Emperor SG?

Spoiler :

890AD (T204)
Boat next to Hammi's island, do not know if we already knew them or not.

3 MDI managed to kill the lone regular hop and eliminate Alex. Wonder if he sent out any units in the galley I saw? He had dropped a sword earlier. Got 11 gold as well. So no peace allowed now with Ghandi.

3rd and 4th each whack 2 spears and we take Bombay and now can make horses. No gold, 1 slave.
MDI at Madras kills archer and goes elite.

Probably missed a few things as Gil tried to make an alliance. Many Russians died (Gil). This is not really good as that suggests too many units came out of the towns and they may be vulnerable now.

Japan joined the fight against Russia.

Russia lost a few units to Sumer.

910AD (T206)
boat sees Konigsberg.
2nd kills 2 spears and takes Bangalore. It had at least a galley in it. This put Ghandi as an OCC afaik. I am not sure of the spirit of the game. To me this is perfect as I do not want to go after Gil right now. He has a town on the island that I have 2 towns on.

He has towns next to several of mine. I would prefer to go after Russia next. They have sent quite a few units out and should be getting thin. I also see that there is a 11 turns to go peace deal with Gil anyway.

looks like 8 Russian units died and 2 of Gil's.

970AD (T212)
Couple of MDI take down Hyderabad and eliminate Ghandi.
Start on Invention and switch build of units to knights.

990AD (T214)
Arabs also want alliances against Russia. So they still have Sumer, Japan as well. India is gone, but they were at war with Russia.

Well not unexpected and I had taken some steps to be bepared, but not really enough. Russia made peace with Sumer and demanded Silk. I refused and got the DOW. I think I won all the fights, but one. I think 5 attacks occurred, but all were single units. I lost a huge stack of workers to a knight coming out of Russia. Not an issues as the army will take them back.

1000AD (T215)
kill off the 7 Russians in the borders.
kill 3 in Yakutsk and raze it for 0 gold and 2 slaves. BTW captured back the slaves.

1010AD (T216)
It takes 2 galleys, but we sink a Russian galley by Bangalore.
Kill 2 more knights.

IBT: (1020AD must have missed some recordings)
Gil wants to sign a new peace deal. I do it and then turn off the renegotiate option. I did not expect him to want a new deal.

1030AD (T218)
MDI from Salonika kills knight and takes no damge and goes elite, sweet.
Another MDI retreats a knight and Neo1 MDI finishes the job.
1st kills knight near Sal...
I leave the musket alone as it is in the jungle and can do no harm. May as well wait for it to get on a road.
4th kills knight as we approach Novgorod.

1040AD (T219)
eMDI kills the musket.
knight barely kills knight by Sal...
Use 2 MDI and 2 armies to raze Norgorod. 6 gold, 1 treb and 4 slaves.

1050AD (T220)
took 2 mdi to kill a knight. Army killed an MDI near Sal..

Lovely Theo want to trade Rep for Monarchy (as I reread this it must have been Republic) and 350g, yeah right.
Someone starts Megel.
knight swoops in an kills an mdi.

1060AD (T221)
knight kills the knight.
Found Karabuk to stop those incursions.
knight kills knight next to Karabuk.
3rd kills one there.
4/5 MDI kill 2/3 musket there, cover with army.
Three settlers nearing Karabuk to replace Russian towns.

1090AD (T224)
3 armies kill off 3 muskets and raze Yet.... 6 slaves and gold.

1100AD (T225)
start Gun
knight kills lb.
1st kills musket as it escorts a settler.
another knight kills a lb.

1120AD (T227)
knight kills 2/3 musket by Karabuk.
Found Cankiri
Typicl AI, building Copes while it is being eaten alive.

lb retreats one of my knights.

1130AD (T228)
kill 3 in Khabarovsk and raze it. 7 slaves and a treb.
kill 3 near Cankiri.
kill 3 muskets and capture Moscow. 1 treb and 1 slave.
Settlers in place to found 2 next turn.

