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Few Play as American Civ?

For games starting ancient, it would be nice if created colonies were weighted towards America/Germany/Netherlands so that we acquired allies with interesting UUs.

That would be very cool. It wouldn't solve the issue, but at least it would let you get the best of those civs.

(Dutch are fine in ancient era starts)
Quite a lot of European civs already have the USA as their first colony.
Well the problem is most of the civ players on this forum are from europe and prefer to pick european leaders. I'm an American and most of the time I pick Rosie. Plus I know the names of every big city in America pretty much. People shouldn't over look America. What I do: My current game:

Fishing and agriculture starting out allows you some feasability to tech early religion

I always have the option "choose religions".

I early teched Mysticism 50% wonder production is beutiful. Got SH waiting for that Priest to come up later to tech Theology.

Went for early religion: struck out at Meditation and Poly and was the first to get mono. Started Christianity.

Went for Piesthood and Writing quick. Built the Oracle on top of having Marble. Teched CoLs founded Taoism, monopolize baby.

Spread Chritianity fast enough, DEFINITELY running Organized Religion cause I haven't buuilt any monestaries. That Shrine some day onb huge marathon for Christianity will be a huge payoff and later shrines to follow.

Caught up on my worker and Military techs. And it's about that time for that Great priest to pop up from SH/ Teching Theo. Monopolizing 3 religions so far.

B lined to Currency, hey I gotta expand. Then astetics I forgot the name of that wonder it brings you 50% specialist production.

Not soon after Great Library. Wonder producers should not be gone to waste. GL... a good 5 tech jump sometimes.

Maybe if I'm lucky I'll be the first to tech Philosophy. Another religion under my belt to monopolize.

All my neibors are Christian.And then some. 50% wonders, courthouses, forges, and factories. Good production Early courthouses from bulbing CoLs good for Espionage.

And the r4est is history.

This has always been my strategy with Rosie and I can't go wrong. If you know what your doing America/Roosevelt by far is THE BESSST. Oh did I mention that I was American!! :)

SpaceRace here I come!!! It's over.
Well the problem is most of the civ players on this forum are from europe and prefer to pick european leaders.

Not quite sure what this assumption is based upon. And even if there were some truth in it, I don't see the problem in individual preferences of individual players...
If I remember correctly one of the most preferred civilizations is Inca.
Not quite sure what this assumption is based upon. And even if there were some truth in it, I don't see the problem in individual preferences of individual players...
If I remember correctly one of the most preferred civilizations is Inca.

That is a great point.I'm American and I love playing as Aztecs or Inca and just going for reverse History.

You know take out Spain and Portugal and go from there...

I did break that habit though...now I play as any Civ that will "change things up" or is fun.

Never played as Sumeria before and now I'm having a blast!
I've only played with America once, and I decided to mess around and try to get way ahead in the tech race to mess around with SEALs. They were rather fun to just spam coastal attacks all over the place, but I doubt I'll play with America a whole lot in the future.
That is why I sometimes think that all the players should be forced to play with Sid of the minors atleast once :devil: No UU, no UB, no traits ... good for learning how to play solid without having to rely on traits or uniques ...

Or you could just play as Tokugawa, he is already gimped enough :lol:
Or you could just play as Tokugawa, he is already gimped enough :lol:

You forget not only his Samurai,but the Xbows and Rifles that do some serious damage.

Lincoln and Washington can raise good troops,but Toku can raise a lot of great defenders that can switch to attack mode in the blink of and eye....

I think Japan while not as strong as it could be.Is better then what people give it credit...
I always thought it was just the Japanese AI that sucked, two warmonger traits alone is still decent even if the UU is marginal and the UB too late to matter. Hey, at least they get a UU that appears before the industrial era.

I don't get all this attachment to your native country. I almost never play the US, give me earlier UUs and UBs then we'll talk.
I always thought it would be cool if they had an Emperor Hirohito mod for Japan as leader to choose. He could be Industrious and Aggressive. I would love to play an Emperor Hirohito. Japan is a pretty respectable Asian country. The only Civ's I've chosen to be is based on my Heritage Irish,English,German and Russian. America,Britain,Celt,Russia, and Germany. Those are the only ones I've "Chosen to play" I don't really like Random games but on Multiplayer it's kinda required cause to many people have a Eropean/American bias. When I want a challenge I pick Celt cause they really don't have much to offer.
The Japanese are considered to have the worst traits as neither Agg nor Pro give you an economic boost.

