Round 4: 1025 BC to 65 BC (51 Turns)
Well, let's move on.
JBossch mentioned that Mao would take the dyes city from me, and unfortunately, that was right.
Don't worry, we'll take care of Mao someday.
I whipped a library in Vienne so it could produce some Great Scientists.
Along the way, Mao asked me to cancel deals with Sitting Bull. I oblige, as Mao is close to me and I have no idea where Sitting Bull is. Plus, half the civs here are annoyed with SB.
I finished Masonry, and then went for Mathematics, which would take a little under 20 turns due to my improved economy.
Sitting Bull is the only AI who had Mathematics at that time, and he was still the only AI to have it when I finished the tech (SB would later go and research Metal Casting afterwards).
I ran 2 scientists in Vienne to earn my first Great Scientist in 25 turns.
I finally got horses and started to crank out a chariot for barb defense. I later got iron and produced mostly Gallic Warriors for my military.
My scout exploring Mao's territory met the last AI -
Gilgamesh (Creative/Protective). Okay, this made me REALLY mad. This is the foruth protective leader in this map, and Gilgamesh happens to be the BEST "protective" AI because he has the creative trait which pretty much automatically makes an AI a great land grabber and thus, more powerful (though Hatshepsut might be an exception to this rule). It turns out Gilgamesh is the founder of Hinduism, and far, far away from me.
Darius built his third city on top of a hill, with a sword guarding it.
I decided to convert to Judaism, as my neighbors were Jewish.
Mao and Saladin became pleased, and soon I begged Polytheism from Mao and he gave it to me.
My chariot got some action.
Barbarians this round were actually a boon. I managed to get this one chariot to 9 XP so it can become Combat 3, and barbarians also reduced Darius' power graph by 20-ish percent even though Darius built the great wall! Here's why:
Darius decided he wanted that barb city on a hill in a desert in a crappy location. And it was guarded by 5 archers. Um, okay...I positioned my troops to prepare to take the city after his attack. Lo and behold, Darius lost every single one of those troops during his failed attack. Nice going. I couldn't take the city since all the archers got promoted as a result. This is yet another reason why barbs were so helpful.
Before that failed barb attack, I got Mathematics on the same turn Pacal built the Temple of Artemis.
I then researched Construction for catapults.
Pacal demanded Mathematics, and I gave it to him. His power is double mine.
I finally got my first Great Scientist who went to Bibracte for an academy. That shot up my beaker count from 44 to 50 if I recall correctly.
Construction was completed, and I researched Currency to increse my GNP. Here was the tech situation at the time. Pacal has founded Confucianism so he has Code of Laws.
A few turns later, Pacal founds Christianity.
I finally garnered enough swords (Gallic Warriors) to raze the nearest barb city. It was defended by two archers.
The reason it was defended by two archers was that I sent a warrior on one of the hills near the city and two archers came out of the city trying to chase the warrior, meaning that only two archers were left, and my Gallic Warriors entered the city outflanking those two archers chasing my warriors. AND the warrior also ran to the safety of 2 gallic warriors which easily disposed of them, giving them both 4 or 5 XP total. This is why the barbs were so helpful this round.

You can see those two stupid barb archers on the very bottom of the last screenshot.
Here's the blow-by-blow.
My first Gallic Warrior attacked with 98.3% odds. If you're wondering how he got to CRII already, and you guessed barbarians, you're right!
My second Gallic warrior attacked at 86.7% odds, and the city was razed. That was easy, and it left room for me to found city #5 (Camulodunum), a destined production city.
I then finished Currency and ended the round at that point. Oh yeah, Mao completed the Great Lighthouse, like that matters.
[To be continued in next post]