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Escape From Zombie Island 2 ready for public consumption

Yorgos said:
What kind of music? Typical horror music or do you think of a more alternative approach? I have several hundreds of CDs from many genres, it's very likely we can find what you need.

What about Johny Cash's "man comes around"? it's an awesome song about the end of the world, as you know, it's the main theme of the Dawn of the dead's remake, I love that song.
Cloner4000, something eery with low sound level so it adds to the "Horror Feel" but does not distract or detract from game sounds.

Concerning Buildings...the Barricade and Supplies are not needed since these will simply be made from existing pcx files for those things but if anyone has an image that will work well for the other buildings, that would be a help.

Please make these Buildings with the Backgrounds in the zip below. This will be in keeping with what is used now on other buildings, Wonders and Small Wonders.

1) Furniture Store - Gain Barricade in every city. (Baricades are Walls)
2) Detective Agency - allows spy missions.
3) Call Centre - reduces war weariness
4) Movie Theatre - increased research
5) Meeting room - build "spaceship" parts
6) Implement Coercions program ("spaceship" part 3)
7) Zombie Nurse School (Sm. Wonder unit producer)
8) Supply Drop Point (Sm. Wonder unit producer)
9) Radio Station

Cloner4000...If you open one of the Original Building Images in the Civ III game, and look at the Palette, you will see the palette colors.

Make the Large pcx files 128 x 128 pixels (1.778 inches) with resolution of 72 pixels/inch. Make the Small pcx files 32 x 32 pixels (0.444 inches) with resolution of 72 pixels/inch.
Note that many times the best way to gain the best range of colors afyter you have adjusted anything you want for the image contrast, color, sharpness etc...is to reduce the image to 256 colors first...then incresase to 16 million colors again. Add Magenta (255, 0, 255) and Green ( 0, 255, 0) to the picture some place where you can correct it later. Reduce to 256 colors again and remove the magenta and green colors you placed. Increase to 16 million colors again and immediately reduce to 256 colors...this will leave you with two blank frames at the end of the palette...edite the palette and add magenta (255, 0, 255) to the last frame and green (0, 255, 0) next to it.
There is nothing "magic about the Magenta and Green colors, it is the palette index that uses those colors as transparent so other colors not found in your image could be used there, including pure black, both magenta color etc...generally just easier to stay with magenta and green for use out of habit.

Here are the Backgrounds for Large and Small Buildings, Wonders and Small Wonders These are correct sizes and are 16 million colors so any image can be set on them:
The Wonder Background is the larger pcx file (320 x 320 pixels). This is IF the Wonder needs a terrain background. This is the same background, only larger. The Others are for the large and small Civilopedia Icon for Buildings. Wonders also need the large and small building Icons for the Civilopedia.


  • Building and Wonder Backgrounds.zip
    8.4 KB · Views: 54
  • WonderSplash_Background.zip
    24.7 KB · Views: 48
I did some search and find a website for Halloween Sound Effects.

since it's FREE download, there shouldn't be any copyright problems

I haven't gone thorugh the whole list but music I think might work are.. most of them are clips of sound instead of song or music.

Bell Toll
Chain and Monster growl
Door Creak and Scream
Exorist Music Graveyard Wind
Moan-1-4 :) Zombie's signature sounds
Monster-Walk and Grunt
MOnster screaming
X-file themes-sounds really mysterious...
Moaning Groaning and Laughing- a nice 51 sec 3 in 1
Funeral March
I think it's best that people just look at the list as there are soo much of it.I'll continue to update the list as I found new ones

Another source I have in music from Star Wars Republic Commando. You can download mp3 from their game website for free too.
They have music that's full of suspence and weird sounds, not scary but just gave sort of unkown feel. I have some samples but it's too big to upload here though

I think it's still nice to have one or two song in there, it'll just cover the sound for some period of time and they are nice to hear I think.
I'll see if I can found the music you guys are talking about.
Vuldacon said:
Cloner4000, something eery with low sound level so it adds to the "Horror Feel" but does not distract or detract from game sounds.

