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Do you like simular music to your parents?

farting bob

ThEy MaDe Me Do iT.
Oct 21, 2002
UK (sussex)
When your parents were younger and listened to more music, what sort of stuff did they like? and do you listen to simular styles of music?
My dad used to like rock music in the 70's. led zepplin, black sabbath and practically every other heavy metal band around at the time. Now i listen to heavymetal, and indeed, i own many albums he used to have.
Is this common, particularly with people who had parents in they're teens/twenties in the 1960's and later, when popular music really became more varied.
I think its more that the 50 ish year olds lived i an era of cool music.. so chances are we pick up on it aswell.

My dads very cool- he keeps up with current music.
My mum, didnt used to then amazed me by asking for albums like... shiv, i cant remeber it.. that band with all hairy fat people in.. UK residents sould know.. erm... anyway, AH The Magic Numbers! thats it....
To some degree yes but for the most part no.
I don't mind my parents music, I just am not very musical myself. Music is fine and dandy I guess, but I really get no buzz that other people seem to get from it.
Yer, but thats mainly because the era my dad grew up in is imo the best era of music to date.
As I grow older I tend to like some of the music my parents like - most of it is classical music, but some Klezmer as well. The popular music they listened to when they were young is not really my kind of music - I guess that's mainly because they were born in 1936 and 1941 - so most of it is 50's stuff, which is too far away from my generation to be really appealing...
My parents don't listen to music, but I listen to it a lot. I listen to almost all forms of music native/foreign.
I grew up listening to and loving my father's 50s/60s rock music, but I abhor my mother's southern gospel music. I have a broad taste in music, most of which my parents don't share. My mom just winces when I listen to Perry Como.
Yes, we are fans of classical music.
Fallen Angel Lord said:
Yes, because most of current music sucks. They need to find something else to sing about nowdays except love, sex, and drugs.
But what else did music from bygone years sing about?
BCLG100 said:
But what else did music from bygone years sing about?
just th love and sex mainly i think. of course it was really watered down so you couldnt actually tell what they were on about unless you listened to it about 400 times.
Hell no. I like 80-early ninties Pop-Punk(Ramones), Hardcore Punk(Minor Threat), and Rock. Some modern scremo and death metal, not too much though.
Fallen Angel Lord said:
Yes, because most of current music sucks. They need to find something else to sing about nowdays except love, sex, and drugs.
farting bob said:
just th love and sex mainly i think. of course it was really watered down so you couldnt actually tell what they were on about unless you listened to it about 400 times.
quite a lot of it wasnt watered down at all. just think there was more implied meanings in the songs back then rather than the outright saying of it we have today.
Not really... the musics my parent, especially my mom likes change over the years. So im in a different stage from them as i like Classiacal and jazz, whereelse they like oldies... and even chinese opera... :S
Not particularly, although there are a couple of bands my dad likes that I do too (Zeppelin and Sabbath, but that's about it, I'm not really a huge classic rock fan). But I do seem to listen to a lot of the same music my brother used to (he's in his mid 30s now), which probably influenced me a bit (being played Deicide when you're 8 can do funny things to your brain:mischief: )

My taste in music almost purely consists of metal and faster metal, mainly a lot of Swedish/Finnish stuff, as well as a lot of thrash.
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