Don Deity: Warlords 2.08, huge random continents map, epic speed


Oct 1, 2006
Ok now, so this will be the second game I’m going to describe here in stories and tales. Unlike the first one (which I already had played up to 1000 AD before deciding to write about), I haven’t started this game, so the outcome of this one will be very interesting, thanks to difficulty level :crazyeye:.I think we have a wide variety of possibilities left open (ranging from getting massacred aroud 1000 BC by one of our neighbours up to loosing via space race around 1750 AD…) and I think one way or the other, it will provide an interesting tale of how to get defeated…

As you can see from the title, I have really decided to give it a shot at deity level. Having said this, only open question that remains before letting loose Don Deity is, which civilisation and leader we might use for this task. No matter which civilisation it will be in the end, I have a feeling that they will have lots of fun with Don Deity (which might involve his golden whip and the fact, that he really will care a LOT for his fellow citizens :D…) Concerning overall strategy, I tend to give futurehermit´s transition economy (first mainly farms, later cottages) a shot.


The civilisations and leaders I think would be suited best for this task (being whipped for about 5000 years or so):

Germans with Frederick:

Organized and philosophical are maybe the strongest combination available in warlords.

Philosophical greatly helps in competing in the lib race via bulbing and beefs up early research thanks to a very early academy you can build. Organized reduces upkeep, which is a killer on deity. But maybe even more important is the fact that you can whip/chop out courthouses at half price, which reduces upkeep even more. Their unique building (assembly plant), which replaces the factory, is also very good, cheap to build and gives an amazing bonus to productivity.

I have quite good experience with Frederick on standard sized maps, so Freddy is always a good option (but I would prefer to play a leader I haven’t played before).


Carthage with Hannibal:

Charismatic and financial are a strong combo for early game.

Charismatic allows your initial cities to grow two more population (when you build a monument) and financial helps in early game fund raising very much if you build 3-5 cottages at strat. locations.

Their unique building is maybe the best in the game (Cothon, replaces harbour and gives one extra trade route) but requires to have costal cities. I have played some archipelago games (isolationist games) with Hannibal and think he also might be able to compete on a continent map when you start costal and have the possibility to build at lest 4-5 costal cities (which might be a gamble…)


England with Elisabeth:

Financial and philosophical is a solid combination, but their unique building is kind of useless for me, since I normally run a very high science rate ant the gold bonus only applies on gold income.

A mayor thing in their favour might be their special unit, but warlords redcoats are only slightly better then riflemen. But the fact that they can be drafted still might make them quite interesting (and I have never played as English so far)


Russia with Catherin:

Creative and financial are also a solid combo for early game, since Creative gives you a fair chance to block of more land from the AI´s thanks to the fast cultural expansion. Sadly, their unique building comes to late to be of any use…

But their special unit, the Cossack, which replaces Cavalry, is brutal. And since my normal strategy involves a Cavalry rush anyways, playing Russia would be maybe the strongest choice (but then again, I haven’t played them before, because I think the Cossack is overpowered)


Again I’m happy for any feedback, suggestions, tips and hints before I start (and I promise that I will jump right away in the game/story with my next post)

See you soon

With all the other civs in the game and your diplomatic wizardry I think that cothon might be the way to go. If you manage the GL that makes quite a few trade routes. As you showed in a previous post trade routes can bring in the cash.
Hi Snaaty,
Excellent news, I long to see Don Deity in action.

Another vote for Hannibal. I hardly see him in the forums and would like to see him in action (and the cothon). But, IMO he's quite map dependant and you did'nt say anything about the map type (or did I miss something ?)
One of the two girls are OK also. And the nerfed Cossack is not as powerful as before, but still awesome. Especially if you beeline MilTrad (and I mean hard beeline).

Regarding strategy, you're the boss, especially on Deity. I can harbly win on monarch so do'nt count on me for advice.

Thanks for the quick feedback...

...and here are some quick answers:


huge random continents map (see title)... ...IF I would spy the map ahead (and therefore could make sure to have some decent costal locations) I would go for Hannibal...

IF I don´t do so, then I also tend to go for one of the girls, because Hannibal is simply to risky then, right now I´m favouring Elisabeth if I would play a REAL random map since I never have played the English so far...