1140AD (T229)
Found Iskenderun
Found Tunceli
kill 2 knights and a musket next to Moscow.

1150AD (T230)
1 knight and 1 musket, must be getting gassed.

1170AD (T232)
start Chem last turn.
kill mdi by Tunceli.
kill musket next to Moscow and it was escorting a settler?

1180AD (T233)
kill knight next to Moscow.

1190AD (T234)
barely kill another knight and go elite.

1200AD (T235)
Found Sivas
kill musket next to Tunceli.

1210AD (T236)
kill 2 and take Bryansk.

1220AD (T237)
kill 2 and capture Smolensk.

1230AD (T238)
eKnight kills 2/3 musket cleanly and gets a leader. Form 5th.

1240AD (T239)
kill 1 and take Kransnoyarsk.
kill knight by Moscow and 5th blocks the choke.
kill 2 and capture Yaroslavl. We have closed off all the area to the choke now.
Will send armies to St Pete and start closing out Cathy.
I see Gil made Newtons on one of the small islands?

1255AD (T241)
start Metal
cleared all our jungle.

1260AD (T242)
3 armies kill 3 muskets and take St Pete.
I traded Spices to Gil for 150 gold and world map. Wanted to stop pushing that galley around the map.

1265AD (T243)
kill LB next to St Pete.
kill 3 muskets and take Orenburg.
trade Gun for Theology with Hammi.
trade 2 techs to Theo for Republic, just to not have it missing in case other deals arise and to get her closer to others.

1270AD (T244)
kill knight next to Orenburg.
kill 2 muskets in Rostov and take it. Grab two workers nearby.

1275AD (T245)
kill 2 and capture Vladivostok.

1280AD (T246)
Rome want 85 gold, so they DoW. I suspect they have Nav now. I know Gil is already sporting rifles.
start MT
5th kills 2 and takes Kazan.
4th grabs a worker enroute to Tver.
Cathy has 2 towns akaik.

1285AD (T247)
4th kills pike and takes Tver. Been shifting troops to the other end to get ready for Gil. He has some cavs and some rifles for sure.
Gil has 13 towns spread around. Rome has 27 afaik.

1300AD (T250)
4th and 5th kill 2 muskets and a lb and takes the last town. Now I am not sure of the rules. Do I have to DOW immediately? Does the rule of no rep breaking override the DOW? I am not sure how to proceed. What I do is no breaking trades is on the highest level, so I am not going to DOW. I will try to provoke Gil next turn and see how it goes.

1305AD (T251)
Gil is not annxious to DOW as the advisor claims we are stronger. Given that the AI does not do a good job of factoring in our armies and our superior tactics I would expect we are mucher better than Sumeria. I even slapped a town right next to him and that usually causes trouble.

1310AD (T252)
start Ed

1320AD (T254)
I tried to get him to DOW by demanding his troops leave, but that did not work 2 turns ago. So I decided to decalre as I did not want to wait for the trade to end and I will not make any per turn deals anyway. I may make straight up trades, but none for x turns.

So I DOW and a Sip kills a musket and I find we are in a GA. I had not known the GA had not been used. A tip off the hats to the players for that. Basicaly the game is in the bag as I am poised to roll a number of towns this turn.

BTW Rome landed 2 cavs and I whacked them.

5th kills 2 rifles and we raze Magaden for 2 slaves and a cannon. I use the cannon on a Roman caravel.
1st finishes last unit and takes Sumer. It had 13 units and took 17 units plus the army. It has KT iirc.
3rd clears a path to Umma and we kill off 5 units using 9, not counting the 3rd. It has Sistine. Got 6 cannons. Not tracking the gold.
I just checked Sumer and it has Bach, Newton and KT. So it was Copes on the island town. That makes more sense as it must have taken a long time.