Concerning Buildings...the Barricade and Supplies are not needed since these will simply be made from existing pcx files for those things but if anyone has an image that will work well for the other buildings, that would be a help.
1) Furniture Store - Gain Barricade in every city. (Baricades are Walls)
2) Detective Agency - allows spy missions.
3) Call Centre - reduces war weariness
4) Movie Theatre - increased research
5) Meeting room - build "spaceship" parts
6) Implement Coercions program ("spaceship" part 3)
7) Zombie Nurse School (Sm. Wonder unit producer)
8) Supply Drop Point (Sm. Wonder unit producer)
9) Radio Station

Cloner4000...If you open one of the Original Building Images in the Civ III game, and look at the Palette, you will see the palette colors.

Make the Large pcx files 128 x 128 pixels (1.778 inches) with resolution of 72 pixels/inch. Make the Small pcx files 32 x 32 pixels (0.444 inches) with resolution of 72 pixels/inch.
Note that many times the best way to gain the best range of colors afyter you have adjusted anything you want for the image contrast, color, sharpness etc...is to reduce the image to 256 colors first...then incresase to 16 million colors again. Add Magenta (255, 0, 255) and Green ( 0, 255, 0) to the picture some place where you can correct it later. Reduce to 256 colors again and remove the magenta and green colors you placed. Increase to 16 million colors again and immediately reduce to 256 colors...this will leave you with two blank frames at the end of the palette...edite the palette and add magenta (255, 0, 255) to the last frame and green (0, 255, 0) next to it.
There is nothing "magic about the Magenta and Green colors, it is the palette index that uses those colors as transparent so other colors not found in your image could be used there, including pure black, both magenta color etc...generally just easier to stay with magenta and green for use out of habit.

Thanks, I'll try doing it, I use NeoPaint that Odin suggestted but I'll need some time to figure out how this works. but then again it summer break for me :)
Music and sounds would be nice to have in the game...this would add to the over all "feel" of the game.
King Arthur and I just spoke about this today. He felt that because he has limited time and I am handling all of the graphics work and helping in general to remake this game, that we would not have the time to seriously go through and add some good "mood" music.
Some single sounds could be grouped together and added as "music" so to speak but for the most part, I think music would be best because we do have ambient sounds that take place already. These sounds, coupled with other separate sounds, would probably be distracting and not beneficial as appropriate music would be in the game. Sure there are many single sounds that could be adjusted for sound level and work ok, however, after a while these single sounds would become boring or get on the nerves :lol: If "Eery" subdued music can be found that will "fit" this Horror Game...Great, we will be more than Happy to check it out.

odintheking...that is one shrewd approach but I think it would not be viewed or taken well by the artists and companies with copy rights:) We really do not want to get involved with situations that would probably cause "problems" so lets just say we know that all people are Honorable but we will keep them that way by only using files that will not create any legal problems. :)
For those wondering when this Update will be ready to upload.

I believe when Plotinus, Supa and MoscaTnT have the New units completed and then I have the sounds and pcx files checked, made or adjusted for them, King Arthur and I will be ready soon after to upload this New Major Update...or "Remake".

Several People are on vacation so this will slow things just a little but hang in there, I have worked more hours then exist in a day to complete this undertaking since King Arthur and I started working together:lol: I am adjusting and or making All graphics files including the Interface, units_32.pcx files, going over units large and small.pcx files and all civilopedia pcx files in order to have the entire game "look" and go together better.

Many new Features have been created and improved for this game besides the over all game adjustments and additions. I have over 65 MBs of Zip Files I have sent to King Arthur. He and I are in constant communication daily and we think we have some "Cool" Additions in this game that many will enjoy. The New Units from MoscaTnT and those that Supa and Plotinus are working on will certainly be Great Additions that add more fun to the game.

The units_32.pcx file is complete and any units that use Civ Specific colors, have them correctly and each image has been improved for looks in the Build Queue Screen. The New units will be added as they are completed. I also plan to organize the units_32.pcx file so units of the same type will all be grouped together in the Build Queue Screen rather than scattered, which happens as new units are simply added to the next available frame as MODs and Scenarios evolve.

