• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Double Your Pleasure

Kal El I know that my post will be lost somewhere, but I have to say that I LOVE YOUR WORK, THANKS A LOT !!

Kal-El, I have been playing your mod for the better part of a year now, and I can't imagine myself ever going back to retail Civ3/PTW - without the DyP mod.

The "fun factor" really is at least double, in comparison.
Just wanted you guys to know that all the small, little changes that most people don't even notice I appreciate very much. All the time while playing, I ask myself "hmm, I wonder why they made this the way it is...", and eventually I get it, and say "Wow, that's genius!"

You've turned Civ3 into a game that is much more dynamic, and realistic, not to mention fun! And with all the time I'm getting out of your mod, I must say thank you very much.

Going back to regular Civ3/PTW... Bah!! What a joke that would be...
DyP was the first Mod I played. I love it as much as Fantasy Empires!

The only queries I have is that Buildings/Wonders don't all appear in City View, but that's not really a Major Problem. Hell, its almost not even a problem.
Also, in Standard Civ 3 games I'm researching Gun Powder around the correct Historical Time. However, I'm nowhere near that when I play this. But it does ensure a fun and long game. I have to congradtulate you on this greatly.
It's been a very long time since I've visited here, so sorry if this has already been covered, but...

I installed 1.05 and I'm having trouble with the smiley heads. With the celts I get a content citizen who looks like a scientist. Well, I didn't want the default graphics anyways so I installed the 'mood badges' (to easier see who was happy/content, etc). That doesn't work. I can copy and paste the file into the art/smallheads folder manually, but then in the city view I see nothing (no citizen).

How can I get around this? Is there a way so that the DyP scenario doesn't try looking for all those new citizens that were added to the popheads.pcx file (all those citizens that were added down by the taxmen/scientists, which I don't want, the default citizens are fine by me)?
The problem is that the program looks for European heads by the absolute number of icon it is in the file (e.g. icon #20) instead of simply looking at the relative number based on the column (e.g. column #2, icon #1). So European heads are all messed up and there's really nothing that can be done about it :( I believe in the next proposed test version, all the extra DyP citizens will be removed (some converted into city "improvements") so one of the smiley head mods for the standard game will work fine.
Ah, thank you pdescobar! I didn't realize there was new degrees of scientists/taxmen, etc. I was wondering why all these new heads were there for :wallbash: . I'll just delete those then.

Edit: Just tried it and it works fine now!
Kal-el+other DYP team members, do you remember the scenario i showed you? I might be able to finish it soon, might.:)
Hi, don't know if I am supposed to post "bugs" here, but using the newest version for PTW I was able to build the Tribe, Barbarian Raider, and Barbarian Rider from the start of the game.

They didn't really unbalance things, but every civ was able to build them, and it only took 1 turn so I thought it might have been a bug.

Using 1.05x ?? The Tribe isn't marked as being available to any civ, and the Barbarians are marked to only be available to the Barbarian Civ, so that should not be possible at all.

Were you using any special settings or a Map, or have you changed anything in the BIX?
To: Kal-el, Isak, & RobO

Not sure if you guys monitor the General Discussion forum, but I stumbled upon a thread about DyP there asking what people's thoughts are on it and whether they play DyP or standard rules.
Originally posted by Hakeem-RJ
Hi there! sorry to stop posting the past few days, it was carnival here in brazil and i traveled with my gf!
my friend said that the siam guy is almost finished, just wanted to ask if 10 mb is too big!

also i got a question, about the game. has anyone ever had 40 minutes beetwen turns???? i got it today, and wasn't nice... i guess huge map with 24 civs shouldn't be an option...
40 minutes man!

well thanks!

Whats the latest word, Hakeem? I am eagerly anticipating a preview.
Great job on fixing the problem with civs avoiding Weaving. Adding more resources to that tech sure worked wonders. The AI get that tech very quickly from what I've seen so far. Adding multiple resources must have a cumulating effect for the AI to decide whether or not to go for a tech.
First of all, thank you very much for all your work Kal-El.:love:
I have a simple question does your mod works with EU english v1.14f

Thanks for the reply

Keep up the good work for the sake of our beloved community :D
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