Grabbed many workers wandering around my land.
2nd and 2 Sips take Kish. It had at least one boat.
Bad-tibra had only 1 rifle and I nearly got it with a Sip, both went red and I died. Second Sip captures it.
Kill a few wandering units and leave a LB at 1hp as I do not want to be exposed.
I have 2 island towns about to fall.

1325AD (T255)
4 units kill 2 and we take Zabalam.
MDI kills a LB next to Hyderabad.
2 mdi kill 1 musket and take Kisurra.
I forgot to count the boats in these towns. One had several animations flashes.

Whoops, I did not realize that all nations had not been met. I did not track whom I met in what order.
I think it is currently:

Going with this list as it is the only one I have.

Toss in 3 armies and 11 units to take down Ur and its 10 defenders. It has Pyramids, Colossus, GLB, Sun Tzu, Magellan an MoM.
Going to get some techs during the IBT.

Lagash had 2 defenders and was no problem. Japan is next on the list, but I need a lot more boats. They are very backward, but I am sure they have lots of junk like spears and horses piled up. I can see most tiles have horses on them. 2 cannons were in Lagash and they must have been ours orignially.

got many techs from the GLB. Got a free tech.


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Spoiler :

1330AD (T256)
drop 7 units on Isin,with 2 retreats, 3 kills and 2 deaths. Funny was a conscript got a retreat and a kill. Well I was not laughing, but stuff happens.
start tech

1335AD (T257)
Hum, I am not sure about the sequences of it, but during IBT Arabia made MPP with Gil. Then I get a DOW from the MPP. Fine by me, but afaik
I have not attack after they signed. Maybe I got the times wrong. Maybe they signed the prior turn and I am confused.

Well I took a break mid turn to watch Dancing and forget what happed in Akshak. I know I killed only 2 rifles and I see I have 5 damage Sip/knights.
Don't recall, how many units I used though.

Kolhapur a single Sip takes down the rifle and Gil is off the mainland now. He has a tiny island that I will get to soon as I get a few boats in place.
I only have 86 slaves as I kept too many towns. I did not expect to have Steam by now as I did not check on the GLB location. So far not an issue as Ceasar has not been sending much my way. I have lots of bombardment units spread all over.

1310AD (T252) (well for sure I finger checked this date, probably 1340, not sure)
start Elec

1355AD (T261)
Dropped 4 Sip on Murmansk and killed a rifle and a LB.
Goodbye Sumeria got over 2300 gold.
No need to DOW anyone as I am already at war with the next two on the list.
Japan and Arbia both only have 4 towns.

1370AD (T264)
start RP
Got a pre going for ToE, but no problem anyway as no one is in position to get it. Bursa is making more than 40spt during the GA and already has the 600. Finally got an army out of the MA. Even the GA it was not real fast. Dropping rails down to boost shields there now.

1375AD (T265)
Did some MM and shaved 2 turns of RP. Could do better if I had the workers.

1385AD (T267)
Sunk two red boats (Rome?), not going to list boats unless it is uncommon event.

1400AD (T270)
Byz joined Rome and declared.
start Sci Meth

1410AD (T272)
Rough landing at New Denizli. Cannons all failed, lost the first Sip. Final 2 sips win on a cav and a lb and an mdi kills lb.

That island has rails now and the circumference has rails on the mainland. Boosted the shields for the two best cities with rails now.

Hum, I guess I got confused yet again. I thought Japan had joined in on the war against me. Must have end with the death of Russia or Sumeria,
maybe it was only an embargo. In any event, I had to DOW them, sorry about the mess up (again). Drop off the 6th with 3 Sips.
Shuffle over 33 more units. Japan is only 1 tile away at New Edrine.

1415AD (T273)
5 sips clear Kyoto. It was down to size 2.
Raze it and found Japan. We did get 1 slave.
kill 3 horses nearby.
6th kills 3 in Edo, these are all horse, spears or archers.
kill 4 more horses closeby.
kill 5 more to capture Edo, with 1 retreat. I keep it so I get the harbor.