The new interface is completed except the New Tech Screens, which I will be making this week. I will have to arrange the Techs and windows along with making the arrows and tech frames. Will make a New Background for these as well.

All Map Resources and their civilopedia images are completed and most of the Civilopedia Icons for other areas have been made. Still need several Buildings and I am working on the "Worker Actions" images now.

All Map Graphics are completed.

The Unit large and small pcx files are complete but will need to look over all again.

Many sounds have been remade and or adjusted for units and more remain to do.

The Civilopedia Terrain Icons are completed...I am making a Generic image as a "Filler" to take the place of Terrain and Civilopedia Index Icons that are Not Used in this Game.

Great Wonders remain to be Completed. Only the Nuclear Power Plant is finished.
Small Wonders have just a few remaining to be completed.

...If anyone wants to make any of these Wonders, please use the Backgrounds I uploaded in the above Post #1822.

King Arthur is working on all Text files and the Game Editor. We Have accomplished a great deal and all is going very well.

At the risk of being wrong, I will say that IF the new units are completed in the next couple of weeks and things continue to progress as well as they have thus far...the Update ( or I should say this Remake) will be complete by around the first week of August. Again, all depends on when the new units are completed and if we decide to add something more such as music, that has been discussed lately.

Rest assured, we are doing the best we can to do good quality work and get this game completed for everyone to enjoy as soon as possible. King Arthur prefers that we complete this game now rather than add more Updates later and I must say that despite all who want the game earlier, even though incomplete, I agree that it is important to finish this game so further updates will not be necessary for what we upload. This is intended to be a Finished Version at least. :)
Music: Don't use those Hallowe'en wavs. They would sound odd as "game" music, and there are enough ambient sound effects in it as it is. You can't use copyright tracks in a music download. The best way to do it is to look for music online, and if you find music that can be downloaded for free, you can definitely use that. Otherwise you're just inviting trouble. Personally I think the music it has right now is actually surprisingly appropriate.

[Vuldacon] Sounds good. I'm going to have a go at the Nurse Zombie but it will certainly take a bit of time - hopefully it will be ready in August, but I have a lot on my plate, so if for some reason it doesn't look like happening I'll let you know.
Vuldacon said:
odintheking...that is one shrewd approach but I think it would not be viewed or taken well by the artists and companies with copy rights:) We really do not want to get involved with situations that would probably cause "problems" so lets just say we know that all people are Honorable but we will keep them that way by only using files that will not create any legal problems. :)

Well, I think I have something appropriate. It's the soundtrack of a mod for a role-playing game, which was made by the modder and can be downloaded for free. It's surprisingly nice music, and considering that this mod was actually a psychological thriller, it might do the trick. PM if you are interested in hearing samples.
Alright I have a few full song that's free to download but it have this

All rights reserved. Composed by Jess Harlin. Download and use under authorization for private, non-commercial listening purposes

I could send a letter asking about if we could use it as it's not commercial uses at all. since you guy's don't get payed at all.
anyway if you want to hear the music, click on the website, wait for it to load, click "navigate" go to download section and choose MP3 Click on the arrow to download

