Fall Further 051 Bug Report Thread

Yeah, the problem here is that you can, as Bannor, give your captain one promotion, and then cycle your units through him, using only one promotion to get blitz. That is quite a "short cut", id' call it an exploit.

Yeah the problem isn't Tactics as a Promotion, it is that Bannor Commanders START with the Command Skill that gives everyone following them Tactics 2, letting them upgrade to Blitz with their very 1st promotion.

Tactics isn't the ultra shortcut, Bannor Captains are.
Promotions with a duration granted by spells don't count down while there is a caster of that spell in the tile.
So this is definitely something changed by the FF development team? Because, in FfH, the vampire's "hasted" promotion (even though applied to themselves) still only lasts one turn...
Ah, addendum with the CoE nightwatch bug.
In my last two games using the Dural as my civ, the bug has not occurred. This leads met to believe that it was my use of the Cualli that led to the bug, mind you I was using Deidra as my leader so I wasn't agnostic and was able to make use of the religion fully once I had it.
Re: Air strike button

Needs new graphic. Current graphic shows planes bombing.
I had a VERY strange thing happen in my (hotseat) game immediately after casting "River of Blood" for the Calabim a SECOND time (after they performed the Birthright Regained) ritual. All their cities suddenly had massively positive or negative production in their cities (for example, Rites of Oghama was performed in ONE turn in one city while, in another -- that used to be their best city -- they couldn't produce a vampire because their production was negative). As a couple of side notes:

- Their money onhand went from a little over 1,000 to over 54 MILLION... Each turn they were adding about one million to the total.

- On perhaps an unrelated note, the Elohim capital experienced some really bad production (it was showing like 54,000 shields, but was taking 31 turns to train a freakin' adept!!).

I doubt if there is a cure for this, but if anyone has any ideas on how to fix it I would be in your debt. I have yet to finish a FF game since I've installed your mods due to various and sundry problems.

On a side issue: I think you need to pick some better world spells for a few of your civilizations (the Mazatl, Kahdi, etc.). Birthright Regained is basically useless to some of them due to the nature of their spells and it would be "nice" is this ritual did something for everyone.

I thought there was a separate cosmetic thread (maybe that was for Fall from Heaven forum?); anyway - a spelling and grammar error in Captain Ostanes text.

"...were we to loose, History would..."

should be

"...were we to lose, history would..."


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There's a bunch of typos like that in the 'pedia, which itself is largely incomplete. The popups have weird issues where sometimes they cut off before they should, though I never think to make a note of it.

So, yeah.
I'm getting a rather odd issue concerning Flood Plains in FFPlus... As I haven't modified them in any way, I figured I'd post here and see if the issue is shared.

Basically, no improvements can be constucted on them, other than roads. Both people to report the issue were Malakim, but one used captured workers so it's not their UU... Any ideas?
The most important thing to improve Fall Further: OOS! In our Multiplayer games we sometimes have 5 OOS in 5 turns...
There's a bunch of typos like that in the 'pedia

Yep, but it's sooo hard to see your own spelling/grammar mistakes - it's helpful to have someone else point them out :) (at least that's what I tell my students).

Having said that... here's another spelling error under Geogi Bandon "childern" should be "children" and there should be a period after "filthy rich"

I also noticed a missing text_key_improvement_foxford_pedia.


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I'm pretty far into a game playing as the Cualli. The Armageddon Counter is at 23 or 24 and I can finish the Bane Divine ritual (the pedia says that it can't be done until the counter is at 70). I saw in a previous entry in this forum that it can be done before 70 - so I guess the problem is with the pedia text.

The pedia also indicates that the disciples turn into prophets. I have MANY disciples and they all disappear; but no prophets take their place. Maybe I'm misunderstanding this part.

My saved game is attached with the Bane Divine ritual being finished on the next turn.


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I'm pretty far into a game playing as the Cualli. The Armageddon Counter is at 23 or 24 and I can finish the Bane Divine ritual (the pedia says that it can't be done until the counter is at 70). I saw in a previous entry in this forum that it can be done before 70 - so I guess the problem is with the pedia text.

The pedia also indicates that the disciples turn into prophets. I have MANY disciples and they all disappear; but no prophets take their place. Maybe I'm misunderstanding this part.

My saved game is attached with the Bane Divine ritual being finished on the next turn.

The AC Counter requirements were removed a while back. The pedia is wrong, but this isn't a bug - might be incorrect, but it's currently intentionally incorrect.
The AC requirement will be re-added in Patch C. Bane divine particularly, is too powerful to be used without it.
Pedia text will become correct without changing
Hi all,

I just realised I have a problem with the tech I am adding in the modular way.

Here is the tech file:

<Civ4TechInfos xmlns="x-schema:CIV4TechnologiesSchema.xml">
		<TechInfo>		<!-- TECH_TEAR_SYMBIOSIS -->

And here is the result !

Somehow the tech disable all other tech ! I don't understand because I checked with the Jotnar Tradition Tech, and it seems quite similar, except for the name itself, but for the other tech not the same problem.

So I copied/pasted the tech into the main file. And then it works OK. Which would seem to mean the Techs cannot be modular (some kind of bug) ?

Reported as Bug on xienwolf notice.
In one of my game, my mouse bugged so I had to replace it and restart my computer. Before restarting it, I quick saved my game. When I loaded it later, it was bugged.
Attached are the quicksave and the latest auto before it.


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the angel spawning for basium is still not working correctly.
i just killed a whole stack of elohim including a lot of stonewardens and basium is not getting any angels. In fact they haven't received any angels at all since i summoned them
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