• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Dominion NES

Yeah, sorry for the orders being so late- my grandfather was rushed to the hospital this weekend and incidentally I have had little time to spend on the computer. Good news is he is just diabetic (we did not know this) and going into hypoglycaemic shock, bad news is he is diabetic and went into hypoglyceamic shock. I'll be sending in my orders within the hour.
Looks like it was hospital-week-end... I hope he'll get better. My daughter's fine, by the way.
Update's mostly completed. I'll upload the new map and update text within 12 hours, and send detailed e-mails afterwards.
A few things: There'll be four battles with some pictures.
Some people now have close neighbours.
Note: Players will be receiving detailed stats by e-mail.

Wars of expansion

The southern continent knew several years of war almost everywhere, as kingdoms are being built:

Lanka invaded Bandar Log. Monkeys invaded monkeys, and their curious faith is spreading in the southeastern jungles.

Mictlan conquered the Jaguars Jungle south of its capital.
The armies of Mictlan were overwhelming. Lots of slave soldiers invaded the jungle.
Soon, the jaguar tribes realised their neighbours came intent on conquest, as a few villages were enslaved by the huge army. Some tribesmen tried to fight some skirmishes, but they realised that wouldn't stop Mictlan, so they regrouped and prepared for battle.
When the fight took place, Mictlan's sacred eagle warriors flew upon their enemies, taking them by surprise, and slaughtering them in fits of berserk rage so fast that the rest of the army hardly participated in the victory.
Spoiler :

The mighty Mictlanese army attacking Jaguar Jungle warriors

Eagle warriors defeating the enemy

The Mictlanese immediately took control of the province and its riches, and started enslaving population, sending some of them back to Mictlan. However, the proud jaguar tribes didn't like being turned into slaves, and many of them fled southwards into the jungles of Machaka, where they are now warning the locals against Mictlan.

C'tis expanded westward into a burning desert. However, plague broke out on the great river banks, as stinking marshes were uncovered by the wizard-god and he tapped them for power. Many died there, but Sslaah of C'tis apparently believes their death will only make him stronger.

Abysia also decided to expand. They sent an army of heavily armed lavamen and human hybrids into Nubia, the country upriver of C'tis, where they quickly defeated their opponents.
Spoiler :

Nubian warriors are no match against the powerful Abysians.

However, it is clear that C'tisians and Abysians are on less than friendly terms. A C'tisian ambassador was sent back home with a clear and deadly message from the lavamen. C'tsi ruler Sslaah says that even the Abysians know that he's a true immortal god, and he made a speech in his capital, telling all of his people that soon Abysians would see the truth, realise they worship no real god, and that they would soon become part of his flock. Or else...

In the north, things have been less warlike, but not entirely peaceful either:

In the west, the country of Marignon has revealed itself to the world by conquering the lands of Marverni, west of Ermor. Marignon is ruled by "Archmage Hocus, The Sacred Flame, Real Heir of the One, He Who Sees Through Illusions". His priests are fanatics, and led his armies into Marverni, forcing people to adopt his new faith. Ermorian people are scared of this new, aggressive, neighbour, but Hocus hasn't proferred any threat... yet.
Meanwhile, Ermorian cult spreads east into Slavia, where Pythian Celes is also regarded as a god. Many Slavians pretend that worshipping the Ermorian emperor brought them good luck, but some unbelievers say that this luck has mostly been due to the unexpected deaths of some of the lucky ones' competitors.

Meanwhile, in Pythium proper, there are tales of a boy who reportedly found a magic book in an old temple. Details are scarce. It seems the boy found a book and performed feats of magic. Word spread immediately, but Celes's priests promptly covered the story and little is known about boy, book and temple, only rumours.

In Ulm, a great tournament was held, with knights jousting and footmen practising all kinds of martial demonstrations under the auspices of the priests of the Monolith. The fair and market surrounding it drew lots of money to Ulm's treasury.

In the northeast, Arshnoc armies invaded Seul.
Spoiler :

A vast host of footmen and cavalry was fielded by both sides

Seul's right wing routed but their left wing threw javelins at Arshnoc's right wing despite the opponent's arrows rain.

Arshnoc's right wing cavalry broke, and the infantry had to advance to meet their opponent, backed with their archers.

Seul's cavalry ran away, and the stronger archers of Arshnoc, along with their remaining cavalry, helped turn the tide of the battle.

This victory of Arshnoc was celebrated by Shinuyama merchants, who, thanks to an open borders agreement, sailed to Seul and started trading with the Arshnoc people.
This certainly helped Arshnoc troops take control of the land, as the inhabitants realised they might become wealthier under Arshnoc's rule than they had been before.

Shinuyama set up a navy to invade the northern island called Jomon. They tried to obtain the reddition of the local bakemono sorcerer-king, but he refused to yield and brought up an army of human bandits and kappa to fight the invaders. Shinuyama elite troops, armored and using deadly swords, cut through their enemies with ease, but the bakemono light infantry showed poor morale and fled the battlefield as the enemy sorcerer shot magical fire at them. The bigger bakemonos, both the armored ones and the huge O-bakemonos, slaughtered the bandits and caused the enemy sorcerer to flee, not to be seen again.
Spoiler :

Shinuyama bakemono defeat their opponents under a rain of fire.

New map:
Spoiler :

OK, so please tell me what you think of the update.
In particular, I would like to know if you think the images should or should not be spoilered.
e-mails with details are being sent right now.
My poor cavalry...
My poor cavalry...
Well, half of them fled, but the other half remained and fought to the end. You didn't suffer many losses.

By the way, losses are always healed entirely by the next update if you pay the upkeep for your units. (Upkeeps are high but there's an upside). There may be exceptions in case of some dark magics, and if a unit is totally annihilated of course you'll have to rebuild it from scratch.
I love it and am waiting to see how the whole C'tis-Abysia rivalry plays out! Now to read the rest of the update...
Its good Ldi, but i am not sure exactly where some of the action is taking place. Could you put some sort of crossed swords icon on your maps to indicate the battles?

Quick question: can i start trading on the turn i learn sailing?

Nice update ^_^ Images definitely should be spoilered.
Wish I hadn't lost that light inf division, but oh well.
I'll try to add some crossed swords, good idea.
You can start trading when you have learnt sailing, so there's a one-turn delay.

T_F, your light infantry wasn't lost. It fled but since you won he battle, you were able to retrieve them afterwards.
Right now there have been very few actual units killed, except on the losers' sides.
(In fact, the update has been silent about the fight where something like losing a unit actually happened...)
I added some crossed swords, pictures and text on the update map. Note I didn't put them on the ownership map linked in the first page so you have one purely political map (first page link) and one map with the update events (update page).
that sounds perfect- thank you.
Orders sent.
Orders sent.
One more request:

Do you think you could update post #3 when you have time and your daughter is well Ldi? I'm sure that you decided to proceed without many of the races/people listed in that post and some people have been NPCed so it would be nice to see the nations' statuses.

One more request:

Do you think you could update post #3 when you have time and your daughter is well Ldi? I'm sure that you decided to proceed without many of the races/people listed in that post and some people have been NPCed so it would be nice to see the nations' statuses.

Done. 10char
One question, how many people can we trade same resources to? And if you have 2 of the same resources, how can that effect you?
You can trade a resource to as many people as you want.
Having one or two of a resource changes nothing. You either have it, or you don't, so resources beyond the first are useless.
Can we use stories to cause evil events in other lands?
No. 10 char. If you do, you know what will happen ;)
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