• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
choxorn: The picture's updated.
e350tb: I'm lovin' it.

As of this posting, John Corcoran is now the president of the Law Council of Australia. But Ray is nothing, if not committed to the bitter end.
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XD at Chinese Tank general :p
Maybe he'll have better luck in the next adventure. :p
What's next in the constant parade of interruptions brought to you by Stylesrj? How in the world am I going to continue with my comic with all these plot twists!?!

Oh my god, imageshack has been hacked!!!! All I see are these freeking hacked images!

More details in the DYOS council thread.
Imageshack appears to be working again, so heres my continued invasion of Australia.

Might also wanna have Sir Topem Hat also say "You've been a naughty hacker who hacked into imageshack" ;). But thats a suggestion :)
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Okay, what's going on with the Images? Some are back, some aren't, and some are just red x's.

Don't tell me we have to re-upload a bunch of stuff... :scared:
Yeah, they're all back now.

But CG's right, someone needs to make a comic being pissed at the haxor. ;)
Actually, they're not all back, as looking back earlier in the thread, I still see some red x's of pictures uploaded to ImageShack by me, Thorvald, or CG, and every single one of e350's comics are red x'd, but there's mysteriously less x's than when I checked yesterday. :crazyeye:

I also notice that Stylesrj has changed avatars. Brace for the impact when he posts a comic about that.
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I'm waiting for CivGeneral or someone to post what happens next with the whole gem thing.
I think there's enough people already and everyone's sick of the constant interruptions parading in...

Well, it seems that we might as well begin wrapping this up. Here is the unexpected, yet very convenient plot twist that ends my story in this thread.

My laziest comic yet, with only two pictures and very bad editing, but I'm in a lazy mood today. Sorry if I portrayed you as an idiot Chox, I just needed a comic relief.
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