• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Eu now voted to outlaw posting of any copyrighted material, including articles and even memes.

This is going to fail just like the attempt to kill net neutrality. From time to time "The EU" will attempt something stupid and one of the governments will block it because of protests and or because they weren't on board with it in the first place.
Sure, it's worrying that upload filters are even considered, but let's not panic. This will not be implemented.
You're certainly entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts.
Have you ever considered actually finding out for yourself how EU legislation is created?
Or do you willfully cling on to your tabloid-level ignorance, because it makes bashing the EU easier?

Lol, stop trolling, cause i am not in the mood.

Moderator Action: If you think something is trolling, report it and move on. ~ Arakhor
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Lol, stop trolling, cause i am not in the mood.
I'm pointing out that, as (once again) evidenced by your posts in this thread, you haven't bothered to find out the first thing about how legislative procedure in EU works.
If you intend to keep the EU among your favorite subject to post on, maybe man up and change that?
You can start with link in post #22.
This wouldn't have worked in the late 80s and 90s. It certainly won't work now.
How so when its now that we have the technology, the incentive and processed public opinion we didnt have in the past?
One more thing. You dont have to implement it so that it works 100%. Only enough so that you can control public opinion and marginalize any oposition in public discourse and political power.
Yes, it has to be passed by all 27 (nice that the Guardian keeps pretending that Britain is in the EU ^_^ ).
Britain is still in the EU, until March 29th 2019. Does the vote in question happen before then? If so, then yes, Britain gets a vote.
That seems like a question that you could easily answer yourself.
I'm currently on my lunch break at work. What's your excuse? :mischief:
Does Britain actually have voting rights?
If you aren't as lazy, you are welcome to provide proof as well.
I think he (and I) can't believe you're actually asking this? I mean, seriously? Even after all the time you've spent bashing the EU and Germany in the Brexit thread? Were you just not reading anything that anyone else posted or linked to?

The whole reason that thread exists is because Treeza decided she was going to follow The Holy Will Of The People, pull the Art.50 trigger, and (eventually) Leave — but the UK could hardly Leave the EU if it hadn't Joined in the first place, could it?

And as long as it's still Joined, then yes it gets a vote. I don't think May got round to signing away those EU-Membership rights quite yet (but if you've heard differently, please, do enlighten us...)
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