On a side note:

Like on earth map, I will again try to go domination, although my personal favorite is peaceful space race, but domination simply allows a more interesting story... ...but that basically only means that we are very likely to get extinct while going for domination on paper:lol:

huge random continents map (see title)...

:blush: :blush: :blush:

That was just to show that I never ever read titles.
Lizzie would be great, but domination win just shouts for cossacks.
But everybody knows them...

Another question : Will you be playing the German version or the English one ?
And another : Will you post the screenshots on Imageshack or photobucket ?
(you've got to read between the lines here)
OK, when everybody knows Cossacks, then I think we have to do without them... ...what means that Elisabeth seems to be the price winner (I decided against Hannibal... ...don´t want to spy on the map and without it, it would be too much of a gamble...)

Well, since I seem to play the English this time, I think I will have to use the English version of course, to increase our overall chances a little:lol:


What´s better???

Imageshack or photobucket???

Have never used one of those, but will have to... DB space left in the forum thanks to the persian emperor...
I'm looking forward to see how you do this. Have you tried any practice games to see how quickly things happen?
Good luck with your attempt, I'm sure you'll need it on this level.
@ mrchadt:

Played two quick games up to around 500 BC, with handpicked agressive neighbours, to see how big the chances of ealry invasion are... ...they seem to be quite smaller then on standard sized maps, thanks to WAY more expansion area...

Also wanted to see about the tech-pace and expansion possibilities (how many cities I can found without beeing broke...) on these settings


Everything goes VERY slow, due to the massive amount of troops and cities the average AI is having...


But, now that we have sorted out all settings, let´s jump in the story right away:goodjob:
Chapter 1:
Years of peace, love and harmony…

A bar… …somewhere strange… …somewhere VERY strange…


“Hey, Don Deity what are you doing here?”

“Well, having a drink, don’t you see?”

“Yes, of course I see, but you seem to be completely lost in thoughts…”

“Well... ...yes... ...actually you are right… …have you ever had strange thoughts and urges?

“If you mean those two ladies over there, I can understand…”

“NO, not these thoughts… …more like umh, how to say this… …more like founding a civilisation-thoughts…”

“WHAT??? Are you crazy? Why do you think you should actually found a civilisation???”

“Well, you know, we are deities anyway… …so I think I basically COULD do it… …but then again, I would miss several decades of work I think… …I even have considered to be a “part-time civilisation founder” you know…”

“I think you are crasy…”


Two days later, same bar:


“Hey Don Deity, I have to make a confession to you… …there was a time, when I also had the urge to found a civilisation…”

“And what did you do about it? What did you do about it and how long did it take, until you felt better? You know, I’m feeling very lousy right now with this pressing urge…”

“Well, actually I FOUNDED a civilisation…”

“Holy sh**!!! You founded a civilisation!!! Why haven’t you told anybody about it?”

“Umh, I sort of felt ashamed… …it isn’t very common these days for us deities to actually found a civilisation.”

“But you would give me some tips, if I go on and found my own civilisation, would you?”

“Of course I would… …I even have written down the story of my civilisation… …you can find it here:


See you Soon

And so it began...

After Don Deity had made some arrangements with his boss, he was finally allowed to found his own civilisation during 18:30-20:30 from Monday to Friday, except on Wednesday, if it was the first Wednesday of a month and on bank holidays. The weekends of course had to be spared completely, because of family issues (Don Deity later would pretend to his worshippers, that Gods don’t work the weekends… …that was by the way the reason, how weekends where invented in the beginning…).


After looking around for a while, Don Deity finally found a planet that he liked. It was inhabited by 11 minor tribes and one of them was quite what he imagined his civilisation to be. They called themselves “English”. Communication with them was quite difficult in the beginning, because they didn’t understand his fixed schedule and had no idea of bank holidays (and calendars btw), but after he had turned most of those who dared to ask or to complain into stone (and had the rest of them decorate his new palace with the nice statues) what remained of his tribe was quite eager to do as he told. One of the downsides of this development was, that the most educated people all ended up as statues, and so the knowledge of his little tribe was reduced to only two technologies: mining and fishing …