1420AD (T274)
kill the 12 horses that arrived next to Japan.
6th kill archer enroute to Tokyo, where it killed a spear.

1425AD (T275)
GA is over. Switch pre to ToE. Select AT and drop research to zero.
kill 2 units and raze a town.
kill 5 and raze Tokyo for 3 slaves.
Goodbye Japan
I check and we are at war with all except Bismark. Arabia is next, which is the farthest from Japan.

1430AD (T276)
4 romans land next to Der and I whack them.
finished ToE
Take AT and Elec. start Ind
start Hoover.

1435AD (T277)
Army finished, 7th.
Boats leave Japan bound for the Sultan.

1440AD (T278)
Hammi lands a musket and 2 lbs and I kill them next to Edo.

1450AD (T280)
3 more units are dropped in the same spot and die.

1455AD (T281)
start Corp
switch Hoover to factory.
same for army.

1470AD (T284)
Theo wants peace. Typical, no action and wants peace? No reason as she has nothing to offer.

1475AD (T285)
Finally reached Arabia. Drop 6th and 7th and 17 sips, 4 artie, 4 inf and a settler.

1480AD (T286)
Found Arabia
rush wall.
start Steel
17 sips kill 16, mostly horses. 7th kills 3 units and 6th kills one and razed Dasmascus for 4 slaves.
One Sip died attacking a horse, wow. Only 2 promotions, plus 1 in the new army that does not count. This is why I dislike the Ottoman, that and the too late UU and I am not fond of sci as a trait. Rather have Ind. Ind would probably have gotten at least one more tech and more gold and more shields. The faster workers is huge on a larger map. I am not really sure what the map size or the level is though. Looks at least large.

got side track listening to a LoL match, but at least 1 horse died attacking Arabia. Hammi landed 3 units on Japan holdings.
6 junk units approach Arabia.

1485AD (T287)
Kill 3 spears, 2 archers and a horse. Gained 2 elites. Only the last Sip won without damage.

1490AD (T288)
kill 4 junkers.
army and 3 sip kill 6 and take Mecca.

1495AD (T289)
kill 2 in each of the last two towns .
Goodbye Arabia
I just checked and I see Domination is on. I dislike to see that in a war game. NOW or AW should be conquest.

1505AD (T291)
start Refine

1525AD (T295)
3 units from Hammi lands at Japan holdings. Dead now.

1540AD (T298)
start Combustion
Well the easy way is to make peace with all except Hammi. I should be landing on Hammi next turn. I have been dogging it on research lately. I dropped to zero still get the tech. So with some effort I could have shaved a turn. Will make a pass now to
get the beakers. I am running 80%, could bump it as I do not NEED 20% lux.


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1545AD (T299)
Whoops I see I was landing on Germany, not Babylon. Redirect to Hammi's house.

1550AD (T300)
Landed next to Ellipi.
6th, 7th, 8th and 9th 3x Sip. (making 7 turn armies). Will fill next turn.
11 artie
7 inf
1 settler
13 sips (8 elites)

1555AD (T301)
Found Hammi
Disband 2 galleon to rush a wall.
Kill knight.
Fill armies.
8th kills 2 muskets in Ellipi.
7th kills 3 units (we are now into the damaged ones).
eSip kills bow and Leader
Form 10th.
5 elite sips make kills and we raze Ellipi for 5 slaves.
9th kills 3 units next to Hammi.
eSip kills last Bowman to clear our wine.
Putting 6th on that tile.

3 mdi/swords die attacking Hammi.
3 muskets and a spear approach Hammi.
Musket, Bow and MDI land on Japan.

1560AD (T302)
kill the 7 incursion units.
All tiles done on mainland. Actually I have all lands done, except Hammi.

2 units die attacking Hammi. Both inf go elite.