The ones I recommand are Prolougue, it contrain samples of all the form of music they have. The rest is up to you.
Plotinus...I agree with you on "no Halloween wavs". That would just ruin the Feel of this game. As for the Nurse, Yes indeed, Glad you are "doing her":lol: You have time because many people are on vacation and this will slow things quite a bit for now. The toughest thing to tackle as far as time is the remaining Civilopedia.txt and PediaIcons.txt. King Arthur and I have been going through it all and it is tremendous. Wonder splashes along with their large and small pcx files and the Text and editor will require quite some time yet. Hope to gain more momentum as soon as King Arthur returns so we can communicate more. I don't want you feeling Rushed, you have time and no need to hurry. You have made some great units and I am sure the Nurse will be Great as well...She has really been in need of improvement. You MoscaTnT and Supa are all great to contribute your time and talent toward improving this game. Thanks up front for your efforts and relax, good things take a little time.
Yorgos... yes, we are interested in some "fitting" music. As Plotinus mentioned...there are already many ambient sounds in this game and I have adjusted all of them now...BTW, most are new ones now and they are better.
I would like to hear some samples if you have some. My problem is I am on Dial Up (not available where I live) so large files require a great deal of time to download. King Arthur has High Speed connection and I am sure he will want to check the music out as well. I can PM you for details and we can go from there.
Cloner4000...Yes, that music would have to have the approval of the Artist. IF you can get that and the music is fitting, we could use it. I think it is best to let King Arthur listen to it before you go all out to get the OK from the Artist though. He will return in a week. Music can add a nice touch IF it is NOT over bearing and fits the Feel of the game well. It needs to be very "background" in sound level and no abrupt "Halloween" type thing. The ambient sounds have more than enough of that :lol:
Cloner4000...I managed to get the sample music from your PM and the "excrucio 14" seems like it would fit well to me. It has a sort of desperate, serious, eventful and ominous, "on the edge" quality to it and the music could be adjusted so it plays at a nice sound level that would add to the game without taking away from game sounds. That one I especially like. If you want to check into the details and legalities of using some of this music in our game, that would be great. I am sure King Arthur will want to hear music samples when he returns.

As for Wonders, Large and Small Civilopedia Icons and buildings Large and Small Icons...here is a simple sample of the Brothel. This building was already in the game. I did not spend much time on it and really do not like making any larger images from smaller ones because the pixels become Blocky. Wonders and buildings can certainly have different backgrounds than the Dark Terrain I uploaded for use. That is just to serve as a background that can be used if needed for some buildings. The Nuclear Plant, for example, does not use any terrain in its background.
These are the Brothel Wonder Splash, Large and Small Civilopedia Icons and the Buildings Large and Buildings Small images. If anyone has something better or wants to take the time to make something better, that would be welcome.
...I will get a list together of the Wonders needed if anyone wants to help get some buildings for them. Each Wonder uses 5 images for the game so if anyone wants to help with them, that would be a big help.


  • Brothel.bmp
    439.4 KB · Views: 62
Vuldacon I just saw your post. So you managed to hear the music through Cloner. There are about 25 tracks in total, most of them of a similar mood. This music is part of a mod for a roleplaying game, as I mentioned in my previous post, and was made by Stefan Gagne, the same person who did the mod. So, there are no legal problems since it can be downloaded for free. Here are the links for his two mods which include the music:
Excurcio Eternum
Elegia Eternum
The zip you got also includes a tool needed to convert it in MP3 format.

I only think it would be nice to inform him and give the proper credit.
Yorgos... Yes, some of that music could be used for this game. As I stated earlier, the "excrucio 14" That I listened to from the samples seems very good to me. I want King Arthur to hear this music and get his opinion. Funny, but there are some players who play without sounds at all. Generally, I do not play music in the background after I have heard it many times and especially if I either do not like it particularly or it does not really "fit". In any case, if we can have fitting music for the game, we will see about putting it in.
Here is the list of Game Wonders needed:

3.Bank Vault
4.Brothel...(finished unless something better)
5.Car Park
6.City Hall
7.Detective Agency
8.Dock Yard
10.Furniture Store
12.Military H.Q.
13.Missile Capability
14.Move Theater
15.Nuclear Plant...(Finished)
16.Police Station
17.Radio Station

1.Meeting Room
2.Supply Drop
3.Test Lab
4.Zombie Nurse School...(now just uses “Cure for Cancer” so something better is wanted)

At the moment, I am working on several other areas of the game. Anyone who has or enjoys making buildings is more than welcome to Help out with these.:) Would like to have them look good and fit what they are for the Civilopedia but they do not have to be "Awesome" images ...unless of course anyone wants to spend the time to make them that way.:) Any questions can either be posted here or sent to me in a private message.
Advances or "Techs" that need images.
The following have all been using the "Advanced Flight" image:

The Day Before The Zombies
The Month Before The Zombies
The Year Before The Zombies
Evil Genius
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