EEN Headline News

I know this isn't technically EEN Headline format, but it is news that we Servants of The Leader neglected to post after hitting enter. I discovered this when I opened our save. Apologies to our Wealthy Neighbors :)

Does GW know your ruining the reputation he has worked hard to build EEN as a reliable source of news. For shame!:nono:

:lol: Still a nice try, but its always the small details that give it away;)
Since this whole thing went a little awry (thanks to the fast-acting conscientiousness of DaveShack :hatsoff: ) I feel I should at least point out that the wealthy list you're seeing IS in-fact exactly what Epsilon saw when we ended the turn cycle.

(Although, I think the original name at the top was Machiavelli :mischief: )
Details? Which details would those be? :mischief:

Where do you want me to start:D
Maybe the 30 odd GP's wandering around is a bit too much to believe, try 15 to 20 next time;)
Sorry for blowing the trick. I just saw stuff in the background and.....:blush:
Only because he didn't look:p
Headline News #4


Ladies and Gentlemen of the World,
By the blessing of the The Leader, we now present, the world’s FOURTH International TV News broadcast!

Don’t miss it!

Click HERE to watch!
(link to youtube)

P.S. This video was a delayed in posting due to some technical and personnel issues ;) – so please excuse the slightly dated nature of the content. It takes a lot of work to take one of these videos from conception to completion, and sometimes things happen in the game while the video is being worked on, and I can't always make big changes in time! Hope you enjoy it anyway! :D
Again ... well done!
Thanks Butterball :)

Oh - and bonus points for anyone who can guess which Mods and/or Admins were involved in providing voices for this video.

When this game is over, I'll make a final video identifying all the contributors.
Well done again
It doesn't really matter how you pronounce Rik Meleet, as long as you don't mix up the "R" and the "L".

Spoiler :
This one is for Dutchmen only
Another fantastic video there, General. The pronounciation story and the wonder decorating were my favorites. Although your influence must be expanding, as there were a few new voices in this edition. Nam Tneger seemed like a cheery chap.
Educational Special Edition


Ladies and Gentlemen of the World,
By the blessing of the The Leader, we now present, a glimpse into Epsilon’s educational teaching material… today’s lesson: History!

Don’t miss it!

Click HERE to watch!
(link to youtube)

ROFLMAO. That's too funny. laughed so hard I woke the baby. :wipes tears from eyes, cleans milk dripping from nose, puts baby back to sleep, watches vid again:
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