1565AD (T303)
Made another leader, not going to list them any further. An army also came out of the MA, not going to list them either.
Cleared the 7 units sent this time.
9th kills 3 muskets in Babylon, struggles with the last one.
8th kills 2 MDI and razed it for 2 slaves and a treb.
7th kills 2 muskets that are now in our borders.

1570AD (T304)
start Flight
Looks like Bismark wants in on the action as several knights come my way.
kill 7 more units at Hammi.

Bismark DOW's and two units die at Hammi (knight and horse).

1575AD (T305)
kill 12 units, mostly Germans. Shipping over another army and some workers for later.
Disband 2nd and 3rd. Mostly swords as they are not needed and it opens a bit more room for better units.

I see from the forum this game is an emperor game and I see from the 130k culture needed it is large.

1585AD (T307)
6 eSips win.
6th and 9th each kill 3. Boats arrive next turn as 55 more Germans close in and 2 boats are offshore.

1590AD (T308)
10 sip make kills and 1 retreats.
3 armies each kill a musket and raze Akkad. Use 2 slaves to road that tile and disband the other. Will disband those 2 next turn.
I shipped over several dozen workers.
10th kills 3 units.
Disband some transports to rush a Sip as I do not need all of them now.

1595AD (T309)
kill 22 in borders and 3 next to me.

1600AD (T310)
start Mass Prod
Rome is far behind in tech as it has no trading partner. Sumer and Russia were its main boosters and the strain of war has crushed them.

They are at the same 27 towns as they were eons ago, while the cost of techs is going up. They have spend a ton on frigates to zero effect. Many many have been sunk and the rest do little or nothing as they have no clue about massing.

Crank out 4 airfields on the mainland and disband some transports in Hammi to speed up an airport.

Disband the 1st, fill newest army and name it the 1st. Retaining the MDI army on the mainland till we have tanks. May as well get the 100 shields as have them sit forever doing nothing.

Barely get the 1st in the boat and get a leader and form and fill the 11th. So 9 sip armies, a knight army and an mdi army.

Start making bombers, but will only make a few.

5 more units are down to 1hp, but have to use armies as I used all the healthy sip.
kill 9 units.

1605AD (T311)
kill 12.
4 armies take down 3 muskets and a cav capturing Ashur. Block land access to the Ashur end of the continent.
kill 3 invaders at Japan.

1610AD (T312)
kill 1 at Hammi and 2 at Ashur.

1615AD (T313)
kill 2 at Ashur.

1620AD (T314)
4 armies kill a unit each and capture Konigsberg.

1625AD (T315)
Again I forgot to tweak the research. Well it just add hundreds more gold to the account to use later.
2 armies took Leipzig, killing 3.

1630AD (T316)
4 armies each kill 1 musket and razed Berlin. 5 slaves, make road and irrigate that tile.
9th kills a musket/settler, disband the slaves.
Make an airfield and sell the airport.
Spoiler :

1635AD (T317)
eSip kills a horse at Hammi.
2 armies kill 2 muskets and take Hamburg, sinking at least 1 boat.
They also killed a LB enroute.
3 armies kill 4 and take Munich.

1640AD (T318)
Raze a newly planted Babylon town, will drop my own there as I am tired of that crap.
5 armies capture the last 2 German towns on the continent afaik. Will drop off armies next turn on their last town. I forgot to ship the new army over till now, I think it was last turn it came out. Too many interuptions.

1655AD (T321)
11th kills 4 junk units and takes Vitoria.
Goodbye Bismark
Again I am not sure of the rules, but I get an embassy on Rome and steal Espionage.

1660AD (T322)
got Ecology for free.
start Comps
Not going to list techs anymore as they do not really matter.

1665AD (T323)
only 2 muskets in Nineveh. Will hold it, till I get Uruk. Then abandon both. I do not want to try to hold them in Roman
lands. I want to fight at my choke or just use armies to raze.

7 armies whack 9 muskets and a LB taking the 3 towns (Samarra, Eridu and Eulbar). 4 Sips kill 3 muskets.

