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G-Major 137

Wow you really kept down the turns of anarchy! 6 turns that should have been 7 the rest all falling being in Golden Ages to push :gp:

Yes, I like to make most changes during a GA to avoid anarchy. As mentioned it was perhaps a mistake, but I thought that going with OR too was pointless without a religion, and changing a religion was another 2 turns of anarchy, so that would have been 5+2. Yuck!

So Pangaea your :gp: Farms are effectively out of your economy the whole game producing :GP:points
btw congrats on your latest 4 seafood two food farm you screenied

The problem is right now actually, because I'm spreading corporations so need slavery instead of caste, and lack of caste means much fewer spots for specialists. I had some half-decent plans to chuck out a few GS, GM and GA, with a mix here and there so maybe a GProphet or GSpy or GE, but those are out the window when I only have room for 2 scientists or merchants (and I have very few markets). Thankfully I got up the NP quickly, and whipped a Jail and Intelligence Agency into the NP, so there are four spots for spies there, and no 'wasted' spots this time when not running caste. 'Only' 7-8 Forest Preserves so far, but I hope the forests will spread a bit more soon-ish. Wish it was possible to remove roads too :(

:lol: You knew that! that is why like Seraiel you tried to get out mining first unlike WastingTime who had some crazed genius master-plan to somehow pay for it or yyheh who looks like he is going to more selectively spread rather than blanketing his whole empire.

Hehe, I sure did, but hadn't experienced it first hand before. Am now building Wealth in almost every city, and still losing 4-500:gold: per turn. It's crazy. And I've only spread to 10 cities or something like that so far.
[/LIST][/SIZE]Pyramids Great Library MoM, Wall Street, Oxford University
So many others you have to get to play a competitive game. (Oracle,) Hanging Gardens, Great Lighthouse, Taj ,Heroic Epic, National Epic, National park (later SoL and perhaps HS if you missed both the Mids&HG)

While competing with the occasional IND leaders
and that is all before Apollo project and 12-16 Space Ship parts

Thankfully you can conquer many of these and still get the same benefit, though of course that relies on luck in who builds it, so that it is within reach. HG and Taj are the two that absolutely must be built yourself, or they have almost zero value.

For instance, in my current game:
  • Stonehenge -> Conquered
  • Oracle -> Built (Currency)
  • Pyramids -> Built
  • MoM -> Conquered
  • Great Library -> Built
  • Apostolic Palace -> Conquered
  • University of Sankore -> Conquered (very late)
  • Taj Mahal -> Built for a free Golden Age
  • Kremlin -> Built in time for Sushi whips
  • Hanging Gardens -> LOST
  • Great Lighthouse -> LOST (could have conquered it late on in fairness, but didn't due to Sistine being there too)
  • Parthenon -> LOST (I did want to build this, as it helps non-PHI leaders)
Elizabeth has one city left, but I'm waiting to take it because I need some spies over there to grab her stash of 1500:gold:. Worth it I reckon...

Finally :)

Good use of the built up passive :espionage: I'd say, even if it meant I got the city much later. Thankfully for me, she was in Caste, so didn't whip it down to nothing.

Allows me to keep teching for, err, 3 turns :lol:
So now some questions[ (#1)
With your non NE GP farms are you trying to produce a great person per GPfarm city every golden age?

1 GP / GA is impossible with the high-cost-GPs. I try to generate 1 GP from every chosen city in total, and the NE-city usually is strong enough to produce an early 1st and a late 2nd one.

Like when in the 2GP Golden Age, setting up for the 3 person golden age. Do you set up the NE and the 2 next highest farms in GP points to produce the 3 great people and then the next 4 cities highest in GPpoints to work at generating 4 more different GP for the next 4 person Golden Age. and the last 3 cities to try for the next GP you need for bulbing a tech or rushing a wonder?

I like to bulb Education with a 2nd GS, but that's very difficult. If the GS comes later though, there are still several bulbs he can be useful for, PP, SM or Physics only as 3 examples.