Don Deity now had maybe one of the nicest looking palaces (he even had his worshippers built a second floor to get in all the statues), but thanks to his more or less uncontrolled “do as I tell you NOW or I turn you into stone attitude” (maybe he simply liked statues very much) his little tribe had fallen way behind in size, power, population and technology, right in the beginning, compared to all the other tribes. So the English only had enough people left to settle one city and to send out one group of warriors, while all other tribes had enough people to support two settlers, two groups of workers, 4 archers and two scouts. Additionally, all the others had these technologies right from the start:

The Wheel


When Don Deity wanted to have a closer look at the world his new civilisation was living upon, he suddenly had to find out, that he only could see clearly the region inhabited or scouted by his worshippers, the rest of the planet faded out to grey in his mind, so he made a mental checklist of all that he remembered and thought to be important:

Huge planet with continents
Normal see level & climate
His tribe: English
Special abilities of his tribe: financial and philosophical (Elisabeth)
Special building of his tribe: stock exchange (replaces bank, + 15% gold)
Special unit of his tribe: redcoat (riflemen, +25% against gunpowder units, can be drafted… …which is great)
Starting technologies of his tribe: mining & fishing
The rest he didn’t remember, so we just refer to it as “RANDOM”


The Start:


Don Deity was quite pleased with what he saw. Although the English seemed to be a tribe living quite far down south in this world (indicated by the snow covered forests, the presence of a whale and the ice that could be seen across the ocean) he deemed it to be a fairly good place to settle down. Nearby in the oceans were two crabs, two fish and a whale (for later use). The landscape contained lots of forests to be chopped down to beef up early production. They even would be able to settle on a plain hill, if they would decide to settle in place, which would help greatly in defence and production (one additional hammer and +25% defence). One forest would be lost when settling in place, but Don Deity didn’t care much about that… …who wanted to chop down forests, when whipping worshippers had about the same effect…

But back to our observation business:

Three more hills nearby would make any city founded on this spot not only very rich in food, but also decent in production (not great, but at least decent). The nearby river delta would provide any city founded near with sweat water (additional health) and, once the river benches would be cleared of the forests, nice cottages could be build there (each having an income of 3 gold peaces right from the start… …and decorated with some nice statues they even would look good).

And, last but not least, the initial spot would be costal, which would be quite good for early trade once a harbour would be built (and, decorated with nice statues all over, the place could even attract some tourists).


On the other hand, moving inland would provide cheaper upkeep for later cities thanks to lower distance, very likely result in a bigger empire because of the better chances to block off more territory from the other civilisations and would greatly help in early scouting (and perhaps it would even reveal some more nice places that could be decorated with statues…)

No matter where he would have his people settle in the end, there was still this thing with the small tribe settling nearby. This might be a good sign. First thing to do would be to send the warriors there to make contact. Perhaps they would help his people to catch up again by teaching them a new technology or gifting them some money (or simply kill the warriors first, then the rest of the tribe named English)...


I’m happy for any feedback, suggestions, tips and hints concerning this game...


If you want to play along or ahead feel free to pick any save you like. Only thing you REALLY should do is to use spoiler tags for anything AHEAD of the actual story


See you Soon



  • Snaaty BC-4000.CivWarlordsSave
    176.3 KB · Views: 439
I would settle in place. Starting with Fishing, you can build workboats right away, and Crabs are 3 commerce for Financial. You also won't need a worker right away, so you can go straight to BW. Good luck!

I concur, no point in moving around (especially on Deity I would guess).
Settle before you pop the hut, although a tech is extremely unlikely (I would even say impossible).

Regarding the story : excellent ! Loved the way you managed to explain the level, this bodes very well.
4 stars for now, the fifth will come later ;)
A bar… …somewhere strange… …somewhere VERY strange…


“One beer please… …ah, hey Don Deity, how are you doing?”

“Oh, much better today… …and I have also very good news: (whispers) I have finally founded my own civilisation”

“You really have? That’s great… …what’s your civilisation like?”

“Mainly small and unimportant… they call themselves English… …I would have preferred a more realistic name… like people of Snaatburg perhaps, or even better, Snaatburgers… …and I think I have to get my temper under control… …I have found out that killing my worshippers somehow slows overall development…”

“You really should do that… …your worshippers, or better, call them citizens, they will like that, are your only source of power on this world. I think you already have found out that your all seeing deity eye quite fails there, haven’t you?”

“Yea, I have, why is this so?”

