Gimli raises axe for Western civilization

The fact on the ground is that the arab-muslim population is not integrating or accepting secular values like they should. Quite contrary, they're trying to impose their backwards ways of oppressing women and barbaric cultural practices on everyone. And when they don't get what they want, they start WHINING about discrimination like little *****es. I think we should deporting the troublemakers fast.
Interesting debate. The thing that strikes me is that arguing that evil muslims will take over the place ndicates a belief that our cultures are weak, nt appealing to anyone and could only survive by complete and utter stagnation.
"Because we ignored the evil arab immigrants, and now their offspring is molesting white women everywhere"
Originally posted by Lifeblood
they're trying to impose their backwards ways of oppressing women and barbaric cultural practices on everyone....

Kind of like Bush and his Texan "justice" no?
Originally posted by ZultanofZex
"Because we ignored the evil arab immigrants, and now their offspring is molesting white women everywhere"

No, there were snakes on the floor.
Originally posted by Lifeblood
The fact on the ground is that the arab-muslim population is not integrating or accepting secular values like they should. Quite contrary, they're trying to impose their backwards ways of oppressing women and barbaric cultural practices on everyone. And when they don't get what they want, they start WHINING about discrimination like little *****es. I think we should deporting the troublemakers fast.
It actually sounds like they are going foward. Wasn't Atella a fan of our values today? He was rather 'barbaric'. Guys are supposed to wear clothes that cover all their body parts along with women. Islam allows divorce. Islam is the only religion out of the three monotheistic to limit wives. It sounds like a case of entropy in Europe with integration.
Originally posted by Lifeblood

Not until I see bush trying to impose sharia law, no.

Howabout when he tries to impose his "deep-South" anti-abortion views on the whole of Africa then?
Originally posted by Rodgers

Howabout when he tries to impose his "deep-South" anti-abortion views on the whole of Africa then?

He did? Link please. Anyway, I don't see what relevance bush has to europe's raging immigrant problems. It's not like it's his fault they opened the floodgates. Or is it? :confused:
Originally posted by Lifeblood
The fact on the ground is that the arab-muslim population is not integrating or accepting secular values like they should. Quite contrary, they're trying to impose their backwards ways of oppressing women and barbaric cultural practices on everyone. And when they don't get what they want, they start WHINING about discrimination like little *****es. I think we should deporting the troublemakers fast.

Question is why we let them in, in the first place? They don't
have (as a rule) any special technical skills, just more grunt

Why does the west allow immigrantion? No other culture allows
it, you don't see canadian monorities in Iran, and you never
Originally posted by ZultanofZex
Interesting debate. The thing that strikes me is that arguing that evil muslims will take over the place ndicates a belief that our cultures are weak, nt appealing to anyone and could only survive by complete and utter stagnation.

our cultures are not weak, but diverse and usually not that fanatic. so we are at a disadvantage, history has often shown how successful a stringent and determined group can be.
This is the biggest problem western Europe faces today, certainly where I live in Holland this is The Top political debate.

certainly the lack of integrating/assimilating worries us very much, and it changes the country as we know it.

some facts: 3/4 of muslim youth imports their marriage partner from their homeland. Who are often illiterate and don't know anything about western values, let alone our language.

1/3 of Maroccan youth (the biggest minority) leaves school without a diploma.

only 30% of the Moroccan man between 30 and 65 work, the rest is in social security.

The biggest mosk in Europe is in my city.

70% of muslim youth only watches sattelite channels from the arab world, importing anti-semitism and anti-westen propaganda.

Holocaust lessons in history classes often can be given anymore, because muslim don't want to hear about the jewish holocaust and call it a made up story.

Seriouslly something is going very wrong over here and in the rest of western Europe. And it can't go on like this for very long, cause I fear something is gonna happen.
The Muslims have some seriously messed up political systems, so I certainly hope nothing like that spreads to the west.
Originally posted by Drunk Master
some facts: 3/4 of muslim youth imports their marriage partner from their homeland. Who are often illiterate and don't know anything about western values, let alone our language.

1/3 of Maroccan youth (the biggest minority) leaves school without a diploma.

only 30% of the Moroccan man between 30 and 65 work, the rest is in social security.

The biggest mosk in Europe is in my city.

