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[GS] Future Update?

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More broadly, I do find the proposals themselves to also be quite boring but i've always felt that civs should be able to refuse trade routes without declaring war as well on a civ by civ basis.

That is also the big issue for me.

There are many possible ways to improve the system, and I think is worth doing it. The point is, will we get any of this?

So many things seem to be suitable for add as WC resolutions, and yet the ones we got are so meh. That I wonder how much is being afraid of breaking the balance of the game or over complicating the system. And how much was work in progress.

I like the Idea presented here of losing Diplomatic points for agression, breaking promisses or breaking WC resolutions. I also like the Idea of simply altering game rules. I also always liked the idea of emergencies and trade rules or embargos tied to the system. I guess I just dont like that WC does not change game rules and at the same time feels separated of diplomacy or trade.

Adding diseases, corporations and ideologies (religion is the other system too bland to be fun for me) and global conflicts could be just the moment to tie all those systems together, and make WC meaningful.

Maybe, and this is a return to the wild speculation, the WC feels so bland cause all those mechanics were planned and were just not includded... yet.

So much for trying to not give myself too much hope for a third XP. Well, a man can always dream...

I soon will start having dreams with the words "this 3rd expansion pack is the biggest one to date!"... and nightmares with the words "this patch ends the development cycle of the game, Civ VI is finally complete"

Will Christmas come this year to Civilization, or will we end dissapointing ourselves by dreaming dreams that are too wild? We can only wait.
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Also in code, the nomenclature seems like LOYALTY is per turn and IDENTITY is the "healthbar" of 0 to 100. (I might've mentoined it somewhere already)
There's really no standard here as FXS has used that nomenclature interchangeably. Identity was the original term for loyalty, both in the code and in-game text, before R&F was released.
Patch turns all deer resource in the game into reindeer with red noses.
I know this was being facetious, but you can already add Reindeer yourself with this mod. Simple enough to switch regular deer out for this.
I've always thought it'd be neat if Firaxis did little holiday updates like that to be honest. Just a free little cosmetic thing where everything looks more Christmassy. Maybe a light snow effect and there are patches of snow everywhere, little snowmen on tundra tiles, add a Christmassy tune or two to the music lineup, etc. And of course make it toggleable for the no-fun-allowed types, :mischief:
Just one more day and I can finally stop wondering whether there's something coming this year.

I don't even care anymore. My brain just craves certainty at this point. Two full weeks of blissful certainty.
I gave up after the Carnival theory went bust. That sounded so goddamn perfect so I figured it was that or nothing.
I think denouncement could prevent trade between two civs, or add an option to embargo trade routes with a civ that you have denounced.
I'd have denouncement reducing trade route yields, and trade embargo be a separate option.

So many ways diplomacy could be improved....
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I'm sure this will be a bit controversial but since the WC and Diplo Victory is always up for debate in this forum, I think you should lose Diplomatic Victory points after WC shows up for destroying Civs. You shouldn't be able to destroy all the civs except one heavily maimed one and then force a DV through. It's counterintuitive to what it SHOULD be.
Well, to destroy all civs except one maimed, that's definitely harder than to achieve Military Victory. So, if one would choose this way to win diplomatically, I see no need to restrict it.
Just in case we don't get a "official" cat picture before Xmas:
Spoiler :


Perhaps the empty hint means simply, there isn't anything to say about when, because it is still unknown.

We got used to the pattern Vanilla, exp1 after one year, exp2 after one year, pause two years. Repeat.
Probably it is no coincidence that Humankind will be released "sometime in 2020", the pristine empty fourth year in this pattern. So 2 new DLCs could fill this gap & try to sandwich the unknown Humankind release date.

I gave up after the Carnival theory went bust. That sounded so goddamn perfect so I figured it was that or nothing.
Just want to say I love your avatar. It's literally my goal in life RN. I even have the box of doughnuts next to me.

I can think of a few things I'd like added in the next patch. I feel like AI behaviour is still really odd. John Curtin's declared war on me three times in this game, and I don't really know why beyond him getting annoyed that he ceded a city to me. The AI also still loves to spam cities with no real point, so you end up with loads of useless cities - if you annex them, you've got dead weight. If you raze them, you get warmonger points. It feels a little like a no-win situation, and I find myself facing it even as a relatively peaceful player.
They'll likely make a Christmas tweet by Friday, but that doesn't mean much. Anything vague like 'look forward to exciting content in the future' could mean anything, from a patch to a new game.

So I guess I'll see you again in early January for more speculation. Hopefully Kevin will have posted something by then for me to desperately milk.

Merry Christmas.
They'll likely make a Christmas tweet by Friday, but that doesn't mean much. Anything vague like 'look forward to exciting content in the future' could mean anything, from a patch to a new game.

But that won't stop us from wild speculations that know no mortal bounds
today's tweet is about achievements before turning 30. ...civ is turning 30 in 2021... makes me think something big is coming even before that ... even bigger than expansion maybe? oO
Maybe a thirty year anniversary pack that contains all the older games, soundtracks, and scenarios in one with some graphical updates?
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