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FfH2 0.30 Bug Thread

I am playing the h patch right now and have noticed a few things.

1. Revealed copper and got both mine and road to it but not getting it to show up as me having copper

2. Playing Cardith Lorda on Marathon speed and haven't gotten a chance to do his adaptive trait yet (turn 284 so far)

3. Captured a giant spider, revealed his nationality and still having Barbarians walk into his plot (it is Warriors I have seen so far do this). This is while the spider is inside my culture borders.

4. also the incense thing but see that was talked about above.

1. Need Bronze Working Tech to get Copper resource in city. Mining just reveals it to you on the map.

3. Should happen at turn 300 most likely. Marathon multiplies all time scales by 3, this might be one of the ones that manages to multiply properly.

3. That is because the Spider is Invisible, the other unit cannot see him, thus acts like there is no unit in the tile.

4. Pretty sure you are referring to the fact that Incense doesn't become available in the city as a resource until Philosophy, even though you can build an improvement on it at Calendars.
hey playing with patch h: I can't build libraries even though I have discovered writing... the icon does not appear in my cities, although the Great Library icon appears, but it won't let me build that (assuming I need a library first)
Are you playing Doviello or Clan? If so, you are not allowed to build libraries.

Look at the link "Unit & Civ Reference Charts" in my Sig, it will tell you what each Civ is restricted from building.

@Kcwong: It only states that on an un-improved incense resource sadly, and typically people are checking them only after they have improved it and noticed there is no resource available.
I just played a game as the Calabim on 030h and noticed a few discrepancies. The Prophecy Mark doesn't not raise the counter +1 per unit with the prophecy mark. It's more like +1 for every 3 units or so. Also when I built the Stigmata of the Unborn the description says it adds +5 to the counter but it only increases by one.
I just played a game as the Calabim on 030h and noticed a few discrepancies. The Prophecy Mark doesn't not raise the counter +1 per unit with the prophecy mark. It's more like +1 for every 3 units or so. Also when I built the Stigmata of the Unborn the description says it adds +5 to the counter but it only increases by one.

This aren't bugs, but are working as intended. These things change the "true counter," which has a maximum value based on map size/speed/number of civs (or at least on map size). The displayed value is the percent of the true value (rounded off).
The other problem is about the Overcouncil. I dropped out of the council and select "none", and I ended up heading the Undercouncil instead. It came up as a "United Nations" vote. Several turns later, I resumed membership of the Overcouncil and as a result, became part of both the Over and Under councils.

I can verify this, I was a member of the undercouncil, set it up so that slaves can be purchased, temporarily switched to overcouncil, switched back to undercouncil (after more than the 10 turn wait) and a few turns later was presented with the options to vote for an Overcouncil option.

I could purchase slaves just fine, so I was properly in the Undercouncil, and did not have my death mana restricted like the Overcouncil vote choice option claimed (yes, I was the Head of the Overcouncil)
Are barbarians meant to get great commanders?

I think the question should be WHY do they get Great Commanders?

OK, with one they use it to get a Golden Age For Barbarians. But, what about the others? Do they build command posts in their cities? Ever seen one attached to a barb unit? I actually did see one wandering around barb territory once, but he disappeared before I could get there to kill him. What do they use the Great Commanders for?

I'm sorry, I know this is not a bug, but it just doesn't make sense to me when you see the barbs having Golden Ages, building Wonders, and pumping out Great People. Make them another ai civ, then OK...;)
Yeah, I tried it to (just to test it). Something must have happened to the server.
version 2.030g (i am not sure, but i think it is not fixed in patch h)

it seems the world spell of the elohim don't work correct with all units.
1. playing vs balseraph three units in front of my city weren't pushed out and attack me.
2. playing vs malakim all except of one chariot were pushed out, but the unit still stands there doing nothing.

i try to test it with patch h and other civilications.

ok i test it with patch h. The same error. 2 of 4 units still in my area.
i get no phyton error, but i make a screenshot and savegame, if needed.

I'm not able to download the patch file. Firefox says Problem loading page. I asked some of my friends to try to download it, and they get the same error.
I'm not able to download the patch file. Firefox says Problem loading page. I asked some of my friends to try to download it, and they get the same error.
Problem fixed.
I attached a great commander to a Drown unit, that I latter upgraded to a Sygian Guard and then to an Edilion (spelling?) unit. I found that when I wanted to detach the commander, the remove commander option was darkened out. I just had to keep him attached all game.
Ok, it's actually a BTS issue I think instead of a bug (or maybe it is a bug!), but starting settlers are blind. Compared to Fire phase they can't see much of anything at all. I'd really like to see starting settlers get their old sight abilities back somehow, or just generally have a larger area revealed around where the civ starts. The 4 movement that the settler gets is not particularly meaningful when you can't see where you are going.
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