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G-Major 137

Ouch, just realised I'm in a bit of a bind. Frederick has wonder-whored a bit in Berlin. Great Lighthouse, Parthenon, Chitzen Itza and.... Sistine.

Spoiler :

Having Sistine would quite frankly be a disaster for the late game, but I do want to wipe out Freddie from the land, cap him with that one island city left for +1:) If I do that, I'd have to burn Berlin to the ground, with GLH and Sistine :cry:

Or, I cap him after taking Cologne and move on to India. Though that leaves me without proper coast access to the west. Sure, I can still galleon chain as long as I have OB, but it's more of a pain. May also face severe issues with remaining German culture. However, with GLH and a few cities left, maybe Frederick would be of some use. Hmmm. Perhaps I talked myself into capping him earlier instead of razing that place :scan:
Ouch, just realised I'm in a bit of a bind. Frederick has wonder-whored a bit in Berlin. Great Lighthouse, Parthenon, Chitzen Itza and.... Sistine.

Spoiler :

Having Sistine would quite frankly be a disaster for the late game, but I do want to wipe out Freddie from the land, cap him with that one island city left for +1:) If I do that, I'd have to burn Berlin to the ground, with GLH and Sistine :cry:

Or, I cap him after taking Cologne and move on to India. Though that leaves me without proper coast access to the west. Sure, I can still galleon chain as long as I have OB, but it's more of a pain. May also face severe issues with remaining German culture. However, with GLH and a few cities left, maybe Frederick would be of some use. Hmmm. Perhaps I talked myself into capping him earlier instead of razing that place :scan:
Put Seraiel Mills Corp in border cities or leave them without Sushi.
Sistine shouldn't be a problem in this game with its early finishing date. Afaik, it's only a problem when going for a time-victory, even in Sushi-games it's usually np. The added :culture: through Specialists is a minor factor, 10 Specialists are +20 :culture: iirc., compared to Sushi with it's over 1xx :culture: that's nothing.
This Gauntlet triggered something somehow. I haven't played CIV for a week, but rolled some starts. I take the best starts, settle the city, and then abort them because "I have no interest in going through the endgame again" ^^ .

Anybody feeling the same? :)
This Gauntlet triggered something somehow. I haven't played CIV for a week, but rolled some starts. I take the best starts, settle the city, and then abort them because "I have no interest in going through the endgame again" ^^ .
You need to break your duck in the Religious Victory category, no long end game slog there :)
This Gauntlet triggered something somehow. I haven't played CIV for a week, but rolled some starts. I take the best starts, settle the city, and then abort them because "I have no interest in going through the endgame again" ^^ .

Anybody feeling the same? :)

I haven't played the endgame yet, but I'm actually looking forward to planning the space parts (hopefully 1 turn) using a spreadsheet
Sistine shouldn't be a problem in this game with its early finishing date. Afaik, it's only a problem when going for a time-victory, even in Sushi-games it's usually np. The added :culture: through Specialists is a minor factor, 10 Specialists are +20 :culture: iirc., compared to Sushi with it's over 1xx :culture: that's nothing.

Could well be right I suppose, but it's too late now. I took Cologne and capped him before I stopped playing earlier, and intend to move on to India. Could be I needed to do that anyway tbh, as I want to found corporations in the Hindu holy city, so I need to grab it soon-ish.

Totally understandable you are burnt out on Civ for the moment. The middle and end game is incredibly demanding with spreading corps, all the micro, planning of spaceship parts and all the rest.
Spreading the Corps is only demanding, if one tries to 1T Execs with the OF from something whipped on the turn before. Fortunately, I didn't find any possibility for that, because I 1. got Kremlin late and 2. didn't have enough multiplier for a reason I don't know (I always thought that Forge + Kremlin should be enough, but the most OF that was offered to me was something like 135 :hammers: ) .
Maybe I didn't found it exhausting though, because I already played so many games in which I had to spread Corporations.

Do you btw. really think, that capitulating someone with half of his cities left (guestimate) is the right decision? Or did you beat Frederick down to 1-2 cities? I found that my Vassals somehow were weak, even with being Peace-Vassals. I needed to push them as harsh as possible, like gift them all techs by which they advance one era so they get a higher bonus on research, and ofc. all commercial-techs like Economics or Corporations too. Even then, I needed to take a completely different path of research so that I could get techs like Artillery through trade, and the delay on Apollo Program didn't make it easier either.
I'm really curious, how this Gauntlet is gonna end.

Can't we end it earlier? Like now? ^^

Ok, proposal, we end that Gauntlet tomorrow, so everybody has a full 24h to finish his game. Like that, you all get protected from suffering a burnout like me. Kk?
Do you btw. really think, that capitulating someone with half of his cities left (guestimate) is the right decision? Or did you beat Frederick down to 1-2 cities?

At the time I was worried Sistine would make Sushi even more of a nightmare, as the biggest challenge I had in the endgame in the last game was to PREVENT domination. Gave away ~15 cities to stay below 51% land. It was terrible. So I didn't want something like that again. Therefore I thought my decisions were (1) burn Berlin to the ground, or (2) capitulate Freddie earlier. I chose the latter, as that also allows me to move on to India a bit sooner, and I want to grab Bombay (holy city) in time to found corporations there. Frederick only has 3 cities left, so is obviously pretty crippled, but by having the GLH, maybe he can get me a tech. Most likely he'll be too slow for any use, but he has some resources I can get at least. Everything I tried to direct him to research would take aaaaages, so I put him on Banking, though I'll probably get that earlier from trade anyway. So yes, he'll probably be useless as a techer.

