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EAT POOP YOU CAT: The Gritty Reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions

I'll send it to NinjaCow.
Perfection (picture)
CivGeneral (caption)
KaiserElectric (picture)
mythmonster2 (caption)
Catharsis (picture)
Buddhafish (caption)
Joecoolyo (picture)
Optical (caption)
Souron (picture)
The Black Knigh (caption)
MartinLuther (picture)
SouthernKing (caption)
Askthepizzaguy (picture)
NinjaCow64 (caption)
madviking (picture) <-- UP
Winston Hughes (caption)
Come on, let's knock this sucker out!
Two things:

1. Don't quote the previous poop in your poop.
2. Send it to the next person in line, not just me.

Since you haven't, I'll just send it to Winston now.
Yeah, I got it, just haven't had time to process it yet.
Spoiler :

The Canadian-French War ended in a tie, with no casualties or battles at all.



The Quebeckers were threatening war against the French. The French weren't amused and threatened to retaliate with nukes. After a while they both surrendered in front of each other. Also Saturn!



A Quebecois threatens a Frenchman, who responds to him by threatening nuclear action while Saturn looks on. A few moments later, the two are surprised to run into each other again.



A Celine Dion-loving French Canadian man pointed at a Uranium-loving Frenchman (who was surrendering). An hour later, it was a blockbuster starring Denzel Washington.



A Celine Dion-loving, beret-wearing Greek forces a nuke-loving, beret-wearing Frenchman to surrender. Ten minutes later, a movie adaptation is made with the same African-American dude playing both guys.


The Black Knigh

Over time, the lines between different nationalities in Europe will disappear... And we get it all on tape!



Here, live on TV, we see the happy triumvirate of the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, ruling over Europe with the dual powers of John Lennon's "Imagine" and Saturn.



Breaking news! John Lennon has become the King of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with Saturn being his Queen! These nations are very happy about this! More European countries could be intergrated into the Holy Lennon Empire! This is BBC 24 reporting live from London, more updates on the hour.


Winston Hughes

Professor Ian Duncan was at a loss to explain how a London street had suddenly appeared on Merseyside, though he pointed the finger of blame squarely at a popular beat combo and their penchant for mind-altering drugs.

Original Caption said:
The Canadian-French War ended in a tie, with no casualties or battles at all.

Final Caption said:
Professor Ian Duncan was at a loss to explain how a London street had suddenly appeared on Merseyside, though he pointed the finger of blame squarely at a popular beat combo and their penchant for mind-altering drugs.

Quite the shift there, especially at the end. Winston, I don't know how you managed to get that caption from that picture.

France surrendering quickly appeared, then vanished, then reappeared, Denzel Washington came out of nowhere, Canada turned to Quebec and then Greece, then suddenly just all European countries, then UK, Sweden, and Bosnia seemingly at random in Martin's picture, and Saturn randomly appeared TWICE.

One last note: I request that everyone re-read rule #3, which specifically states that you can't put words in your pictures, and yet several of the pictures contain words. Kudos to Perfy, Souron, and ATPG for not putting any in their pictures.
In for next time and whatnot.
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