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Gaddafi is history! Tripoli is free!

And Gaddafi is still broadcasting short outburst of rage and disbelief. :lol:

He's calling all tribes to come to Tripoli to defend it and purify it. If not they have no worth whatsoever. They'll all become slaves to the imperialists!
It seems that besides a revolution this is a unifying event for the people of Libya. The tribe system seems to be melting away.
I doubt it. They're more of the hate-anybody-who-sets-foot-on-their-soil type. They're going to go it alone

Heheh you know any libyans or know anything about libya?
Or are you just throwing around some random generalizations?
Two airplanes from South Africa are apparently at the airport in Tripoli!?

Someone trying to get away? But how could anyone fly out without NATO having a say? And the airport should already be in rebel hands...

Mixed feelings here. I don't support Gadaffi but on the other hand. I never support NATO. To evils fighting and a Libyen people lose.
Those "losing" people, tens of thousands strong, are now setting off fireworks in Tripoli and cheering as pictures of Gaddafi are being teared down...
Heheh you know any libyans or know anything about libya?
Or are you just throwing around some random generalizations?
You have something to counter the rather widely known fact I just stated?
Two airplanes from South Africa has apparently landed at the airport in Tripoli!?

Someone trying to get away? But how could anyone fly out without NATO having a say? And the airport should already be in rebel hands...

Those "losing" people are now setting off fireworks in Tripoli and cheering as pictures of Gaddafi are being teared down...

I suppose we will wait and see what these planes are going to do...
A spokesman for the National Guard - the guys who surrendered earlier tonight IIRC - says that Gaddafi is still in Tripoli. :)
We are watching history live again. After this rebel´s victory no doubt even more arab revolutions are in the way. I wonder how all this story will end or how good it will be for us "the western world". Time will tell.
You have something to counter the rather widely known fact I just stated?

Libya never had a strong Islamic presence.
It is a tribal country and yes it runs deep.
Regarding stay outta our country types, i dont know if that is a fact but Libya had millions of foreigners working there... atleast 1 million egyptians.
And have never been very isolationistic.
And since these revolutions are, regardless of what your media might say, a youth movement, I am pretty sure that these people are more western minded than many of the elders.
I suppose we will wait and see what these planes are going to do...
Why would South Africa be helping Gaddafi? I thought that they were still friendly with the UK?

Also if they try to take off without permission they will probably be forced down by NATO jets.
Well here's hoping Tripoli won't be a kind of Stalingrad. And of course hoping the religious zealots in the forces don't take advantage of the instability.

Nah, the Libyans already had their Stalingrad/Leningrad moment with the siege of Misrata.
Assad must have a very bad night tonight. :)

The violent reply to the demonstrations didn't work in Libya. Whatever happens, this must really help the morale for the Syrian demonstrators.

Perhaps there is time for more tyrants to fall soon...
We are watching history live again. After this rebel´s victory no doubt even more arab revolutions are in the way. I wonder how all this story will end or how good it will be for us "the western world". Time will tell.

Most likely Yemen and Syria will follow Libya in revolution, and success in Libya could spark a second wave of revolution in other Arab countries, though Yemen and Syria, and perhaps Palestine if you count it will be the extent.
What happens with all the mercenaries that he's hired from halfway across Africa? Those're pragmatic people and don't give a damn about Ghadaffi's 'cause'. They'll just go on looting and pillaging in another war, or start one of their own. What're the countries in the region gonna do about it?

only modern official jihad was fought in Libya, chief

Please explain...

jihad is going on every day everywhere....
Why would South Africa be helping Gaddafi? I thought that they were still friendly with the UK?

Also if they try to take off without permission they will probably be forced down by NATO jets.
Yeah, they can't leave without NATO's permission. It's possible that they're left as some possible deal Zuma tried to negotiate with Gaddafi.

A spokesman for the National Guard - the guys who surrendered earlier tonight IIRC - says that Gaddafi is still in Tripoli. :)
Maybe these guys weren't the ones surrendering after all.

Apparently, the spokesman also said that in ten minutes or so they'll give the Libyan people a present...
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