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Event: Live Nudes!


The Great Head.
Apr 9, 2002
Salisbury Plain
In our independance the laws regarding public indecency were never really clarified giving way to a fair bit of confusion on what is or isn't acceptable. In the last few weeks many MPs have been treated to the wrinked posterior of 60 year old "nude-rights activist". There is a growing movement of people proudly displaying all of thier bodies in many public venues. Should this be allowed to contine, should there be federal regulations? What should we do?
Sorry, provo's and serf's events were much better.
In the words of my dear friend Dave Chappelle, "That horsehockye is Gross".

Public Nudity should be confined to specific nude beaches, and if I have to use my government to stop the madness, I will. Seriously. Ew.
I think I will do down and join the nudists and excersise my libertarianism to its fullest extent!
MP Equuleus joins the protests.

Libertarianism ueber alles!
Yes, the nudism should be allowed, as long as it is not done in a sexual nature. Otherwise, confine them to stripclubs and nudist beaches.
Yes, the nudism should be allowed, as long as it is not done in a sexual nature. Otherwise, confine them to stripclubs

Er, huh!?! Nudism and stripclubs shouldn't be even considered as the same. Realize that nudism isn't sexual and though its been a while since I've been to a stripclub, I'm fairly certain they still are! ;)
Nudity on public property = illegal

Nudity on private property = legal (assuming you arent randomly tresspassing nude on someone property.)
Er, huh!?! Nudism and stripclubs shouldn't be even considered as the same. Realize that nudism isn't sexual and though its been a while since I've been to a stripclub, I'm fairly certain they still are! ;)

Exactly, that's what I meant. I should have differentiated them more, but I meant to say that nudism should be accepted, so long as they don't break any other laws, such as sexual harassment.
Nudity should be compulsory for hot women, and illegal for everyone else.

Cubsfan would be willing to judge proposed hot women. By the way this event seems dumb. It this the way all of them go? Nitpicking at all the crap not covered in the constititution. If so we need some where everything not covered by us is covered by local administrators.
Yes, the nudism should be allowed, as long as it is not done in a sexual nature. Otherwise, confine them to stripclubs and nudist beaches.

Um. The nudity on nudist beaches is not of a sexual nature.
Um. The nudity on nudist beaches is not of a sexual nature.

Yes, I didn't say it quite right. What I meant is, public nudity should be allowed, so long as the nudists break no other law, such as sexual harrasment.
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