I found no place in my game to rush a Wonder, as I even got 2 GE, but starting the 3GP-GA with him was much more important than an earlier Kremlin or an erlier SoL would have been.

So I get that
city 1 will produce either a scientist or an engineer or spy
city 2 will produce a merchant
City 3 will produce an artist or prophet

What will cities 4 to 10 be doing at that time adding specialists to boost their GPP generation or something else like growing, infrastructure, Wealth, Money or troops?
Cities 4-10 do the same. Add the Great Spy from Communism, and you've got your 4-GP-GA.

One thing I am trying to figure out is the optimum number of GPfarms to build especially in a short game like this one finishing pre 1000. I ask you specifically as you canceled your plans for a 5 GP Golden Age.
Did you think you had the right amount of farms?
would more cities have enabled you to generate enough GP soon enough for the fifth Golden Age?
or would of less let you still generate as many GP as you did while leaving you to use the cities for other things?

Shame I am not running BtS I could look through your game logs and assuage my curiosity about which cities produced gp and when.

#1 assumes the 5 (presumably best) to 10 GP farms you mention

I made one fault, which was to think, that a strong city (size 10+, 3 sources of Food) could generate 2 GP. This is, why I'd have lacked 1 GP in the end (which I knew from calculating it with the Spreadsheet Mitchum posted) , and that's why I canceled all other GPs that were planned for the 5-GP-GA too. Not really bad, because the Specialists gave a lot of research, and growing fast is np with Sushi.

If I had planned for one more GP-Farm, the 5-GP-GA wouldn't have been a problem, if it makes sense to burn 5 GPs on a 24T GA, others must judge.
Yes, I like to make most changes during a GA to avoid anarchy. As mentioned it was perhaps a mistake, but I thought that going with OR too was pointless without a religion, and changing a religion was another 2 turns of anarchy, so that would have been 5+2. Yuck!

Getting out enough missionaries to spread your lack of religion before your next golden Age would have been damn hard anyway with all you had on your plate at the time.

The problem is right now actually, because I'm spreading corporations so need slavery instead of caste, and lack of caste means much fewer spots for specialists. I had some half-decent plans to chuck out a few GS, GM and GA, with a mix here and there so maybe a GProphet or GSpy or GE, but those are out the window when I only have room for 2 scientists or merchants (and I have very few markets). Thankfully I got up the NP quickly, and whipped a Jail and Intelligence Agency into the NP, so there are four spots for spies there, and no 'wasted' spots this time when not running caste. 'Only' 7-8 Forest Preserves so far, but I hope the forests will spread a bit more soon-ish. Wish it was possible to remove roads too :(

Can you not pillage your own roads in BtS? Bummer if true!

Hehe, I sure did, but hadn't experienced it first hand before. Am now building Wealth in almost every city, and still losing 4-500:gold: per turn. It's crazy. And I've only spread to 10 cities or something like that so far.

Thankfully you can conquer many of these and still get the same benefit, though of course that relies on luck in who builds it, so that it is within reach. HG and Taj are the two that absolutely must be built yourself, or they have almost zero value.

If you capture Taj Mahal during its Golden age do you still get the remaining turns doubled by The toMb of Muossollos ?
For instance, in my current game:
  • Stonehenge -> Conquered
  • Oracle -> Built (Currency)
  • Pyramids -> Built
  • MoM -> Conquered
  • Great Library -> Built
  • Apostolic Palace -> Conquered
  • University of Sankore -> Conquered (very late)
  • Taj Mahal -> Built for a free Golden Age
  • Kremlin -> Built in time for Sushi whips
  • Hanging Gardens -> LOST
  • Great Lighthouse -> LOST (could have conquered it late on in fairness, but didn't due to Sistine being there too)
  • Parthenon -> LOST (I did want to build this, as it helps non-PHI leaders)

So you have built (or capturedMoM) all the must have Wonders Missing the really really want Hanging Gardens and Great Lighthouse the missing Pop and Trade are going to hurt your beakers per turn. Sera and WT hitting these is chopping turns off their end date.