Also for Warmongering, Boudica with Agg and Cha is much better than Agg and Pro, but the Celtic UU is pretty lame, while the Japanese UU is very good.

The American leaders have good trait combinations, the reason why I've never played them though is that their UU and UB come far too late.
@kraztbastid, You can check the "Unrestricted Leaders" box and play as Stalin of Japan. He is Aggressive and Industrious. So, for now, you don't need to actually add a Emperor Hirohito as Stalin has the same traits as you are interested in.
I still don't understand the "European/American bias". No one on here, that I know of would only consider empires of their own country. That would be a weakness. Inca, Egypt, Persia, Mali, India and the Romans are all considered Top Teir Empires by many players, yet none of them are currently American or European countries. The Romans could be considered, but the actual country hasn't been around for over 1100 years. Hannibal of Carthrage is one of my favorites, even though he is not considered "Top Teir" or is he from America. You might want to experiment with the Random leader setting. You could be surprised that game is going well and you get to try different tactics each game. :)

@bhavv, I know many people do choose Tokugawa as the Worst Leader. Personally, when I get Saladin of Arabia, I feel I got a worse leader and Empire.
At least, Toku of Japan can do a melee rush and has excellent gunpowder units. Japan also starts with Fishing, instead of the Mysticism tech, which usually permits me to tech up a little faster early on. Arabia's UU is barely different in combat than the normal Knight and I usually have Iron and Horses by that time. If I didn't, then I wouldn't have Macemen and HorseArchers either, which means the game is going very poorly.
I found in Eath 18 playing America ,if my First City was above the Aztec's,and my 2nd so i could get copper i had a chance of winning,but im still a beginner not played Nobel yet.
I like America for the same reason I like Germany: Great leaders. UU and UB aren't amazing, but IMHO they really don't make nearly as big a difference as traits (with a couple of exceptions). I'd much rather take the REX goodness of Washington's CHA/EXP over Toku (I know, he's really taking a beating in this thread), even though the Samurai is substantially more useful than the Navy SEAL.

Meanwhile, guys like FDR and Freddy have, IMHO, some of the best trait combos in the game. Freddy is actually my favourite leader.

So I would actually rank both US and Germany higher than a lot of other civs, due to traits being much more important than UUs and UBs. Of course, when you've got both good traits AND good uniques... (Shakes fist at the Inca... and to think that they were once AGG/FIN. Why'd you have to break it, Firaxis? Why?)
I always thought it would be cool if they had an Emperor Hirohito mod for Japan as leader to choose. He could be Industrious and Aggressive. I would love to play an Emperor Hirohito. Japan is a pretty respectable Asian country. The only Civ's I've chosen to be is based on my Heritage Irish,English,German and Russian. America,Britain,Celt,Russia, and Germany. Those are the only ones I've "Chosen to play" I don't really like Random games but on Multiplayer it's kinda required cause to many people have a Eropean/American bias. When I want a challenge I pick Celt cause they really don't have much to offer.

Right after school, i modified Emperor Hirohito.It's just for those who hate Tokugawa (including me:mischief:). I don't know if Chugginator's Leaderhead works with Civ4BTS, i only know that it was made for Civ4Warlords.

Just like what krazybastid wished, Hirohito is "Industrious and Agressive".


BTW, maybe others really don't prefer playing until modern/future eras because of :badcomp: or afraid of :nuke: or perhaps they're early warmongers.:egypt::viking:
I play Americans most of the time, and see nothing bad at all.:mischief:
UU and UB come to late in the game but their not so bad and it depends what game speed you are playing at.
Well the problem is most of the civ players on this forum are from europe and prefer to pick european leaders.

Don't know about that. Not saying there are no cultural biases, but for one thing, continent by continent, Europe has the most leaders available. I also recall that I started off by playing America, but wasn't happy with the UU/UB as many others have said. I do confess that I get a little warm glow from winning as Liz, but then I like FIN leaders in any case, so Huayna or Willem are favourites too. OTOH, maybe it's frightfully British of me to favour the FIN trait.
Well the problem is most of the civ players on this forum are from europe and prefer to pick european leaders.

Are they, and do we? I pick either random or a SPI leader at random.

This has always been my strategy with Rosie and I can't go wrong. If you know what your doing America/Roosevelt by far is THE BESSST.

Very little of it seems to depend on playing as either.
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