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Double Your Pleasure

Originally posted by hbdragon88
It says "Last edited by chieftess" so it was chieftess that edited out the link in your post - whatever that was.
It sure does. I missed that.
It was still unwarranted and insulting, though.
I'm interested in starting the DyP mod but I'm not sure how to get started. On the site I viewed pages of information (except for units and improvements) and the tech tree layout. :eek: That's a lot of techs.

I've just finished two chieftain games where I researched (and traded) heavily, and all I got was near the end of the industrial/start of the modern ages. They were standard sized maps, 8 rivals. From the looks of the tech tree, there are at least twice the techs there...how would I manage to advance through the whole tree?
Well, I really don't know how far the censorship reaches here, but this post a couple of pages back contains a reference to a forum with some info you might find helpful. Now, if I can't post that then CFC is in deep **** (sorry, couldn't resist ;) ).
Also would there be more of a bigger lag with all the new techs/improvements/wonders/units? I'm trying to play gotm17 but the lag is killing me at 25 sec in the BC era.
I don't think so. The lag is AFAIK related to the number of civs, units and cities in your game
So, either there's a double standard or chieftess doesn't monitor this thread as much as she does with the whole of the forum (after all, there are a lot of boards to mod)

Kal-el posted a link to the DyP forums - was that your link?
The mods sometimes get a little happy with the "advertising" thing. See this discussion in Site Feedback: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=46116 ; after reading over that thread and the forum rules (http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumRules.shtml) -- you may want to PM Chieftess and discuss that edit.

And, to stay on topic ;) I've been moving along quite nicely with game #2 and this mod is really starting to grow on me. I made my standard map modification (deleted huge because my comp can't handle it and replaced it with crowded -- large map with all 24 civs) and it seems to work as well as in the standard game. I'm compiling a list of bugs/observations that I'll post at some point, although I'd like to see if they are relevant to the new version first. I suppose I have to go register at CDG and sign up as a tester to do that though...
The link in the post mentioned above is to a DyP forum. The one that was censored is to a thread in one of the DyP forums, explaining how to sign up as a tester.
I was using v1.04 dyp when i noticed those bugs that i said earlier... and that 2 turn bug thing i am pretty confident there is a problem with it as i got it 2 times today when there were resynch messages!! Thanks for your time o ya can you tell me where i can registesr as a dyp tester too! thank you!
And incidentally, if you register as a tester now, you'll be able to get your hands on the brand spanking new beta-versions of 1.10x (for PtW) or 1.00r (for regular Civ3).

I'm starting to sound like a used car salesman, right? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by RobO

Not quite. You didn't mention all the benefits, nor the neglible cost ;)

Oh, phew - you're right. I'm glad that I'm not quite doing sales talk yet. Was starting to get a bit worried :)
O ya i was just wondering where you can get the new versions of DyP once you are a tester :-D it would be great if someone could direct me id love to test it out... o ya i was also wondering if the new mods work on v1.14f or just v1.21f
sorry to be so much of a bother!

but thanks for helping me out quite a bit especially robo :)
...to the mod developers.

Somebody stated a few pages gave a couple of suggestions about range units and camel riders.

Since i got the mod i hardly come back to normal rules of civ3. So i've detected a lack of scientific wonders in ancient times(as far as i know the only one is the great library) and an abundance of them in industrial ages.

Maybe it's beacuse the science was not so common in the dawn of times and the genius of invention came up with the industrialization.

But even so, i would love to see at least one more ancient scientific wonder. I don't know if it could be found, but as i love scientific civilizations... well, they are very outmatched by religious civs.

Think of Egyptians, building pyramids gets it's golden age. Iroquois and Arabs gets so with the colossus. And that's really easy to do so. Chinese with it's great wall, though no religious, get a huge advantage.

I'm mostly peaceful, that's why i play scientific. I even sometimes don't even build military units early on. So only as the greek i've been able to get a military golden age.

Any chances on thinking on more ancient scientific wonders?

Keep civilized (and doubling your pleasure)

you could make the Hanging Gardens scientific, that way Babylon would get its GA by building that.
I really like this mod. But why does the Monastary give 50% science output?

For me a monastary sounds Religious. And Religion has almost always stood in the way for science.
Originally posted by Grey Fox
I really like this mod. But why does the Monastary give 50% science output?

For me a monastary sounds Religious. And Religion has almost always stood in the way for science.

in the medieval age a monastary was the only place science were kept alive
Originally posted by Grey Fox
I really like this mod. But why does the Monastary give 50% science output?

For me a monastary sounds Religious. And Religion has almost always stood in the way for science.
Well, Kal-el made that decision but it makes a lot of sense to me. In the middle ages, monasteries were centers of science, not just religuous in nature. They had schools - probably close to a monopoly on that.
Originally posted by Grey Fox
I really like this mod. But why does the Monastary give 50% science output?

For me a monastary sounds Religious. And Religion has almost always stood in the way for science.

What?!? Better check your history. According to everything I've understood, religion has brought about some of the greatest scientific advancements in history. Now if you mean that religion and science sometimes don't get along, then I could understand your thought. Nevertheless, religion and religious people have clearly been innovative developers of science, education, and philosophy. Just wanted you to rethink that objection.
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