1670AD (T324)
Kill 3 muskets and capture Uruk. After moving armies back into boats I abandon it. Then abandon the other town after moving units back to Choke.
Nippur is their last town. Far off from here though.

I should have mentioned that we now have 7 lux. I still have not lowered the slider though. Just no need to do it.

1680AD (T326)
Rome decided to attack finally. 11 cavs died on the choke town. I would have prefered to wait 3 more turns till I got the last town from Hammi.

2 armies kill 3 inf and a cav and raze Brundisium. I rail to border and bombard them and too easy (1 was a conscript). A tank killed a guerilla and we clear Samarra island.

Rome has 52 units next to Choke, mostly infantry. I will defend not attack.

24 kills and 8 retreated at Choke. Mix of cavs and inf and a few horse types including AC. 49 units still here.

1685AD (T327)
Kill 23 using armies and elite sips and a few tanks. That stack had 5 or 6 1hp cavs that I did not want to get away.

Can't recall if any attacks happened or not. They have 38 units next to Choke.

1690AD (T328)
I landed the 4th and 3 tanks to kill only 2 units and raze the last Babylonian town.
Goodbye Babylon
Fillled the newly arrived 13th with tanks.
kill 4 units and will see, if they will attack this time. Will head out next turn, if no attacks.

9 attacks, mostly cavs not those already here. 17 units still here.

1695AD (T329)
disband the 4th. MDI army not going to be needed with inf about and guerilla. Rename 13th to 4th.
16 still next to choke.
6 armies kill 5 inf and a rifle and autorazed a newly placed town. Two 18hp/attack 16 Sip armies lost 11hp each. Man I hate inf.

11 attacked Choke.

COLOR="Green"]1700AD (T330)[/COLOR]
12th finds a cav/settler combo. Disband the slaves.
4 elite tanks kill 8 units and a tank clears the last unit next to Choke.
2nd kills 2 and 4th kills one to clear a stack.
I do not see any rubber, except for one tile on Byz island. She does not know RP. I found the old source. It was on Samarra island, so no more inf builds. They probably have 100 or more still though. Taking down the towns will be a pain as they are spaced far apart and jungles are still not cleared.

2 attackers die.

COLOR="Green"]1705AD (T331)[/COLOR]
kill 9 units with a couple tanks and bunch of elite sips. A tank made a leader. Another army arrives as well, 14 now. Still have the knight army as it can cover safely till bombers.

3 armies kill 4 inf in the field.
7th kills inf in field.
2 more armies kill 3 and raze Murica and disband the arty and a slave. Use 2 slaves to road and will disband.

Funny 1 cav attacked Choke and I got another leader.

COLOR="Green"]1710AD (T332)[/COLOR]
kill 3 more units and a settler.

3 cavs die attacking, 2nd one makes a leader.

COLOR="Green"]1715AD (T333)[/COLOR]
kill lone cav at Choke.
2 armies kill 2 and raze Valencia.
4th and 7th raze Barcelona killing 2. Disband 8 slaves and an arty.
I could have reach domination by now for sure as I have the pop and about 60% of the land. I have not made any towns or kept any since Samarra island.

3rd and 9th kill 2 and raze Toledo.

5 attacked and died.

COLOR="Green"]1720AD (T334)[/COLOR]
kill a couple cavs next to Choke.
drop 2 armies and 4 Sip on Pamalona island and capture it killing 7 units.

COLOR="Green"]1725AD (T335)[/COLOR]
skipping the IBT, unless it is unusal.
I razed a city in the NE, forget the name. 3 units.
The town was Salamanca, I see I had it written down.
Seville razed
Byzantium razed

COLOR="Green"]1730AD (T336)[/COLOR]
Madrid razed.
Zaragoza razed.
I should be using slaves as I get them to create outposts for vision on the coast. I do not want Theo to drop off any settlers.

