Funniest Webcomics, Part 2 - 75% Humon Comics

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I love how that comic follows Futurama's tried and tested method of simply adding the word "space" in front of something to make it more futuristic. "Space tissues." Classic.

Going through PVP from '98 till today. This made me laugh so hard.


Probably a chemist then?

Once again, sound management decisions.

"Who am I kidding?"
It's not very good though :p ;)

The crackalackin' one is just classic comedy. The humour is in the presentation of the comic, rather than in the words the characters are saying. It's the webcomic equivalent of good comedy timing.

o'right it made me chuckle, because of the dramatics, but I don't really get it.... what is the message? what is the link between ponyville, SOPA and that dome??
Why would the artist try to convince me SOPA is a good thing?
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