Having the right neighboring civs is looking more important all the time having Bismark the other side of the continent could be a disaster. Seems a couple of 'Bad people' next to you for early Worker stealing and conquest then some good teching peace-weights to Trade and create peace vassals with

  • Stonehenge Your borders must have popped like crazy!
  • Is the AP good for anything apart from the two :gp: prophet points per turn and of course denying an AP victory? would you consider gifting it to a peace vassal of yours running the right religion?
  • What utility did you get out of the UoS? it looks like it could generate considerable Beakers?
  • Parthenon comes early and requires marble at a time you were/are expanding your military so it is always going to be hard to get as you are not going to be trading for polytheism and aesthetics in a game like this where deviating from the direct research path will push your victory date back hundreds of years.

Thanks for answering all these questions while you are still busy with your second game.
Shulec will probably help out with the next batch
  • When running the auto Map generator program looking for that elusive 2 gold many food and ponies start.
  • Can the created game be played by anyone or must you generate your own starts? Can I just fire up a server farm and let it grind out games? The Hof Rules I browsed didn't seem to cover that (or I might have missed it)
  • Hmmm.. MapGenerator@home better than finding noisy aliens
  • If I started now I could have the Maps I will need in 2 or 3 years when I am good enough to want them :D (or do they have to be generated inside the duration of the gauntlet)
Oooof, I have got to that stage of the game where every turn takes almost as long as the in-game years it represents. With Sushi and many small cities, they grow very fast, so there are often 10+ cities to check every turn, then whipping executives and trying to get them spreading 4-5 a turn, which is tricky with my long and thin empire. Half the empire is building Wealth now, and we're still losing 500+:gold: per turn. Bonkers. Getting out WS would help a lot, but that's going to take ages when the darn thing costs 1800:hammers: with no bonus resource.

I wanted to play this game out without executive whipping to gold abuse, but I'm not sure if it can be done while staying at 100%. So many cities building Wealth isn't exactly ideal either when they could be getting out Libraries, Observatories and AP-Temples. Starting to feel the lack of workers too, when cities grow so fast and I can't just pin extra citizens to specialist slots when not running caste.

Can you not pillage your own roads in BtS? Bummer if true!
Nope, unfortunately not. Would be good to remove them from the NP city, as that would increase the chance for forest spread.

If you capture Taj Mahal during its Golden age do you still get the remaining turns doubled by The toMb of Muossollos ?

Doubt it. Once the Taj GA has fired, that's it. Not sure what happens if you capture or build MoM during a GA though.

So you have built (or capturedMoM) all the must have Wonders Missing the really really want Hanging Gardens and Great Lighthouse the missing Pop and Trade are going to hurt your beakers per turn. Sera and WT hitting these is chopping turns off their end date.

Having the right neighboring civs is looking more important all the time having Bismark the other side of the continent could be a disaster. Seems a couple of s next to you for early Worker stealing and conquest then some good teching peace-weights to Trade and create peace vassals with

Missing HG and GLH is a big deal to be fair, so that's a blotch on this game. HG was close, but it just couldn't be done quite in time, and Pericles whipped it before I could. Getting 15-20 free population points is a big deal at that stage of the game.

  • Stonehenge Your borders must have popped like crazy!
  • Is the AP good for anything apart from the two :gp: prophet points per turn and of course denying an AP victory? would you consider gifting it to a peace vassal of yours running the right religion?
  • What utility did you get out of the UoS? it looks like it could generate considerable Beakers?
  • Parthenon comes early and requires marble at a time you were/are expanding your military so it is always going to be hard to get as you are not going to be trading for polytheism and aesthetics in a game like this where deviating from the direct research path will push your victory date back hundreds of years.

Thanks for answering all these questions while you are still busy with your second game.

Wouldn't say they popped like crazy :D but it helps when you don't have to worry about chopping out a monument. It still takes 15-30 turns, but with many cities it's nice to get that for free. Not a bad wonder to conquer at all.