“Well, since you would use your deity power to provide your citizen with huge advantages over all the other civilisations, one of the unwritten rules of universe is that once a deity adopts a civilisation, he can only act and see through them on their world.”

“But how comes, that I can turn them to stone?”

“You shouldn’t do that”

“Yea, I know, but the question is, HOW can I turn them to stone if my powers don’t work on their world now?”

“I have now idea… …another beer?”

“Yes please… …ah, and before I forget (and/or am to drunk), I have a question: When you look at the starting location of my worshipp… umh, I mean citizens, would you settle in place or would you try to find a settling location more inland?”

“I always would move inland. A great capital is nice, but more important is grabbing enough land, even more when all the other civilisation have that much advantages over yours in this early stage of your world. When you move inland, you can normally block of enough land to expand peacefully in the beginning. Always remember you need to have at least 8 or 9 cities on such a huge world (better build 9, to be sure) to build certain buildings (like Globe Theatre for example)…”

“But I don’t want to expand peacefully… …I want to burn, pillage and plunder all the other civilisations right from the start.”

“How do you want to do that in this early stage of your quest? Do you want to conquer the world with one warrior? You have to make friends first, to grow and prosper. Killing should come later. And here are two more things to remember:

You should research towards pottery immediately, to be able to build some cottages. Without early cottages you will never be able to keep up in early-game research with the other civilisations. Next should be bronze working to reveal bronze and to chop down some forests for additional production. If you have bronze nearby, head directly for writing and alphabet (squeeze in Mysticism in time to help your new cities to get culture via Monuments), if not take a detour and go for Animal Husbandry to check for horses. If you have neither bronze nor horses go for archery before you go for writing. You will need better units then warriors to defend yourself against the barbarians inhabiting your world…

The first thing to produce in your capital should be a worker. Next a warrior (grow capital to 2 or 3, the bigger the better), then one more worker, and finally an axe, chariot or archer (whatever you can build, but build at least 2 decent defenders while growing to happy cap). Once you have done that, you can go settler spamming until all important resources are captured and enough land is blocked off. But try not to build more then 4-5 cities in the beginning or you will run broke. Of course this build order is optimised for moving inland, so IF you REALLY want to settle in place, which would mean starting costal, squeeze in some workboats…”


See you Soon

A bar… …somewhere strange… …somewhere VERY strange…

"Hello there, Don Deity. Mind if I join you for a beer?"

"Why it's friend lilnev! By all means, please sit. I'm surprised to see you here."

"Well, it's true that I am only an immortal and have not yet ascended to godhood. But I told the bouncer I was meeting a friend, and he let me in.

I couldn't help but to overhear your previous conversation, and I thought I might offer my thoughts. You see, I too have dabbled in the management of primitive civilizations. In fact I'd call it a bit of a hobby."

"Of course, of course, what are your thoughts about my poor English?"

"Their first need is for food; without an abundance, they will not multiply to fill the land. There are but four types: the food that swims beneath the waves, that which grows from the earth, that which walks on four legs, and the fertile plains where great rivers have overflown their banks. Now your English are quite adept at catching the swimming food, and there is truly an abundance where they now stand. If they were to quest inland, they would need to locate another type of food. They are not skilled in the cultivation of crops, but it is not difficult in concept -- I expect they could learn that task by the time the hardy workers were ready to begin labor. But the husbandry of beasts is a harder task, and I'm afraid your English are not well prepared. They must first learn to either grow grain or to track and catch wild game. I fear that if they settled in a place where the principle food was of the four-legged type, your empire would grow slowly indeed. As for the fertile banks of great rivers, they would truly be an exceptional find. However, such locations seem to rarely occur in close proximity to the sea ice visible yonder. Thus, if they are to quest inland, their search for abundant food must be of greatest importance, and the satisfaction of that quest is not assured. If they build at their present locale, there is no such concern.

Further, consider that your English are Financially minded. Long days on the crab boats will give them ample time to dream up new inventions. Why, I bet if they cultivated all of that swimming food, your English would dream up new inventions in less than half the time it would take them with more terrestrial nourishment. Perhaps some good uses for that reddish-brown metal that might hopefully be nearby? And even if it isn't, the knowledge would allow you to turn the less fortunate among them into useful things, like additional workboats or settlers. Instead of, um, statues. They are very fine looking statues, I don't doubt, but I would humbly suggest that there are more productive uses for your "excess population".

