Futuristic Mod: Pentagenesis for Conquests

The download link or the mod? If it's the download link you might want to pm Neomega like recommended in the first post, If it is the mod some error report might be useful.
I redownloaded this mod about 1,5 month ago and played it for a while without any crashes.
I hope your not permabanned.
Like I said above I've been on the hunt for Civ scenarios , and as part of that process I've been looking for cool alien world colonization scenarios similar to or inspired by Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri so when I saw this project I just had to check it out!

Sadly the 3D download for @Neomega 's awesome old Pentagenesis for Conquests scenario has long been down (& takes to some dodgy page you don't want to be visiting unprotected) however once again thanks to @Node60 this scenario and it's update patches were all saved.

I've tested it with my disc install of Civ3 (steam users will be fine too as there's no label files) and it worked! Looks awesome!!! I'm going to enjoy playing this!! :)

I've applied patches, repacked with 7zip (down to 113MB) and uploaded a copy of the mod to CivFanatics servers to preserve his work. Should @Neomega return to CFC he can modify his OP download link for this mod to link to here instead of the long gone 3D one. EDIT: As part of the dead mod link rescue/replacement project I'm working on with Quintilius he's now edited the original thread post's download link for this mod to link to here instead of the long gone 3D one that was taking people to a dodgy page.

@Neomega I'd also love to talk to you about me using your stuff in a Balthasar tribute Mars scenario if possible.

A whopping 19 custom factions with animating scifi leaders! Love the custom GUI too!

Ooooh man I love how you start in a Colonization space ship that literally lands and deploys (fully animated) into your starting city just like SMAC!!!

Exploring an alien world.. Neomega has put in spooky lightning effects too.
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