70% of muslim youth only watches sattelite channels from the arab world, importing anti-semitism and anti-westen propaganda.

Holocaust lessons in history classes often can be given anymore, because muslim don't want to hear about the jewish holocaust and call it a made up story.

Well said.

The truth of the matter is that radical Islamists are hijacking one of the world's largest (and most influential) religions. Failure to understand the basic premise that violence-prone Islamists have the complete destruction of the west as their primary goal is simply an exercise in blinding futility and delusional hopelessness.

I have absolutely nothing against Muslims or people of color.

However, I have everything against those that teach hateful arrogance and anti-Semitism, as well as the destruction of our culture and the enslavement and execution of those of us that refuse to accept their religious indoctrination. My disgust and contempt extends beyond any racial, political, cultural, or religious boundaries. But this thread is specifically about Islam's potential impact on the west, so this is my focus.

In the past, perhaps it was Christian persecution with the Crusades, Inquisitions, etc. But I do not live in the past, and the present reality is that a very militaristic, cold-blooded group of thugs hiding behind Islam is targeting my country as their primary enemy.

Originally posted by Drunk Master
Holocaust lessons in history classes often can be given anymore, because muslim don't want to hear about the jewish holocaust and call it a made up story.

This alone should scare the bejeezus out of everybody. For those that fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it, and failure to educate EVERYONE in the world about the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust will be to the world's detriment. :(

People are scared to speak their minds these days
Well hold on, I think we need to look at Rhys-Davies's speech again. He's talking about two issues. The second one is the supposed inherent triumph or superiority of "the jewel of Western Civilization", which I think many learned posters not necessarily including myself have proven to be short-sighted bunk and really we don't need to discuss it again. And the first issue is the huge Muslim immigration to Europe which is failing to assimilate or integrate itself, which I do think is a very serious issue but we should be extraordinally careful talking about it.

I wouldn't say western culture is superior. I think you're referring to western economic, military and technological superiority.

In my opinion Western culture is clearly inferior in many respects, mostly philosophy and art, but that's a personal issue and not subject to objective debate ;) on the other hand anyone who denies the ascendancy of the Western army and the Western economy in the past few hundred years clearly has fingers stuck in their ears :p

Interesting debate. The thing that strikes me is that arguing that evil muslims will take over the place ndicates a belief that our cultures are weak, nt appealing to anyone and could only survive by complete and utter stagnation.

See what I mean? Not to take examples [and you didn't mean what you were saying, you were just interpreting what Gimli meant] but this rhetoric is a clear echo of several unmentionable characters in the darker decades of the past century. This "Clash of Civilizations" rhetoric is to me nothing more than a rehash of the ubernationalism of Stalinist Russia and Hitler's Germany. It's not quite so polemic but it's a stepping stone. That's why this debate needs to be conducted by level-headed fellows like us, not dramatically stupid actors like Mr. Rhys-Davies.

And on the other end of the spectrum you see isolationists of almost Medieval Chinese fervor:

Question is why we let them in, in the first place? They don't
have (as a rule) any special technical skills, just more grunt
labourers. Why does the west allow immigrantion? No other culture allows it, you don't see canadian monorities in Iran...

Again the message is clearly "We don't have anything to learn from those barbarians and we never will".

This alone should scare the bejeezus out of everybody. For those that fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it, and failure to educate EVERYONE in the world about the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust will be to the world's detriment. People are scared to speak their minds these days

I am a Jew and I will be the first to admit that the unique thing about the Holocaust was certainly not its chosen victims, the Jews, homosexuals, and ethnic minorities. And it wasn't the country that perpetuated it, a modern advanced Western European state. Nor was it the terrible scale of the thing, millions upon millions of people murdered. And the barbarous methods used were virtual plagiarisms, only adapted for modern technology. The fact that should make us EXTREMELY uneasy is that there was in fact NOTHING unique about the Holocaust! And that to me is an even greater reason that we should learn all the more about it - not as something unique and Hell-inspired, but as just ONE example of what can happen when we give human nature the slightest excuse to sink into barbarity, to sink to the supposedly "lowest" depths that are sunk to far too often.

