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Fascist Britain? V for Vendetta

So what part of Britain is fascist? The part that opposes OWS?

Does anyone in the UK give a fack about OWS?

After much googling: St Paul's Cathedral was grudgingly allowed a British version of OWS to occupy their entrance.

They're not idolizing Guy Fawkes. They're idolizing V.

Idolizing a comic book is even more mature (elitist snobbery that a comic book producer will attack me for I'm sure)?
Funny thing is it's Guy Fawkes's face in caraciature.

At any rate it's more mature to publicly protest using one' actual identity, than pretending you're Zorro for holding a sign in public calling for socialist reform.
Go read CIF on the Guardian website they are obsessed. And they are also obsessed about the non-entity Julian Assange :p
Does anyone in the UK give a fack about OWS?

Yeah, plenty it seems. Including CofE's Canon Fraser. But none of those people count, I'm sure.

GoodGame said:
Idolizing a comic book is even more mature (elitist snobbery that a comic book producer will attack me for I'm sure)?
Funny thing is it's Guy Fawkes's face in caraciature.

I don't see why they have to be idolizing anything?

GoodGame said:
At any rate it's more mature to publicly protest using one' actual identity, than pretending you're Zorro for holding a sign in public calling for socialist reform.

I don't see why they have to be wearing the masks because they want to hide their faces?
I don't see why they have to be idolizing anything?

I don't see why they have to be wearing the masks because they want to hide their faces?

Well if they're not hiding, and they're not idolizing, then therefore they wear the mask because they hope they don't exist (hoping the mask blocks their reflection in mirrors?)?
Of a comic book?
A symbol originating from a comic book that apparently stands for certain things in the eyes of a large group of people. That seems pretty clear.
Ostensibly, they're wearing it because it's a symbol?
But obviously a badly chosen symbol.

Undoubtly V for Vendetta is cool and such, but Guy Fawkes was a catholic anti-democratic regicidal terrorist.

They could've chosen someone with a less dubious ring to it.
I'm going to say that I don't think there's such a thing as a good or a bad symbol - in a useful sense anyway - beyond how well people can identify roughly the same meanings when they look at it. It doesn't actually matter what the original meaning of the symbol was.
+1 to aelf. I have been stuck been in the middle of every protest in Parliament Square for the last 3 years, from student protests and EMA smashing up Westminster Abbey and draping a Vampire Weekend poster over Nelson Mandela to my aunt and uncle, both professional doctors, marching in a group of 100,000 odd of Andrew Landsley's health reforms. I have to say, I think people really underestimate the real scale in the UK of, if not division, then anger and serious alternative sentiment there is over many or even most social issues - the St. Paul's camp are 'real' people expressing real dislike of the system and posing credible alternatives. Student fees and suburb riots were I think the rawest manifestation of this, but it isn't French banlieu violence for the sake of violence, apart from the criminals who piggybacked on the lack of police resources to go round ramraiding PC World. There seems to be no credible party in British politics - Cons seem to be dismantling some public services albeit in a more sensical way than Labour ever managed - they've ended up becoming increasingly unpopular by giving the public the fiscal policies they were voted in for. The LibDems just seem to have lost all respectability post tuition fees and all their renaged promises. Labour just seem to be floundering with no clear direction after the UK suffered bad under the bizzare and somewhat megalomaniacal Gordon Brown.

On the masks, they simply want to look like a
Spoiler :
pretty cool guy. He doesn't afraid of anything!

TBH, I doubt they're /b/rosephs, but I think they admire the hacktivism and more common sense mob mentaliy that gets into people's face and shouts loudly, if that makes sense. I mean Coldblood got an interview with John Humphrys. The image isn't V any more, it's Anonymous, and it applies well as both a younger more connected, more mobile, while still politically engaged movement and people who think chan is still good.
It's not anonymous, it's V. He blew up the houses of parliament (ok-ish), survived a concentration camp (result!), but tortured his friend (bad :()

This is what you get when you vote lib dem.
It's not anonymous, it's V. He blew up the houses of parliament (ok-ish), survived a concentration camp (result!), but tortured his friend (bad :()

This is what you get when you vote lib dem.

I now may have a large face shaped dent in my desk. ^_^'', swings n roundabouts. :goodjob:
A really really good comic book. How is that relevant to what the symbol means anyway?

Well if I knew which comic book issue, I might go out and collect it /rimshot
But obviously a badly chosen symbol.

Undoubtly V for Vendetta is cool and such, but Guy Fawkes was a catholic anti-democratic regicidal terrorist.

They could've chosen someone with a less dubious ring to it.
It's sort of like wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt, I guess.
V was not the only character in V for Vendetta who wore a Guy Fawkes mask. These people are not idolizing Guy Fawkes or V. They're idolizing anonymity, which is what the mask came to represent by the climax of the story. When you wear a mask, you could be anyone, and when you are anyone, you are everyone. You are the common man, and your ideas are judged on their own merits, independently of your identity under the mask and all of the personal baggage and demons that come with that identity.

It's basically a twist on "I am Spartacus".
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