Same with the UoS. Not really worth to build it yourself, it's quite expensive too, but it lasts a long time and it's free :science: for all your temples and the few monasteries, which is a decent amount with a big empire.

Parthenon would be good for a non-PHI leader, but unfortunately it obsoletes pretty fast, and it's tricky to get because there are so many wonders unlocked at a similar time, and they tend to be more important (Great Lib, MoM, HE, NE, and lots of stuff for failgold too, it's a busy period).

Main thing about controlling the AP is that you don't have to be worried about the AI AP-cheesing a win (though at this stage you should be able to block that yourself), but perhaps more important, you don't need to Defy resolutions about wars you are currently occupied with, or cities returning to your victims. I had to do that once in this game, but thankfully others voted with me as well, so I didn't get penalised and lose AP-hammers. That only happens if the resolution would have passed without your defiance. It was important to overrule that resolution, though, because it was for the Crusade event, and it would have failed if the war was stopped.
Thanks Seraiel those answers wer just what I wanted to know :goodjob:
Spoiler :
1 GP / GA is impossible with the high-cost-GPs. I try to generate 1 GP from every chosen city in total, and the NE-city usually is strong enough to produce an early 1st and a late 2nd one.

I like to bulb Education with a 2nd GS, but that's very difficult. If the GS comes later though, there are still several bulbs he can be useful for, PP, SM or Physics only as 3 examples.

I found no place in my game to rush a Wonder, as I even got 2 GE, but starting the 3GP-GA with him was much more important than an earlier Kremlin or an earlier SoL would have been.

Cities 4-10 do the same. Add the Great Spy from Communism, and you've got your 4-GP-GA.

I made one fault, which was to think, that a strong city (size 10+, 3 sources of Food) could generate 2 GP. This is, why I'd have lacked 1 GP in the end (which I knew from calculating it with the Spreadsheet Mitchum posted) , and that's why I canceled all other GPs that were planned for the 5-GP-GA too. Not really bad, because the Specialists gave a lot of research, and growing fast is np with Sushi.

I made one fault, which was to think, that a strong city (size 10+, 3 sources of Food) could generate 2 GP. This is, why I'd have lacked 1 GP in the end (which I knew from calculating it with the Spreadsheet Mitchum posted) , and that's why I canceled all other GPs that were planned for the 5-GP-GA too. Not really bad, because the Specialists gave a lot of research, and growing fast is np with Sushi.

Wasn't down on you for missing the 5th GA was just a great example to use.

So for Marathon each :gp: farm will only get the one :gp: in the short time this crazy fast space race is rolling in at with the NE city just popping a late second
Do you still have the filled in spreadsheet?
I can't remember if you captured The Parthenon or not.
I was wondering if the +50% would have pushed some of your strongest :gp: farms into popping a second :gp: before the close of play
Mitchum must have got a kick out of you using his spreadsheet to post a top score

If I had planned for one more GP-Farm, the 5-GP-GA wouldn't have been a problem, if it makes sense to burn 5 GPs on a 24T GA, others must judge.

A fifth GA when you are finishing up the final research and building your Spaceship has got to be very powerful and as late as the last quintet of GPs would have been born. I don't think another use of them would profit you more. bulbing a hand-full of Future techs is unlikely to add more to your game than what you did (changing your empire to maximize first Research for the last techs then to boost the final score after launch) would have done during a Golden Age.
I fired the 4-GP-GA 4T before I started to get Artillery, and it ended 1T after the Spaceship was complete, so I had a GA at that time that helped building the parts. There was a GA-less period shortly before that, and I don't think it mattered too much to not run a GA at that time, because I was mainly building :gold: because I waited for free Artillery from Pericles. I had like 25k when I got it, so I think it lasted long enough to get all remaining SS-techs in the minimum of time. Quite lucky happenings from which I had many in my game tbh.

Parthenon + TGL are good wonders and probably still worth it in this game, but they do obsolete so fast, that I don't think they will maybe shave of more than a couple of turns.

