Election Battle: Wyoming GOP caucuses today!

I'm surprised at Ron Paul. No support at all from a pretty libertarian state? Hell, even Hunter got a delegate.

I guess they should have flown the blimp over Cheyenne...

Is Wyoming known for a lot of voter participation, though?

Yea, I was a bit surprised at that too. (Paul) I don't even think he bothered with the state. But still... Duncan Hunter(he did campaign there though).

Congressman Hunter made the effort to actually go to Wyoming, which means he's probably got his first and final delegate in place.

I guess they should have flown the blimp over Cheyenne...

Is Wyoming known for a lot of voter participation, though?

Congressman Hunter made the effort to actually go to Wyoming, which means he's probably got his first and final delegate in place.


Probably not, Wyoming is virtually a worthless state election wise. Its only export was Dick Cheney, and look how that turned out, lmao.
There are a ton of Mormons in Wyoming. While all Mormons are not republican (for example, see CFC OT), the GOP enjoys a massive advantage. I think the LDS aspect helped Mitt here. I would also expect him to do very well in Idaho and Utah.

Well certainly. I'm just...dispelling some stereotypes :mischief:
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