the last round, sorry) but I could war with him...but I don't want to because I need to develop the land I have and consolidate cultural borders and generate research as well.

My very very very future plans are to get drafted rifles and kill Ramesses. A very simple plan, I know, but that's the time where my cities will be well-established.

Thank you for your comments! Please keep the discussion going! And should I try and have an early war here or not?
Listen, I don't play near your level, but from what i've seen, it's damn hard. This means that in my opinion, with a less than ideal start, you're gonna have to do something really drastic in order to win. If you keep up with all this conventional peaceful settling 5 cities is enough till rifling stuff you're probly gonna get way behind everyone and by declaring on one civ then, you'll probably leave that civ, and yourself earlier on. Peaceful teching is what the AI's love, thats why this is your only window to use your two human advantages, beelining and AI warfare stupidity while you still have them. Do i think you'll beat rameses and win? probably not. But i know there's no chance if you don't give something a shot! take a chance, if you lose reroll just remember, never play the odds when the odds are against you!

Have you made a decision on the gold/corn city yet?

It's very tempting to do this. The visible modifier "our close borderes spark tensions" isn't such a problem as you keep at cautious with Cyrus, may have to leave judaism though.

There are 2 other risks as pointed out by DanF:

- The fact that you share borders means you're more likely to get chosen as the victim in case Cyrus intends to declare on someone, no idea unfortunately how much this increases the chance he'll declare on you. Could be significant, or almost neglible.

- If your settling there slows/halts Cyrus's expansion this'll also increase chances he declares on anyone. There is a factor in the coding dependent on units maintenance/total maintenance. The higher it is the more chance the ai declares.This factor is very relevant. Tested it myself and it kicks in hard. Gilg is such a nasty bastard because of the early Ziggurats which bring down total maintenance. But Cyrus'll have jungle to settle so maybe no problem.

I'm not sure what i'd do. An alternative is settle the next city somewhere else 1N of the phants for instance (not exactly sure on the location right now) which is a good site that can be cottaged quickly. Keep a settler posted near Corn/gold. Once Cyrus is pleased with you settle the site with Corn in first ring. It's not sure that Cyrus'll settle his next city there too since he's got corn there already. I don't know by heart how much + modifier Cyrus needs to get to pleased with you +2 could well be enough for this leader.

@bobbyboy29, Humans can bulb much better than ais, also small empires tech faster initially than big ones. Seeing Ramesses is our neighbour the chances of a successful rifle/cannon push are good. The position is far from hopeless imo. This is a fairly normal start to a deity game.
As long as he have equal or more borderpops than cyrus' city he'll control the corn tile... Pissing off cyrus might be a problem, but controling the corn tile will probably not be.

fully agree.

But again, reaching writing in a timely fashion is needed.

Humans can bulb much better than ais, also small empires tech faster initially than big ones. Seeing Ramesses is our neighbour the chances of a successful rifle/cannon push are good. The position is far from hopeless imo. This is a fairly normal start to a deity game.

and the empire just stops being small with this drive SE. That river is essentially a long term investment, since short term, it has 0 food sources around it(except that odd spice eventually caught by a filler.
Man, so many options about my third city. :crazyeye:

I have taken in all of your suggestions (I read every single response I get here) and am trying to figure out what would be the optimal gameplay. I am still convinced that settling the gold and corn city where I originally wanted it is best. The way I see it...Cyrus could get annoyed with Wang anytime soon once their negative modifiers with religion get higher. Also, founding the gold/corn city blocks the north pretty well (the relevant part of it). There's a chance Cyrus has more room to expand (he only has about 5 cities at the moment, I believe).

If you're wondering, I'm loosely following a Snaaty-style opening (grow capital, go worker-settler-worker-settler, etc) then build Library in capital and beeline Aesthetics. He posted a great thread on his guide as well. I think this game goes well with his strategy because there is plenty of room for cities in the east, plus Gandhi is philosophical which means getting necessary Great Scientists are easier (for Philosophy and Education).

I certainly will be switching out of Judaism next round. I just want to wait until Bombay's borders expand first before switching out so I get the extra culture bonus earlier.
Aaarrrgh! Bad news! I have two exams coming up after the following weekend. Since Friday is my designated civ-playing time of the week, I may have to spend that time studying instead. :mad:

I admire your discipline. :)
When's your exam, DMOC? My last is on Monday so I feel your pain :P
Round 4: 1800 BC to 875 BC (38 Turns)

Moving on here. And just to let you know -- I've survived up to this point. :goodjob: That's a start.

Anyway, I implemented some of the advice you all made. I switched Bombay to produce a Fast Worker, for instance, instead of a barracks. I initially built a barracks early on as I wanted to a) raise my power rating and b) not suffer the unit upkeep cost of the Fast Worker (I'll abbreviate it F.W. from now on). But at this point, a F.W. would prove invaluable in roading my cities, laying down farms, chopping, and so on.


Now here's the big question -- where did I found my third city? In the end....


I went with my original decision. I already talked extensively in this thread about how I believed this was the optimal location. A monument was started ASAP and...look! A F.W. was right there to farm the soon to be 6:food: corn! This is why having lots of workers, or in this case, F.W.'s, are so important. Also, around this time, I switched out of my religion of Judaism into No state religion. I couldn't afford to have any negatives with Cyrus at this point of the game. And, as you'll see, this turned out to be the right decision.

Now, I finished Agriculture the following turn, and I had a choice of Pottery or Writing. This was a tough choice for me. I know I said I would go Pottery first, but in the end, I realized that Writing had to come first. I desperately needed research, and that research would come more easily with Great Scientists and specialists. The sooner those came, the better. And, I figured, once I started employing some science specialists, that, in turn, would speed up future research. And Gandhi's philosophical, not financial, so why not play to his strengths?

