Fanatikos Observer - Newspaper

I'll subscribe to your newspaper, if only because I like to read about myself in print. :D

Fanatikos enjoys freedom of the press so feel free to print whatever you'd like within reason. One word of Greek caution to pass on, however:

Do not anger the Gods....... :eek:
Fanatikos Observer, September 6th, First Edition

General News

Where to build the GL?

Deputy President DaveShack has just opened a poll to decide where to build the GL using our recently acquired SGL. The poll is located here: Poll

Fanatikos Citizenship

Governor Provolution of Priapos posted a citzenship thread for his new city, followed soon by Civlord, governor of Olympus, and Greekguy, governor of the Augean Stables. The links are here:

The Augean Stables


New Turnchat Thread is now open!

The new Friday turnchat thread is now open! If you are from the Governemnt, don't forget to post your instructions there as soon as possible! Here is the link to the thread:Turnchat Thread, Friday 9, 1700 GMT


M4 Sherman
The Newspaper Editorials

Time is short, but I promise to publish the editorials still today. The editorials are, if you don't know, the area where the newspaper posts its opinions about the current political or social situation. I strongly recommend you to read them, as they will the best part of my newspaper. The editorials will be followed by the Judiciary special coverage session. Feel free to post your comments here, including you, DZ!
Urgent Update

Governor Provolution said in the Friday turnchat thread that he may extend the turnchat to 24 hours after the expected time. He justified it saying he has an "important visit". Read all about it here:Turnchat Thread Friday 9 1700GMT
Hello everyone!

So, I am back! I will make the Fanatikos Observer the best newspaper of the Demogame, and of course, I won't spam anything anymore.

Just got back from jail, but here is the update:

Fanatikos Observer Update

Informational Poll for Culture buildings posted by Chief Justice ravensfire

Chief Justice ravensfire has posted an informational poll asking the citizens of Fanatikos to explain their opinions about what primary culture building (temple or library) is best to be built first in our cities. Most of the citizens until now voted for the Library. Here is the link to the poll thread.

M4 Sherman

I promise that I will write the Special Review of the Judiciary and the Newspaper Editorials tomorrow. Now I have to rest a bit, and I do not have too much time either. But I will never forget to update this newspaper :goodjob:!

Moderator Action: Try using the edit post feature..
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