And you can only generate your own maps, generating and handing them over to somebody else is forbidden. Using a server-farm to create maps for yourself shouldn't be a problem though, I think lymond even posted a manual how to use Google-drive (not sure about the name) as an online-storage of your maps in this forum.

I still have the filled in spreadsheet, though it's not filled completely, as I only used it to check if I'd get the 5th of 5-GPs in time. Mitchum's advice, that spreadsheets at least quickly show if something is possible was true and great help.
If you want that spreadsheet, Mitchum linked it somewhere 10 or 20 pages back.

The AP btw. doesn't matter much imho., in my game, it got build in Islam by Mansa which nobody had. AP-Temples have problems of paying back in time with this game being as short as it is, and the AP offers nothing of value to the player at the time at which it is built. Self-building it would be a no-go for me, as it's an expensive building. I do try to make an AI of my religion build it though, so I gift Theology if anyone in my religion gets a GE. Often works.
Have 3 turns of the GA left, and Sushi is spread to about half of my 53 cities. Have a GSpy, GS and GM, so can launch a 3GP GA. However, I kind of need slavery to get out more executives. On that, I have a question: If I cold-whip many executives now, and make sure only 4 are ever present on the map/queue, can I slowly release them so I can effectively keep spreading Sushi with Caste? With only a few turns left, not sure I can set up such an impressive OF mechanic as ZPV has planned.

Money is running out FAST, and with the GA ending, I probably won't get to Steam Power before research and money drops. The Gspy could be good to have for later, for the 4GP or maybe even 5GP GA (doubt I get enough GPs for that, though).

Whether I stick with the GA or not, I'm thinking it will be good to go back to Caste to get out more Great People. It's a nag to only be able to run 2 artists, 2 scientists and 2 or 4 merchants.

How does this sound?

  1. I (cold) whip as many executives as I need, and make sure only 4 are present (so the rest doesn't turn into :gold:)
  2. Let the Golden Age end, but change into Caste System.
  3. Despite less :gp: without the GA, try to get out a GP I don't have so can launch a 3GP GA without using the GSpy.
  4. Launch that GA when ready to found Mining, so I can go back into Slavery. Change back to Caste before the GA ends
  5. Launch 4GP GA when building spaceship parts

Not sure if this makes sense or not, as it would mean less :gp: as I'm not running caste a lot during GAs. Those darn executives need to get out one way or another, however, and I need slavery for that.

Kremlin confuses me a bit, always has, with its -33% hurry cost instead of what it adds. But I think it means +50% from whips. So would this mean:

No other multipliers: 90:hammers: x 1.5 = 135:hammers:
Forge: 90:hammers: x 1.75 = 157.5:hammers:
Forge+OR: 90:hammers: x 2.0 = 180:hammers:
Capital (Forge, no OR): 90:hammers: x 2.25 = 202.5:hammers:
Capital (Forge + OR): 90:hammers: x 2.5 = 225:hammers:

Several times I've tried to set up 2-pop whips with good overflow, and it ends up with 1 pop. Frustrating.

And because those 'ticks' on the production bar will change depending on cold whipping or normal whipping, when you just want one turn before whipping, so you don't get the cold-whipping penalty, they're not all that useful.

- - -- - - -- - - -

Well, blimey, I found something in the search, from my own thread :D

Kremlin reduces the cost of whipping and rush-buying by 33%, which is equivalent to the whip netting 50% more hammers, so 45 hammers is right for normal speed.

Kremlin is super-powerful but comes very late. Still, it's a major factor in all time, Space and Highscore games, or basically every game that goes far enough to still make it matter.

Then I think the above calculations should be correct.
Have 3 turns of the GA left, and Sushi is spread to about half of my 53 cities. Have a GSpy, GS and GM, so can launch a 3GP GA. However, I kind of need slavery to get out more executives. On that, I have a question: If I cold-whip many executives now, and make sure only 4 are ever present on the map/queue, can I slowly release them so I can effectively keep spreading Sushi with Caste? With only a few turns left, not sure I can set up such an impressive OF mechanic as ZPV has planned.

