Even More Resources for Vox Populi

Even More Resources for Vox Populi (v 8)

Saw that it wasn't mentioned here, but I'm having the same issue people on the steam page have where resources don't have a means of being improved. I'm gonna see if I can figure out why that's not working on my own but it's likely I won't know that easily. Thanks for doing this mod btw, was always confused why I couldn't find the original one for these resources, and the I saw it got removed.

Edit: Nvm I might be stupid, I'm looking through the SQL file and see that platinum is assigned to masonry as the tech that allows it to be improved.

TechCityTrade = 'TECH_MASONRY' as follows

But that obviously shouldn't be correct. Also just gonna make sure it can actually be improved once i switch it to mining.

Edit 2: Still couldn't be improved, I have no idea then. Hopefully I can try and spot something that seems like the correct thing, a boolean maybe with my lackluster knowledge of programming.
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Just updated TOfVP to v9. Fully compatible with your mod. Better visibility, additional useful info and better tooltips:
Spoiler Screens :
Totally recommend :)
I remember what you said about difficulties, but if you look for ideas then I can suggest few resources for some distant future update:
  • Bonus:
    • Dolphins (fishing boats)
    • Clay (mine), Natural Gas (mine)
    • Polar Bears (camp)
  • Luxury:
    • Turtles (fishing boats), Mussels (fishing boat)
    • Granite (quarry)
    • Aligators (camp), Ring-neck Pheasant (camp)
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I would like to see some Bonus Resources for Lumbermills or Loggingcamps, as those don't have any in the base game.
Hardwood is already in the mod. Have a suggestion for another? I think part of the reason there aren't luxury lumber or logging resources is that you wouldn't want to chop.
Hardwood is already in the mod. Have a suggestion for another? I think part of the reason there aren't luxury lumber or logging resources is that you wouldn't want to chop.
No luxury lumber because lumber mills unlock at medieval, while the other luxuries all unlock at ancient. Would not be very fun for the guy stuck with lumber mill luxuries.
I understand that JFD has objections about using his resources from Exploration Continued Expanded? Cedar would be excellent lumber mill resource. Also I liked Lotus spawning in lakes. Simiralry Alligators could be marsh/lake/river exclusive. I also like his idea to make lxury linked by Trading Post. There's no such resource in the game.

So to summarize:
  • Bonus:
    • Fishing Boats: Dolphins (on Coast or Sea), Lotus (on Lake)
    • Mine: Clay (on Flat Plains or Grasslands), Natural Gas (close to Coal)
    • Camp: Polar Bears (on Arctic)
    • Lumber Mill: Cedar (on Hill Forest), Red Maple (on Tundra, Forest)
  • Luxury:
    • Fishing Boats: Turtles (on Sea), Mussels (on Coast)
    • Quarry: Granite (next to Mountain)
    • Camp: Aligators (on Marsh or near Lake or River), Ring-neck Pheasant (in Forest)
    • Trading Post: Feathers (in Forest)
Do you modify current resources bias or decided to not change anything from VP?
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While you're at it at bug fixing, I would like to inform that the Inuit, Macedon and Israel's unique components are affected by this mod. They appear incomplete when enabled with it.
I understand that JFD has objections about using his resources from Exploration Continued Expanded?
It's Sukitract only, he made icons. The models are mostly public, so using it is no problem.

As for more types of lumbermill bonus resources, I didn't add more because I couldn't think of a worthwhile way to differentiate them.

While you're at it at bug fixing, I would like to inform that the Inuit, Macedon and Israel's unique components are affected by this mod. They appear incomplete when enabled with it.
I think I know what the issue is, I'll try to do a fix this weekend.

I do not think it is possible to add animals as resources.
Oh it's definitely possible, it's just a lot more work to get the model to look right.
As for more types of lumbermill bonus resources, I didn't add more because I couldn't think of a worthwhile way to differentiate them.
Cedar could increase the production of cities when making buildings
Oak could increase production of melee ships until industrial
Teak could increase production of ranged ships until industrial
Cornell could increase production of melee land units
Ash could increase production of Archery units until the Renaissance
HungryForFood updated Even More Resources for Vox Populi with a new update entry:

v 3

- Fixed incompatibilities with some mods (disabled trigger which updates text string).
- Fixed Research Lab description text.
- Fixed Platinum unlocking at the wrong technology (should be Mining).
- Fixed some database errors relating to Lead, Platinum, and Titanium (due to missing defines for the HEAVY and MARSH art variations).
- Platinum monopoly now +10% science instead of +10% gold.

Read the rest of this update entry...
@myles718 I just checked your debug database, seems like a mod conflict. You have another mod which adds resources such as platinum, you'll need to disable.

@adan_eslavo Database errors should be gone with the new version. Can you check again?

@Arbol Try with the new version, see if it still crashes.

About the lumbermill resources, I'm using models from this section, specifically Horem's Tree Collection. Currently, Hardwood uses the model for Oak & Beech. So we have 2 more lumbermill resource models left that can be used, Pine and Mahogany.
@HungryForFood From my perspective it works now. No errors and icons came back.

What can I suggest is also changing icons for rice and lead. First just do not fit the style, too cartoonish. Second one seems to be one big blob instead of "something". You could look at this for v4.

Also I would rather stick to cedar instead of pine. Cedar is rather rare tree with specific bias. For second one maybe cork tree? It depends on what bonuses you want to give them. @pineappledan suggested quite wide spread of abilities.
Lol, none of those look like a pine tree, There's a dead ringer for ash, teak, and cornel though
Pine is a softwood, it's mostly used for furniture and paper. If there were an acceptable pine model, you could simply scale it up and colour it a bit redder, and then you have cedar
beech is basically only good for firewood
mahogany, once again, is for furniture
Hiya, i think ive found a compatibility issue with the 43 civ version of vp. when i try and start a game with more than 22 civs i get no luxury spawns on the map. I only have this mod and all the necessary vp components active on my mod list.
Oh hey I would like to report that the new version works fine with the mentioned civs. Thank you very much!1
Hiya, i think ive found a compatibility issue with the 43 civ version of vp. when i try and start a game with more than 22 civs i get no luxury spawns on the map. I only have this mod and all the necessary vp components active on my mod list.
Looks like there's some compatibility stuff which needs to be done for 43 civ. Adding it to my (currently long) to-do list.
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