A city on the coast is also easier to defend against those tribeless barbarians who may assault you, and a fishing fleet cannot be burned in the way that fields and pastures can."

"Indeed, friend lilnev, the things you say are true, and I have no doubt that the English capital could thrive and grow quite quickly on this southern shore. But I am concerned about the future. I wish to reserve for my tribe sufficient lands for their continued expansion, and to do so I must guard against encroachment by the other peoples of this world."

"That is a valid point, Don Deity, and one that you must consider carefully. Do keep in mind that you have chosen a huge planet, and in such cases there is usually enough land to secure several cities for yourself before you must resort to force. But as you say, an inland capital may permit you to live in harmony with the other tribes for a longer time, if that is your intent.

If the English were my civilization, I know that I would tell them to build where they are, to grow numerous and inventive on the riches of the sea, and to study the chopping of trees, the construction of axes, and the forced conscription of labor. But they are not my civilization, so you must make the choice, Don Deity. And I am but an immortal; my attempts to bring forth civilations on such a savage planet as you have chosen have all ended in utter failure. Perhaps you possess a greater or subtler wisdom than mine. Whichever course you choose for your English, I wish you luck, and I am eager to hear the tale."

This is brilliant Lilnev... ...keep it comming... good news for you might be, that Don Deity already took your advice and settled in place:D

Next story post is already finished, I just have to get the pictures ready, and adapt the story a little to your conversation, but shouldn´t take to long, maybe this evening
After carefully considering his friends advice, Don Deity decided to ignore it completely... …and had the first city of the English founded right on the spot. He knew that he shouldn’t have listened to the immortal, who called himself Lilnev, popping up at the bar, but what should he do, what immortal Lil said made all sense to him…

Not much later, it turned out, that Don Deity hadn’t given the English any direct orders concerning the city name… …which resulted in more statues and a city with the strange name of “London”.

Had Don Deity already known at that stage of his civilisation founding process that there was a paradise like city location with 2 goldmines, silk, several floodplains and some sheep only a short journey away, direction inlands, he would probably have given his left arm (OK, very likely the left arms of some of his worsh… umh, citizens) to have a chance to start over, this time moving inlands, but that’s the way live goes, even for deities…

But nevertheless, as immortal Lil had pointed out, with the financial trait of the English, the sea resource near London would give them at least 3 gold pieces every turn. This can’t be compared to a gold mine of course, left alone two, but with 4 sea resources, this could at lest sum up to a total of 12 gold pieces per turn, once London would have grown.

This is what London, the capital of the English, looked like in 2620 BC:


As you can see in the picture above, a source of bronze was discovered near London. This might be the brown stuff immortal Lil was talking about… …so even if he would never ever admit it in public, Don Deity was quite happy for immortal Lil´s council. Maybe he will show up some more times at the bar to share his wisdom?

Since this was quite obviously very good news, Don Deity made some extra beautiful statues to celebrate it and, as soon as the next Workboat in London would be finished, Don Deity would be able to build axes to raise an army.

Seeing this, Don Deity even hoped for other civilisations to settle close to his first city… …let them come… …he would teach his citizen the art of war and burn, pillage and plunder every nation who dared to come close (at least this was his plan at that early stage of his civilisation… …and BEFORE he met any neighbours an therefore had no power graph to measure his strength). But on the other side, if he was really honest to himself, he also had to admit, that his friend might be right about his temper. Maybe he really should try to keep his temper better under control.


What reminds us of the small tribe that had been settling nearby London:

Before settling London, Don Deity had sent out his small band of warriors as intended, to visit them, with the high hope that they would gift something very useful (like bronze working or 1.000 gold peaces). After the small tribe had presented the more or less useless technology of sailing to Don Deity, guess what… …yes, he had them all added to his palace decorations and had their small village destroyed by a lightning (which, when I remember the conversation with Don Deity and his friend more or less right, physically shouldn’t have been possible at all… …so maybe it was just a funny coincidence, involving a BIG natural thunderstorm, after all… …but, nevertheless, Don Deity surely will go on pretending that it was HIS doing forever, because destroying a minor (and by the way very friendly) tribe settling nearby with a lightning is something quite cool, isn’t it?)