Money is running out FAST, and with the GA ending, I probably won't get to Steam Power before research and money drops. The Gspy could be good to have for later, for the 4GP or maybe even 5GP GA (doubt I get enough GPs for that, though).

Whether I stick with the GA or not, I'm thinking it will be good to go back to Caste to get out more Great People. It's a nag to only be able to run 2 artists, 2 scientists and 2 or 4 merchants.

How does this sound?

  1. I (cold) whip as many executives as I need, and make sure only 4 are present (so the rest doesn't turn into :gold:)
  2. Let the Golden Age end, but change into Caste System.
  3. Despite less :gp: without the GA, try to get out a GP I don't have so can launch a 3GP GA without using the GSpy.
  4. Launch that GA when ready to found Mining, so I can go back into Slavery. Change back to Caste before the GA ends
  5. Launch 4GP GA when building spaceship parts

Not sure if this makes sense or not, as it would mean less :gp: as I'm not running caste a lot during GAs. Those darn executives need to get out one way or another, however, and I need slavery for that.

Kremlin confuses me a bit, always has, with its -33% hurry cost instead of what it adds. But I think it means +50% from whips. So would this mean:

No other multipliers: 90:hammers: x 1.5 = 135:hammers:
Forge: 90:hammers: x 1.75 = 157.5:hammers:
Forge+OR: 90:hammers: x 2.0 = 180:hammers:
Capital (Forge, no OR): 90:hammers: x 2.25 = 202.5:hammers:
Capital (Forge + OR): 90:hammers: x 2.5 = 225:hammers:

Several times I've tried to set up 2-pop whips with good overflow, and it ends up with 1 pop. Frustrating.

And because those 'ticks' on the production bar will change depending on cold whipping or normal whipping, when you just want one turn before whipping, so you don't get the cold-whipping penalty, they're not all that useful.

- - -- - - -- - - -

Well, blimey, I found something in the search, from my own thread :D

Then I think the above calculations should be correct.

Kremlin multipliers make it
135*1.25 for Forge = 168.75 hammers
135 *1.5 for Forge+OR = 202.5 hammers
Cold whipping is roughly 90*multiplier per pop with the Kremlin.

How soon will you be able to trade for Rifling? If you whip walls everywhere before you do, you'll get a big influx of gold. There's no need for cold whipping or juggling executive queues that way either.

EDIT: Doesn't work.

I'd also consider burning your GSpy if you can't get your 3rd GA. Losing time now is very expensive in terms of turns at the end. Losing the 4th GA (and lightbulbing a few GS instead) is only really expensive if you have to slow-build parts for several turns after research is done.
How soon will you be able to trade for Rifling? If you whip walls everywhere before you do, you'll get a big influx of gold.

That's awesome! I've never done that before. I assume you're saying that you can whip a bunch of Walls (with stone, and OrgRel, etc.) then take the walls out of the queue--never completing them. Once you get Rifling, it all turns to gold when walls are obsolete?

Fantastic. Someone should make a list of all the things you must remember to do in a space race. This is clearly one of them. I guess it works for things like monasteries too, but not as good as walls...with stone...especially after Kremlin.
Edit: don't do this. hammers are lost.
Rifling is quite a bit away, but cool if what WT stipulates happens. This is turning in to The Great Abuse Thread of 2015 :lol:

As for my GA and GP issue, not sure how to approach it. However, you do make a good case that lost turns now is hard to gain back, so perhaps I'm better off launching that 3GP Golden Age now, even if I may not get to Mining (or at least finish spreading it) in time for the end of it.

Money is running out so fast, it's just :yuck:. Have 36 cities building wealth, and it only amounts to ~400:gold:, and I'm still losing over 700:gold: per turn. Didn't expect it would become this hard to keep researching (without gold tricks). At this point, maybe I'm simply better off turning off research now and again, instead of having virtually the whole empire on building Wealth, which is far from enough anyhow.

