• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Dominion NES

Orders sent.

(Am I first?)
Wow that was fast.
I really don't have much else to do.
(That's why I'm in 6 NES's.)
If you build a wizard can you have that wizard search for sites or research that turn?
If you trade a resource then do both groups get the benefits of the resource? (example: ceramics, would both groups get the 5 gold bonus and +1 stability?)
If you build a wizard can you have that wizard search for sites or research that turn?
No. The rule is the same for all actions: Units can't do anything the turn they are built, except defend.
If you trade a resource then do both groups get the benefits of the resource? (example: ceramics, would both groups get the 5 gold bonus and +1 stability?)
I'm expecting orders for sunday. If you have any questions before the update, please ask soon for I'll be unavailable from Friday evening to Sunday noon (Western Europe time).
Mictlan would be open to foreigners with sailing technology willing to trade.
How far are we allowed to trade? Just with neighboring countries? If so then I think you can only trade with Lanka right now.
You can trade with countries with which you have a land border.
You can trade with countries if either of the trade partners has access to Sails tech and both partners have sea access. The "harbour" provinces must be no more than 2 sea provinces apart (for instance province 12 can trade by sea with province 28 but not with 25).
I updated the rules post with that bit of information.
For instance for Mictlan (34), land trade is possible with (35) only, while sea trade can be done with -map wrapping east/west- 1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11,12,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,27,28,29,30,32,33,35,36,37,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,49,51,52.
Otherwise said, almost every sea province except the northernmost (7,8,14) and those near gulfs (6,15,25,26) or far away (31,38).
before you go away can you please specify what orders you need/have as a means of confirming orders received?
Actually, I'll be staying here all week-end because I must stay near the hospital in case my daughter has a fit :(. The good news is you can pester me during all the week-end :).
I still need orders for Ulm and Abysia.
I'm afraid merciary is definitely out since he hasn't shown any sign of life for 2 weeks. I won't wait for him and am NPC'ing for the moment.
Sorry to hear that... :(
How old is your little one?
She's ten. She had problems breathing today at school - pain in the diaphragm, trouble breathing, dizziness, spasms... Doctors say it's probably benign but we prefer to stay near the hospital in case she's struck with that again.
That sucks. Hope she gets better!
Oh, yuck... I'll be prayin' for her, man.

Anyway, sorry about the late hour, but I've been denied decent Internet access for a while. I hope to gete orders in tonight, because if I don't I have no clue when they'd get in.
Two quick notes before the update:
1) Orders:
I still need Abysia and Ulm's orders. I won't play the turn for them for the moment, and will wait a bit since orange told us he's got internet access problems.
If I don't get news by Tuesday, I'll post the update. If I get orders during the week, I'll accept them but I'll refuse any orders that contradict what will have been posted in the update (so no invading a province taken by someone else -C'tis comes to mind-, although neutral provinces remain fair game).

2) Battles:
There will be pictures about (at least) three battles which happened during this update.
These are based on Dominions screenshot but don't try to infer too much information from them:
-The numbers shown don't reflect the actual number of units (I have a base number for one unit but I sometimes multiply that by a certain amount if I need it in order to allow for proper troop placement). So if you see a huge army while yours looked small, it doesn't mean your army is much smaller than the one shown. Information about numbers in an army must be obtained by scouting, and the images will mislead you if you try to guess an army size.
-The quality of the troops can't be inferred from the images either. Although I use Dom, I mod it, so if you look at the images and try to infer that it's this unit so it's got that kind of stats, you'll be wrong sometimes, as I may change images and/or stats, both by pure mischief and to reflect the effects of players' orders.
So, just look at them as illustrations, don't try to deduce detailed military information from these pictures.
Third story, takes place during the 2nd update.
Spoiler :
Kyzarc looked exhausted from years of travel. Long past Seul, Kyzarc entered the Island kingdom of Shinuyama more than 2 years ago with no luck, Kathnesjac seemed to have just disappeared. He bowed his head wearily and prepared to enter yet another dirty little town with dirty little houses and dirty little goblins… He wonders why he even bothers; it’ll just be another failed hope… The despair was almost crushing him when he felt a slight buzzing in his pocket, Stheran again. What’ll it be this time? He pulled a small book out of his pocket and glanced at the ornate script that appeared before his eyes. “Kathnesjac spotted. Not in the north. Immigrant from Man Ch’i spotted him. Return immediat.” Kyzarc quickly scrawled into the book “returning now, it’ll take a few months” and Kyzarc chartered the fastest boat he could find. Within two months he was back in Arshnoc and he rushed for the palace.
Some guards tried to stop him and Kyzarc threw them aside like paper. “Stheran! It’s me!” He shouted as he ran through the palace, getting thoroughly lost. Stheran stood up suddenly and said loudly “Kyzarc!” badly startling the advisors. Stheran rushed from the room, yelling at the top of his lungs “Kyzarc! Kyzarc, where are you?”
“Here!!!” and Kyzarc tackled Stheran from behind, bringing him to the floor. Stheran had Kyzarc in a pin within a minute. “Truce?”
“Truce. Come, I’ll give you the grand tour.” Stheran helped Kyzarc up and they began wandering around. “Here’s the map room, here’s the chapel, here’s the bedroom suite, here’s the dining room…” and they wandered around for the rest of the afternoon. Occasionally a flunky would run up with papers but they would be waved away.
During dinner they got back to business. “So you say that Kathnesjac was spotted by a tourist? Is he still around?”
Stheran sighed. “He left a month ago, with a handsome sum of money, but we have a written transcript.” He turned around. “JOHNSON! Fetch the transcript of what that immigrant said!” A tired looking adviser looked up “Milord, my names not Johnson, its Lu Chi.” and he walked off to fetch the transcript.
“Thank you Johnson, you may leave now.” Stheran handed Kyzarc a sheet of paper, “Johnson” walked away grumbling. “The immigrant met Kathnesjac on the 7th of Guavens in an inn called the Dancing Bear, a popular tavern in J’dar. Kathnesjac was extremely drunk and told him that he was on the run from his two evil brothers but he had managed to shake his pursuit. He was heading to Pythium and would soon be free. ”
“He was drunk? How much did he drink?” Kyzarc cut in.
“The local apple brandy is 90 proof.” Stheran responded.
“Really? Could we get some?” Kyzarc asked hopefully
“Kyzarc, focus” Stheran said severely.
“When they departed J’dar the next day Kathnesjac headed out west, heading towards Pythium. Preparations have been made; I can get you to our border with Tien Ch’i. From there on you’re in unknown territory without backup. Be careful, you’re our only chance to get Kathnesjac back.” Stheran finished.
“Don’t worry Stheran, I’ve survived so far. I’ll leave first thing in the morning.” Kyzarc got up and went to his bedroom.
Stheran stood on a balcony overlooking the main thoroughfare, watching Kyzarc make his way through the early morning crowds. “Farewell Kyzarc, please return soon” he whispered to himself before turning back towards the palace.
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