Welcome English_Cracker to DemoGame4.
I certainly remember what is was like coming to the DG for the first time. I have been here since the end of the DG3. I found the forum daunting. The constitutional talks are interesting if you are thinking about a career in politics
I like to hang out in the citizens groups. I especially like the Kights of the round table (or more currently the Guys hanging around a chaulk circle, because tables, chairs and knights haven't been invented yet). I is not directly related to the game-play of the demo game, but it is a lot of fun; especially if you are a monty python fan.
Once the demo game gets started, you wait in line to be a mayor of a township and will get to order your labourers around, set the build queue for your town and optionally host a RPG for your town.
If you are more adventurous, and have more time, you might run for an elected office.
I am surprised 40J didn't mention this (probably didn't want to overwhelm you) but there is also the CHD with I hope will be the highlight of the demogame, especially for the lurkers. It will have a creative history of what has gone on in the game as told by fictional characters created by citizens.
You can read more about that in the Creative History Department thread in the Government forum.
More later.