Oh, and thanks for the clarification on Kremlin. So Kremlin 'multiplier' goes in first then, so the base is 135:hammers: instead of 90:hammers:. Quite neat.
ing ucnt and a half. This game and its rNG can go and itself with a rusty wrench. ing and -ery is evil.

7 fights in a row with 70-80%. 7 losses.

off. Just off.

:mad: :gripe:

Yea, Rng makes competition in this game unfair at top lvl, especially in such a big game, too many things are infected by this unpredictable (random) crap.
That's awesome! I've never done that before. I assume you're saying that you can whip a bunch of Walls (with stone, and OrgRel, etc.) then take the walls out of the queue--never completing them. Once you get Rifling, it all turns to gold when walls are obsolete?

Fantastic. Someone should make a list of all the things you must remember to do in a space race. This is clearly one of them. I guess it works for things like monasteries too, but not as good as walls...with stone...especially after Kremlin.
I'm fairly sure - need to test it to be 100% - but I think I can remember doing that in the past. I'll confirm later today if no one else has.
EDIT: Oops. Doesn't work.
Another question. When an AI is plotting, and has a big stack on your border, but hates somebody else much more, but they are farther away, it's likely he is plotting on you, right?

Hammurabi and Peter have been in war 2-3 times, but are far away from each other. Hammurabi has been plotting for a while now and this is on my border. A while back the city did have revolt chances, but his culture is back over 50% now, so it shouldn't be in great risk.
Spoiler :

I think that if he was plotting on Peter, he would march a force down to him before actually declaring, therefore I suspect he has naughty intentions. Or could the AI simply declare and then start marching his forces over to the front?

At this point it shouldn't be too dangerous, at least for the capital, because I've got a big size of the army almost back after wiping out Elizabeth. But it would naturally be better if he didn't declare, given that we have a long and zigzaggy border. If he does, however, I'll take his mainland and cap the rest for +1:)
Afaik, the AI parking a stack near you doesn't necessarily mean that it's plotting against you, the stack usually simply is in the city that is the nearest to the most valuable border-city, which in this case is proberbly Persepolis because it's big and you probably got some wonders in it.
AI usually marches towards it's target only shortly before declaring war, and then declares once it needs to cross the borders.
Afaik, the AI parking a stack near you doesn't necessarily mean that it's plotting against you, the stack usually simply is in the city that is the nearest to the most valuable border-city, which in this case is proberbly Persepolis because it's big and you probably got some wonders in it.
AI usually marches towards it's target only shortly before declaring war, and then declares once it needs to cross the borders.

Could mean he is still plotting on Peter then, but hasn't made up his mind to move off and declare yet.

Maybe he'll do like Washington before. Had a gigantic army on de Gaulle's border, plotting for aaaaaaages, then suddenly the fist went away. He could have torn backwards de Gaulle such a new arsehole :lol:
Money is running out so fast, it's just :yuck:. Have 36 cities building wealth, and it only amounts to ~400:gold:, and I'm still losing over 700:gold: per turn. Didn't expect it would become this hard to keep researching (without gold tricks). At this point, maybe I'm simply better off turning off research now and again, instead of having virtually the whole empire on building Wealth, which is far from enough anyhow.

Another option is to disconnect, or trade away, or cancel trades for sushi resources temporarily.
Another option is to disconnect, or trade away, or cancel trades for sushi resources temporarily.

Yes, that is an option, and perhaps I should consider that. Only +19:food: but it's too expensive for my puny empire. What is considered the best way to deal with these costs, when one are not getting lots of gold from wonders, executives, selling techs or wars?

Had decided I would try to play this game without mass-whipping executives for failgold, but with these mounting costs, it looks impossible to keep researching at 100%, even with almost the entire empire on Wealth.

Probably a silly stance and I should just embrace all tricks too :sad: That Wall thing sounded pretty good, if it actually works.
Wall-OF is fixed and it was a method for PRO-leaders.

It's impossible to keep 100% all the time this game, but with your empire building Wealth, it should actually be np. Don't you have Mining?
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