So Writing it was.


Looks like Cyrus built the Temple of Artemis. Good, that will delay his city expansion.


Speaking of which, look at Cyrus's capital! Talk about unbalanced...


Two riverside gold resources, irrigated corn, forests...! Why couldn't I get his start?!? :mad: There's actually a second spice hidden in the eastern forest once my warrior explored there! The only good news from this screenshot is that Wang's borders are right next to the Persian capital.

Meanwhile, in the city of Vijayanagara (maybe I should rename these cities?), the corn tile helped the city beat Tarsus to size 2, so it was time to crack the whip. I made an anarchy-free switch to Slavery, and...


The monument will be done next turn. And look! Cyrus is actually sending a Confucian missionary to me. Awesome! This will:

1. Spread Confucianism to Vijayanagara
2. Add an extra culture point to the city (remember, I'm in "No state religion")
3. Increase the odds of Cyrus making a demand, which I will cave in and get easy diplomatic points
4. Give the city more culture building options.
5. Waste several of Cyrus's hammers to my benefit.

What an idiot.... And also, if you look carefully at the last screenshot, Cyrus is already pleased with me! The +1 from both peace and open borders was all it took.

I wasn't done expanding, of course.


Settling this city before the production one I had in mind seemed to be best. The ivory was another bonus to this, increasing my happy cap.



Cyrus managed to sneak a city there! Maybe it would have been best to put another blocking city there. Then again, I don't have Iron Working so much of the city would be useless to me anyway.

Bactra probably wouldn't be a cultural threat to me anytime soon because my nearby city had a border pop. I beat all three of Cyrus's surrounding cities in getting a border pop! Now those tiles that were just claimed be me get a hidden bonus culture. :goodjob:


I still wasn't done expanding. Keep in mind that I was still researching writing at this point.


I was actually in a hurry to get this city out. Cyrus had a settler along with some swordsmen ready to found a city at or near the location in 3-4 turns. Good thing I beat them. Cyrus actually sent that settler further south. Apparently, he's given up trying to find an additional city location there.



That took way too long. I selected Pottery as my next technology, and began a library in Vijayanagara instantly (for the extra culture and the option of running scientists). I also switched Pataliputra from building a barracks to a library. My capital, Delhi, was one turn away from another F.W. so I let the city finish its build. I would then build a library there next turn.

And then on turn 119 (1025 BC)...someone went into WHEOOHRN mode...





Wang Kon! And guess what? He was cautious towards Ramesses II (and me as well) but annoyed towards Cyrus! :goodjob: You can tell that he's in WHEOOHRN because the B.U.G. mod shows a red fist to Wang Kon's right on the scoreboard.

And Wang better have a large army, because Cyrus already has longbows!


On the last turn of the round, I finished Pottery. Yes, I researched 2 technologies this round, not counting Agriculture. Next up -- Aesthetics. I'm hoping that I'll be the first on my continent to get the technology, and that someone else will research Alphabet (can you believe it that no AI on this continent has Alphabet yet?).

That ends the main part of this round. A state of the world post (from Sisiutil's idea) will follow.
State of the World - Round 4

Let's start by giving an overview of each of my 5 cities.



I am currently running 2 scientists here, and will get my Great Scientist in 13 turns. I'm torn on what to do with him. I certainly don't want to bulb (the best tech I will get is probably Mathematics or Alphabet at this point), which leaves 2 options: Settling, or an academy.

Also, the F.W. here is roading the cow. I'm planning on giving that spare cow to Egypt in exchange for a sugar resource for happiness (which means Ramesses II must have the Calendar technology).



Yes, I'm finally growing it. :mischief: A F.W. is chopping the forest next to the oasis to help speed up construction of the library and will be done in 5 more turns. I'm hoping that this city can also keep working two scientists.



It's currently working a library, but there's very few hammers invested so I could switch to another build (say a granary?). The thing is, I want this to be an early production city but I don't want to build troops because that will just result in unit upkeep. And besides, an extra 5 axemen won't help against a deity stack of doom at this point. A F.W. is chopping the forest NE of the city center and will be done next turn (so if I want to switch builds, I'd better do it awfully soon).



Another library! I'm planning on a 2-citizen whip of the building. I also want this city to generate scientists. It could also be cottaged, but I think farming is more important at this stage of the game. A worker is farming the floodplain NW of the city center and will be done in 4 more turns.



I already mentioned that a library is needed here for multiple reasons. The library will actually be done in 2 turns due to the 2 worker chops which will be turn! This city can also run scientists.

Military advisor:




Map with resources:


Map without resources:


AI Info:



Additional information
  • Wang Kon has 8 cities.
  • Cyrus and Ramesses II have 7 cities.
  • First Great Scientist is coming in 13 turns.
  • No one has Alphabet on this continent.
  • Espionage points are being targeted at Ramesses II and I will soon be able to gain visibility in his research.
  • Culture wars in Vijayanagara are going well. The monument and extra religions in the city are helping, and a library will be done next turn as well. The corn tile is still at 90% my cuture and has remained that way for the past few turns.
  • I'm planning on building another settler and/or F.W. after the capital finishes a Granary (or at least until it grows to its happy cap.

So now let's talk about a plan...

I'm researching Aesthetics, purely for trade fodder at this point. There's no other technology that really stands up to Aesthetics in that regard. Diplomacy is looking okay, although it will be complicated somewhat if or when Cyrus and Wang are at war (they might ask me to join). The economy is virtually non-existent, but I'm gearing up scientists, so wish me luck. :crazyeye: Maybe I'll even put down a few cottages next round.

And what should I do with my Great Scientist? I'm anticipating founding a sixth city up in the north of my capital to get the other pig so that will cause the slider to be even lower.

As always, please express your opinions! :goodjob:

The save:


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