COLOR="Green"]1735AD (T337)[/COLOR]
2 armies raze Santiago killing 4. Start building outpost.
3 armies kill 3 and raze Lugdunum.
2 armies raze Hispalis, killing 3.
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COLOR="Green"]1740AD (T338)[/COLOR]
2 tank armies kill 4 and raze Pisae.
AI sent out a rifle to take down one of the towers. Would not want to have it defend a town, much better to take down an outpost in the wild. Killed the rifle, now it will not do anything.

raze Antium and Pompeii kill 2 in each.
kill 2 and raze Curconium. BTW we 17 armies now.

COLOR="Green"]1745AD (T339)[/COLOR]
start assualt on Rome, kill 6 inf.

COLOR="Green"]1750AD (T340)[/COLOR]
kill 6 more inf and take Rome as it has 4 wonders. They had 15 prior to attacking last turn, so at least 3 left during IBT.
They sent the only cav they had to grab some workers, brilliant.
kill 5 raze Cumae.
kill 3 and raze Lutetia. Ran into conscripted rifles. Build outpost on the continent. Rails are up to all sections as well, except the 3 towns
still here. Two of which, I have armies next to and the other is reachable next turn. They have 12 units and 6 towns.

Found Gems to get the last lux.

COLOR="Green"]1752AD (T341)[/COLOR]
One of the few inf they have came out to grab workers. They are Roman workers so they send them back so I can take them on my turn. Leaving the unit out in the open to die.

I see Rome only had 3 wonders and Leo was not one. I kill 4 rifles and an inf taking Veii. It does have Leo. I am still only at 60% land 88% pop.
kill 4 rifles and an inf razing Neapolis. Kill a cav, but no idea where they get the salt.
kill 3 riles and a cav to raze Ravenna. Clears the continent. Should get rails to the final area next turn.

COLOR="Green"]1754AD (T342)[/COLOR]
upgrade 14 tanks cheaply with Leo. Drop some towns down and have 64%. Won't make any other than one on Byz island.

COLOR="Green"]1756AD (T343)[/COLOR]
Shutdown army and unit builds now. 18 armies is enough. Drop tank armies on Santader island. BTW sold off the factories.

COLOR="Green"]1758AD (T344)[/COLOR]
raze Santader and Asturias kill only 4 units. I see a rifle and settler close.
I do see the salt they were using now. It was next to a forest.

COLOR="Green"]1760AD (T345)[/COLOR]
The settler did not settle and is now 2 slaves.

COLOR="Green"]1762AD (T346)[/COLOR]
2 rifles and Rome is gone. Only Byz left and she barely has Invention. 6 towns on a small island. I have 133 towns.

COLOR="Green"]1768AD (T349)[/COLOR]
drop 11 armies, 11 arty, 11 MI and 1 settler. Will ship 7 more armies and some other stuff next turn. Theo only has 44 units MDI is the best she can muster.

COLOR="Green"]1770AD (T350)[/COLOR]
Kill 3 and raze Smyma ( all spears).
3 more and raze Vama.
Caesara has 2, but armies only got 1 attack (distance).
Find 3 MDI in the open. Can't reach the other towns.

COLOR="Green"]1772AD (T351)[/COLOR]
Got an SGL, but have no use for it. (In fact I forgot to use it)
3 sip armies kill 11 and raze Constantnople. 9th used its last move to kill a nearby pike.
5 or 6 more units killed as armies can barely reach the stack. 7 more armies arrived and more stuff that will not be used.

Theo has 8 pikes, 1 horse and 4 mdi to go with the 3 dromons. 65% so I cannot drop my last settler safely. I see 6 swords as well.

COLOR="Green"]1774AD (T352)[/COLOR]
kill 11 units outside of Adrianople.
iirc killed 3 in town and raze it.
kill 2 and raze Nicaea, the last town. Game over.

Goodbye Theo
Disband xport to rush harbor.

Hit End key get win and the crash as the warrior pounds with the hammer. I forgot to hit esc fast again.



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