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FfH2 Bug Thread

There is no version checking on patch A either. It simply looks for FfH2 0.41 to be installed on your computer. The error message you received is the result of an invalid location being provided to the installer. When you launch the Patch A Installer you are given the opportunity to select the location of Fall From Heaven 2. By default the location provided should be your "Civ IV\Beyond the Sword\Mods" folder, which should be correct. If some other location were to appear, or if the user mistakenly changes the path to "Civ IV\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall From Heaven 2" then the patch will be unable to install correctly.

I'm sorry, but the patch didn't let me choose a folder. But I extracted the content of FfH2041a.exe with the help of 7-Zip and overwrite the old files. Seems to work. :)
Strange. Here's what happens when I install the patch:
Spoiler patch installation screenshots :
When I launch FfH2041a.exe this security warning appears:

I click "Run", and then the installer requests the install location:

I click "Install" and the patch installs. I'm not sure why it would be different for you.
Anyway, I'm glad you were able to work around the problem.
Just opened FFH2 for the first time and started reading the new features in the civilopedia. Noticed a couple minor typos (and the features look awesome!)
* Under Equipment: it says "...equipment is killed that equipment is dropped into the time the unit died..." - probably means the tile. Also, the capitalisation of equipment isn't consistent.
* Under spells, second paragraph, level is misspelled "levevl 6 mages"
* The title screen is pretty, but looks pretty squashed on my widescreen monitor

Looking forward to playing!
The error happened under .41 so I downloaded .41a and it didn't help. With the save game I'm attaching when I hit end turn I get a CtD. I reloaded the game a few times with no change to the result.

Thanks for any help.

Edit: It may have had something to do with my HN Nightwatch standing in one of my towns. I moved him out and the turn progressed normally.
Possible bug to report. Multiplayer game, 0.41a. I razed a city while my opponent was in the city screen and he crashed. I don't know if this is something that typically happens in Civ4, or we were unlucky, or if its linked to the new Examine/Raze/Liberate/Govern pop-up. Haven't attempted to reproduce yet.
What is the exact path of your "Fall From Heaven 2" folder? For example, mine is "F:\Civ IV\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2". If you navigate to the folder through "My Computer" then you can see the path on the address line near the top of the window.

When you attempt to install the patch, what is the default install path that appears on the "Choose Install Location" window? Do you change that path before clicking "Install", and if so then to what do you change it?
What is the exact path of your "Fall From Heaven 2" folder? For example, mine is "F:\Civ IV\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2". If you navigate to the folder through "My Computer" then you can see the path on the address line near the top of the window.

When you attempt to install the patch, what is the default install path that appears on the "Choose Install Location" window? Do you change that path before clicking "Install", and if so then to what do you change it?

The problem is that the patch installer does not allow me to choose an install path - it just says that FFH2 is not installed and aborts...
The install for the full mod tries to default to \Mods - which would not work obviously so I change it \2kgames\Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Mods ...
My hunch is that full mod installer does not find the correct path for Complete and that the patch installer also tries to find *something* in the registry and fails - though no check would likely be best or at least an option to override the check :)
The error happened under .41 so I downloaded .41a and it didn't help. With the save game I'm attaching when I hit end turn I get a CtD. I reloaded the game a few times with no change to the result.

Thanks for any help.

Edit: It may have had something to do with my HN Nightwatch standing in one of my towns. I moved him out and the turn progressed normally.

This save also crashes for me when I advance to the next turn. If I declare nationality on the Nightwatch there is no crash. However, the game still crashed for me if I did not declare nationality and instead moved the Nightwatch to (1E,1S) from Morr'ta'nar, and also when I tried moving it to (3E). Then I tried attacking the Grigori Axeman located (2W) from Morr'ta'nar, defeated it, and then was able to end turn without a crash or having to declare nationality.

Last night I completed a game as the Doviello in which I made extensive use of HN Nightwatch and I did not encounter any problems. That was before installing patch A, however.
The problem is that the patch installer does not allow me to choose an install path - it just says that FFH2 is not installed and aborts...
The install for the full mod tries to default to \Mods - which would not work obviously so I change it \2kgames\Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Mods ...
My hunch is that full mod installer does not find the correct path for Complete and that the patch installer also tries to find *something* in the registry and fails - though no check would likely be best or at least an option to override the check :)

It sounds like you and BlackArchon are having the same problem, then. You are probably correct that the cause is a problem with how the path to the mods folder is determined by the main mod install and the patcher.
Not sure if its a problem with the map script I was using or what, but Odio's Prison spawned on top of pigs using Erebuscontinents.
I am reluctant to add yet more work load to the ffH2 team, and don't want to be a bother... but I would like to make a request regarding future patches.

Would it be feasible to include in the "issues addressed" list for each patch a notation in parentheses after each issue stating which files were altered to fix that issue?

This would make it a lot easier on modmodders. We would then be able to tell at a glance whether the latest patch will safely accomodate our modmods, :) or whether we need to do another merge. :(
The patch won't install, says that it can't find 0.41. 0.41 is, in fact, installed. I even put it in the same folder and it still couldn't find it... I assume this is because I have the game installed on my F:\ drive, and the patch assumes that I'd have it on C:\

. .. .. .. . c:\. Is it really that unusual to have games installed on a slave drive? Sheesh...

Any way to get it to work?
I've got the same problem with patch a - it says immediately after loading that it failed to detect 0.41, despite it being installed in C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods.
I installed the main mod and the patch a and the media pack from the first post, as previously I had the same problem as patch a not being recognized. That fixed it for me.

A small bug:

If you check "end of winter" in the custom game setup, it automatically puts the "random leader" into the leader field for your civ, even if you already choose a disting leader there.
I have the version of the main mod with fixed leaderheads. Patch A still won't recognize it. I did made some changes to the XML files, through.
after installing patch a, normal Amurite archers are lacking a body; there's a head and a bow, but otherwise the units are invisible. I think this was introduced by patch a, but it might have been 0.41.

I am also running Skyre Noktis' AI mod, so that could be causing it. Anyone else have this problem?
I am also running Skyre Noktis' AI mod, so that could be causing it. Anyone else have this problem?

0.41a should fix it.

And I 7-zipped 0.41a, too. Still, it's an issue that needs checking.
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