I was unsure what to do here when I noticed he had Sistine too (he got it during the war, 4-5 turns ago), and since I'll be running LOTS of specialists in the end-game, that can potentially contribute to a lot of extra culture.

There was some war fatigue in involved too. Even with spy revolts, I lost many, many catas assaulting him, and I wanted to have some left for the Indian war. Don't have that many trebs yet,and running low on spies, and because I blew a GProphet+GS to extend the GA, I want to drop out of slavery and finally run caste, so it will be trickier to quickly get out more spies for revolts and siege from whipping.

I'm hesitant to do so, though, because Stalin Peter is plotting and it could well be against me. He has somewhat backwards units, but 20-30 swords, axes and cats is still a strong force.

So funny btw. Washington has been plotting for probably 50+ turns, got this 30+ stack sitting in a border city with de Gaulle, he hates de Gaulle with a passion -- but the army just sits there twiddling their thumbs. He could have capped him ages ago had he just pulled out his finger and declared. Hammurabi has peaced out with Peter three times now, with almost no blows exchanged, after marching forces almost to Peter's borders. And Peter peaced out with Freddie when he was 1 turn from obliterating his forces and probably taking a city. The AI is so incredibly weak on strategy, it hurts my eyes.
How much military does Stalin have? Is it even enough so he can declare on you at all? In my game, there was a large timeframe, when nobody even had 2/3 of my military, because the AIs destroyed each other in wars and because my empire had grown so large.
:faceslap: It's even worse now. Look at this beast, sitting there and doing feck all :wallbash: 44 units by my count.

Don't have demographics on Peter so not sure if he can declare (what is the border there, is it really 67%? I thought I needed twice the army), but his army is not insignificant, and if he went all in against me, I'd struggle without drawing many units from the front back.

Oof, that's actually 43 units, though some are defenders like longbows. After noticing this, I'm even more hesitant to drop out of slavery, and should probably whip out those walls I have invested a turn in. Am actually pleased with him right now, due to a famine +3:) random event, but on the same "between turns" somebody asked me to cut trade with him, which I did, so he won't talk to me.... :cry: Can't imagine he's plotting on anybody else, unless it's Hammurabi (in the far NE), as they've been at loggerheads many times. However, with closed borders now, he couldn't get there if he wanted, so it's most likely against me, which would of course be a huge distraction when I want to wipe out India, peace out and sit back and tech, spread corps, and see what's on the other side of the pond.

Wow, that was a lot. Kind of shocked when I saw this. Didn't know I had produced nor lost such a sick amount of catas.

The lack of forests is frustrating me. No good NP spot, and too few forests anywhere to effectively chop out Taj, and certainly no good spot for chopping space parts way down the line either. The capital may oddly enough be best for Taj, as it has 4 74:hammers: forests plus one BFC 90:hammers:, which with modifiers will be over 1000:hammers:. Only worth half of Taj, but it's something at least. Just hope nobody gets a bloody GE again.

With simple math and the demographics screen, I found out that Peter has 1.32 military, so the third strongest on the map, behind me and Washington. With him plotting, this makes me think I should probably not go out of slavery, which is kind of annoying because I'd like to start running many specialists at some point to get more GPs for future GAs. Crossing my fingers for a GE myself, hopefully one of the low-percentage chances work out.
Huh, this was a little different than I thought.

5 Muskets would indeed be useful to continue the war, but 9 free converted cities would be nice as well.


Really wish it was possible to check both options here. However, just looking at it from a hammers perspective:

Muskets: 160:hammers: x 5 = 800:hammers: => More firepower when attacking, though I'm not exactly short on cleanup (siege, however, is dwindling)

Hinduism: 80:hammers: x 9 = 720:hammers: => More GPT and possibly some AIs easier to keep in Hinduism, like Elizabeth that keeps changing back to Judaism. No guarantee of 9 successful conversions either with normal missionaries. Actually, for all I know, maybe the city will get 9 missionaries, and there isn't auto-spread to 9 random cities, like I assume.

Had my mind set on the auto-spread tbh. But maybe I should do the more sensible thing from a conquering perspective and grab some muskets.

Have anybody got this event before, and can shed some light on it?
Take the 9 auto spread... assuming you have that state religion and its shrine

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Take the 9 auto spread... assuming you have that state religion and its shrine

If you say so, then I'll try that instead. I only lack the religion in 4 cities, so hopefully it will spread to more than just those four. Didn't find much useful info via the search.

Asoka already built the shrine for me, but otherwise that would be the clearly best option. No waste of a GProphet, and much more :gold: per turn if it's well-spread.

Will update...

Hinduism did indeed spread to 9 cities. They appear to be the 9 cities closest to the Holy City, that did not yet have Hinduism. No spread to my own non-Hindu cities, surely because they were too far away.

Interesting quest, and would be pretty powerful if the holy city wasn't shrined. In this case it would have meant something like +80:gold: per turn.
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