Friday the 13th - Mini Mafia

An eerie silence hung over the lake and nearby gathering of wooden buildings that formed Camp Crystal Lake. The surface of the water was sky blue, unmarred by waves or ripples. This would be a beautiful picture, if not for the unnatural quiet. No bird sung its happy song, no fish splashed in the crystal blue water, no beast stirred, even the wind seemed to take up the tension on the shore.

OOC: :bump: Breaking the equally eerie silence in the thread.
Is it?
Night 0

The night was a dark night at Camp Crystal Lake. So dark that you could hold your hand out in front of you without being able to see it. In the woods strolled a lone ranger armed with only a flashlight. The ranger had a nightmare, so he was trying to take his mind off of it and relax. While walking, he heard a rustle in the bushes.

"Who's there?" shouted the ranger as he turned around. He shined his flashlight on the spot where he heard the rustling. Nothing but a bush. The ranger turned around, to return on his route. But when he turned around, he saw in the light of his flashlight a man wearing a hockey mask carrying a machete. The ranger attempted to scream, but he was so paralyzed with fear that no sound escaped his lips. The man with the machete stabbed the poor ranger through the chest.

MartinLuther was killed!

Spoiler :
He was a Ranger!

Day 1 has begun!
vote: The Black Knigh for being the first to vote for the person above them.
Unvote; Vote: topsecret

Tying it up rather than having a newbie (I think) voted off round one.

Voting for someone who voted for you without giving a reason is known as OMGUS (Oh My God U Suck), and is seen as scummy (despite the fact most mafia would have the wit not to make such a silly and stand out vote), capital letters guy.
Vote:SamSniped. Third on the day one bandwagon? Perhaps the SK trying to claim his first victim?
Vote:SamSniped. Bolding fail
Vote: CELTICEMPIRE for editing your post. Seems scummy to me!
Editing posts with a vote render said vote invalid, IIRC... :rolleyes:
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