And it really turned out, that the news of Don Deity running around and lightninging down whole villages or more or less everything he came across, must have spread to the other neutral villages nearby… so the next village Don Deity’s warriors came across was eager to present Don Deity all their gold (56 gold peaces) and the third village even provided the essential technology of bronze working. You can imagine that Don Deity was very pleased with this development.


A downside of settling in place Don Deity came across was the fact that he had to come up with a building order of his own. So this is what the production of London turned out to be in the end:

1. Worker
2. Workboat
3. Workboat
4. Worker
5. Warrior
6. Workboat

Thanks to the nice neutral villages, Don Deity’s early research was:

Sailing (hut)
The Wheel
Bronze working (hut)

While London was more or less prospering and mainly busy with building workboats, the small band of warriors the English referred to as ”army” was very busy with scouting the nearest surroundings of London. While doing so, 3 other civilisations were encountered, which called themselves (in order of appearance):

Celts, with Brennus as leader (Bren)
Greece, with Alexander as leader (Alex)
India, with Asoka (Ash)


Since they were all running around with lots of scouts and archers (and NOW he had a power graph to compare…), Don Deity decided that his initial plan of burn, pillage and plunder really was… …well… …not so good... So he decided to go turtle mode ASAP and to use his small band of warriors as first fogbusting squad. If he remembered right, his friend and immortal Lil had both warned him about a heavy barbarian onslaught that could start any minute now.

As you can see in the next pictures, the nearest surroundings of London looked fairly promising, with some food resources spread all around and a decent share of rivers and some grassland tiles. Two big mountain ranges and a desert in the north were a little bit of a setback, but two gold resources and some floodplains more then made up for it (this region was referred to as “super city site” earlier).

Northeast regions (with the “super city site” marked in red):


Southwest regions (with absolutely nothing marked…):


The southwest and southeast seemed to be a little barren, with mainly tundra and ice, but two silver resources in the southwest were also something.

Although Don Deity still felt a little sad about missing the “super city site” for his capital, he was sort of pessimistically optimistic (or the other way around, I don’t remember exactly…) when looking at his tiny empire… …but still there were so some open questions, that went spinning around in his head… …like where he should build his second city… …or how many axes he would need to put up some minimum defences…


I’m happy for any feedback, suggestions, tips and hints concerning this game...


If you want to play along or ahead feel free to pick any save you like. Only thing you REALLY should do is to use spoiler tags for anything AHEAD of the actual story.

mrchadt will provide the saves for this game from now on (my DB-space is gone…), thanks in advance.

@ mrchadt: Please post 2620 BC save, thanks


See you Soon

Hi Snaaty.
Good update and nice capital. Don't forget : hindsight is 20/20.
Thanks also to Lilnev for his contribution to the story.

Regarding the uploads : man, you should definitely use Imageshack or photobucket. It would make an easier read for us and you could keep your DB space for the saves that way.

Keep it coming.
OK, a good start. Too bad, moving inland would have worked out extraordinarily well; but it couldn't be known, and I felt like the guaranteed strong coastal start was better than the gamble.

Definitely settle the red dot, and do it quickly. Right after this third boat is done and London grows to size 4, build (and maybe chop) the settler. I'd probably whip a granary, overflow into an axe, then another settler after that. Third city ... I'm looking at the plains hill two north of the fogbusting warrior, perhaps, though we've only got partial info on it. You'll want to reserve both Deer for the Silver city, but that's probably the fourth city, maybe even fifth.

Mysticism needs to come soon for 2nd city's monument. Are you planning farms or cottages for those flood plains? AH would be nice, as Pig is a very strong tile, e.g. regrowing from whipping. Especially if the third city is aimed at those Cows as well. And then.... Alphabet? Monarchy doesn't seem too pressing, with both Gold and Silver available. Or straight to Construction, if you're feeling too hemmed in and want to start chucking rocks. I don't have a good feel for how fast you'll run out of space....

@ Izipo:

I think I like those thubnail immages...


@ lilnev:

I also tend to go for the happy resources (gold/sivler) pretty soon, but bevore doing this, I think two or three axes should be in place... never now, and it would be an extremely short story when Don Deity gets slaughtered by barbs around 2000 BC:lol:


meet you all in the bar;)
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