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Finland and NW Russia (64x104)


wicked witch of the North
Jul 5, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
Take it easy on me; this is my first map :)

This is the map I'm using for a Continuation War scenario I have in the works. The other Finland map on here was too big to be useable, IMHO.

It looks best with Rhye's from-space terrain: found here.

edit: me forgot a screen shot.


  • finland.zip
    38.3 KB · Views: 1,077
  • screenshot.jpg
    13.3 KB · Views: 1,981
Thanks :D They were back-to-back wars. The Winter War ended in 1940, the Continuation War started in '41. I'd do the Winter War too, but another user is already working on it.
You can safely connect cities on the map with railroad as they were already there. St.Michels was the place for Finnish Army Headquarters during the war.

Also perhaps bit too much water, but perhaps your reasons are strategic gameplaywise.
They are. I didn't want the Finnish player left with thin defenses. Unit support for Finland is quite high to cap the maximum number of troops one can have. Adding extra land to this would give the Soviets an unfair advantage.
:goodjob: Finld, a paradise for cyclists, hikers, and historians. This map captures the image and courage of the Finns.
Very patriotic spelling of finland Suomi:lol: (welcome to the forums[party])

This could make a very interesting scenario, with sky infantry and other finnish things
wohoo =)
even Estonia is nicely made :D (that's where i'm from)
quite nice ...
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