I am DEFINITELY for education about the Holocaust, even more so than learning about the Cold War and Stalinist atrocities [another "learn-it-or-repeat-it" lesson]. But I still feel uneasy that we gloss over the deliberate genocides of the first Americans, to take just one example. Bartolome de las Casas was a supplementary optional text in my world history class, but Elie Wiesel was required reading. In my opinion, students should be reading both!

This has very much to do with Mr. Rhys-Davies's mental illness. I'll tell you what it is, it comes from acting in too many Indiana Jones movies. The villains are always the Nazis and perhaps one or two deluded pawns. And in Lord of the Rings, the evil emanates from Mordor, although the Ring-temptation comes from within each character. In both instances we are allowed to pin evil to an unmentionable scapegoat, Sauron or Hitler, instead of where it belongs, which is human nature. The arch-villian is only an excuse which allows Gimli [and us] to divide the world into terrible villians to be struggled against, and a heroic whitewashed civilization to be struggled for. For those of you who are Jones fans like me :D, take "The Last Crusade" as an example [it's the Holy Grail search transplanted to 1938, and incidentally Gimli stars as a rather unconvincing Arab]. Aside from all the action scenes, is there any actual soul-searching? Maybe in the last scene where Elsa falls into the chasm while reaching for the Grail. But look at the rhetoric - it even DIRECTLY mimics what we will see in LOTR.

The quest
for the Grail is not archaeology.
It's a race against evil.
If it is captured by the Nazis,
the armies of darkness will march
all over the face of the earth.
Do you understand me?

Is that Indy's father or Elrond Halfelf speaking?

I think this about wraps it up for Western civilization!

"It belongs in a museum!"
"And so do you!" :p maybe Gimli should pay closer attention. :mischief:
Since this debate is apparently about isolationism, I don't see why it is so complicated. Isolationism does not work. China did it right before they would have discovered the Americas, a fatal mistake. The Islamic empire in the Mideast embraced all different types of ideas, and were extremely successful. Isolationism does not work.
It is not necissarily about isolationism like what china used. This is more about who is going to live in the country, not who they are going to trade with. I can assure you even if the West goes crazy and shuts all borders and kicks all non citizens out it wont stop trading with the Middle east and other areas of the world. The economies wouldnt work.

Also you cant say isolationism dosnt work based on one example. Maybe somthing that didnt work in the past would work at different times. Things change throughout history.
Pontiuth Pilate, I must say that you write some excellent posts. :goodjob:
I think the main point from the original quote that is being overlooked is that European's are not having enough children to even sustain the population. As a result, they must bring in immigrants. In my opinion--although I'm sure it will be rejected by most everyone here--a most excellent read on this topic is Pat Buchanon's book The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization. You can get a copy pretty inexpensively at, if you're interested.

Here's a quote form page 16 from a short section that describes the problem in Italy. There are similar sections on Germany, Russia, Great Britain, and Japan.

"A recent survey in the popular 'semifeminist' magazine Noi Donne found that 52 percent of Italian women between sixteen and twenty-four planned to have no children. . . . University of Rome demographer Antonio Golini says that the nation is already dependant upon immigrants to bear the load of its deeply indebted pension system. But now Italian culture is at a risk. Golini believes, 'Italy will no longer be Italian. . . . It will be the end of society as we know it.' . . . Dr. Golini remains deeply pessimistic about his country. 'In an increasingly globalized labor market, Italy must compete with France, with the United States, with India. How can we, with such an aged society and so few young people?'"

On page 22, he talks about Europe's problem as a whole.

"At present birthrates, Europe must bring in 169 million immigrants by 2050 if it wishes to keep its population aged fifteen to sixty-four at today's level. But if Europe wishes to keep its present ratio of 4.8 workers ([age] fifteen--sixty-four) for every senior, Europe must bring in 1.4 billion emigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Put another way: Either Europe raises taxes and radically downsizes pensions and health benefits for the elderly, or Europe becomes a Third World continent. . . . "

Author's Note: Unless otherwise specified, all the statistics in this chapter were published by the Population Division of the United Nations in World Population Prospects: The 2000 Revision, Highlights, released on February 28, 2001, Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?, released March 21, 2000, or World Population Prospects: The 1998 Revision, Vol. 1. All remaining figures that are not otherwise specified are from the New York Times 2001 Almanac." (272)
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