Git Update Log

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New update:
- protect more cities from being razed on collapse
- removed random meltdown chance for Nuclear Plants
- new event involving nuclear plants: reactor leaks; can choose do nothing (low chance of meltdown, temporary unhappiness, event may continue), spend money to modernise the plant (lose gold, minus gold from nuclear plant, very low chance of meltdown, event may continue), transition out of nuclear power (nuclear plants become obsolete).
- fixed improvement happiness/health change in cities when improvements are built, destroyed or upgraded
- different unit art styles for Horseman and Skirmisher
New update:
- different art styles for Heavy Spearman and Pikeman
- remove culture from plot after a city is razed during collapse
- correct relocation of ships on city flip
- Flanking I requires Combat I
- fixed Roman UHV screen
- Egypt starts with Mining, Pottery, Agriculture
- Babylonia starts with Pottery, Pastoralism, Agriculture
- made religion spread by missionary easier
- reduce religion spread requirements in UHV and URV goals
New update:
- yield from happiness is limited by city size (i.e. the excess happiness considered here is capped by city population)
- reduced Thai UP effect to +1 commerce per excess happiness
- reduced Public Welfare effect to +1 commerce per excess happiness
- corrected positioning of art assets for orchard and spices combination
New update:
- fixed pagan temple replacement when holy cities are assigned
- new second Greek UHV goal: build the Parthenon, the Colossus, the Statue of Zeus and the Temple of Artemis by 250 BC
- fixed left over culture after city razing
- increased base health for early civs
- farms can be built on flood plains
- removed the worker limit
- Slavery is required to capture workers
- removed the Slave unit
- renamed Native Slave to Slave
New update:
- balance Thai tech speed
- fixed a bug that prevented receiving free techs from multiple sources*
- fixed counter/reminder for slaves available for trade
- fixed Spanish and Korean UPs
- fixed starting slaves in the 1700 AD scenario
- Castles expire with Urban Planning

This update breaks save game compatibility.

* the bug actually comes from the BUG mod, which was an incorrect attempt to prevent players from receiving free techs by exploiting the tech chooser popup (not sure how actually). They did not take into account that you could receive a free tech from both a building and a tech in the same turn, which is basically impossible in vanilla considering how far Liberalism and the Oracle are apart.

I used the chance to reimplement the Babylonian UP in the DLL to work around some other issues. The rule now is that you can receive at most one free tech per turn, but otherwise can receive them from any combination of Babylonian UP and the Oracle. Unfortunately with the event based approach being used to implement this (for multiplayer) it wasn't possible to prevent the game from making you choose the next tech to research before you can pick your second free tech.
New update:
- Caravel also upgrades to Torpedo Boat
- changed requirement and bonus option for Harbormaster quest to Wharf
- Warships event expires on reaching the medieval era
- Flanking I is also enabled by Disengage I
- improved Tobacco, Coffee, Tea art asset placement on the map
- fixed statesman and great statesman specialist icons in the interface
- when founding a trading company city, the surrounding city is converted to the new owner
- Harappa starts with Mining, Pottery, Agriculture
- new second Harappan UHV goal: build three Reservoirs, two Granaries and two Smokehouses by 1500 BC
- third Harappan UHV goal now requires 30 population
New update, trying to balance 1700 AD tech speed:
- reduced Turkish and Mughal research modifier
- increased overall tech cost for Renaissance and later techs
- increased research penalties for tech leader during autoplay
- reduced starting techs for all civs in the 1700 AD scenario

Feedback for the current situation is appreciated.
New update:
- corrected Mughal and Turkish modifiers
- fixed slave capture to work randomly as intended
- adjusted Harappan city name map
New update:
- fixed Anunnaki URV goal
- fixed Pesedjet URV goal
- corrected Canadian UHV area display
- cannot build Pagan Temples with Secularism
- attempt to fix improvement unhealth (no clue if that was actually the cause, please continue to report if you see the issue again)
- increased Monument cost
- removed unhealthiness from Mines
- reduced Babylonian inclination to build Pyramids and Sphinx
- added religion flavour to Pagan Temples
- tech trade is now enabled by Literature
- Caste System now requires Literature
- gold trade is now enabled by Contract
- adjusting culture rate is now enabled by Writing
- founded religion is now displayed last for a tech in the tech tree screen
- added a civilopedia section for Routes
- adjusted wonder culture
New update:
- adjusted era tech costs
- removed lumbermill river yield
- adjusted build costs for cottage, workshop, watermill
- AI will emphasise commerce improvements more
- AI will attempt to trade techs more often
- removed scenario research modifiers
- AI Spain gets more help conquering Cordoba

A lot of stuff affecting tech progression in this update, please continue to report your findings. It's especially helpful if you mention the scenario, difficulty and game speed.
New update:
- helped AI connect bonuses and keep existing improvements
- fixed description of the third Congolese UHV goal
- fixed goal tracker for second Greek UHV goal
- switched order of second and third Greek UHV goals
- fixed Roman dynamic name for Mediolanum
- fixed Korean core to cover the entire Korean peninsula
- Lumbermills add +1 commerce next to rivers
- increased Hoplite strength to 5
- Red Cross requires Microbiology
- National Park requires Civil Rights
- Carrier also requires Flight
- Khmer also start with Scholarship
New update, including many civic changes:
- new improvement: Paddy Field, replaces Farm for Rice resources
- suppressed "lost UHV goal" messages for tech goals at scenario start
- correct building scale of Post Office, Catholic/Protestant Church, Catholic/Protestant Cathedral
- placed a farm on the unimproved tile in Iberia in the 1700 AD scenario
- Elective: removed -50% distance maintenance, added double production for Palace, +1 commerce for No Improvement
- Meritocracy: removed +1 food for Watermill, Windmill, added +2 food for Paddy Field
- Manorialism: removed +1 commerce for Watermill, added +1 commerce for Orchard, changed +50% worker production to -50% worker cost
- Redistribution: reduced upkeep to Medium
- Merchant Trade: added +1 happiness from Oasis
- Regulated Trade: removed -1 trade route, increased upkeep to High
- Central Planning: added +1 commerce for Watermill
- Conquest: changed to -50% improvement upgrade rate, increased upkeep to High
- Tributaries: changed to +2 commerce in capital per vassal city
- Isolationism: changed +1 free core specialist to +1 free specialist, added extra expansion stability when not owning any cities outside of the core
- Colonialism: changed +2 commerce in capital per happiness resource to +1 commerce in capital per colony, reduced upkeep to Medium
- Multilateralism: removed +1 gold upkeep per military unit, added +100% war weariness, +4 experience for Air units
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: optimised respawn and corporation spread code, pedia jumps to route entries
New update:
- adjusted Thai starting techs
- renamed High Sea Fishing Boats to Ocean Fishery
- fixed increase/decrease weight button for Egypt in the espionage advisor (the weight would change only from hovering over any +/- button)
- fixed reload exploit for flips on spawn (could be circumvented by reloading autosave on the turn where the flip popup appears)
- Centralism: removed +25% number of cities maintenance modifier
- Republic: added -1 food from Farm, Plantation
- fixed sudden conversion of Plantations to Watermills
- fixed check for the third Greek UHV goal (left over error after switching its position with the now second goal)
- reduced and delayed specialist upgrades from culture level (Refined now gives +1 GPP to all base specialist, Influential gives the first tier of yield/commerce upgrades, second tier of GPP and yield/commerce upgrades removed)
- Plague does not downgrade Villages, Hamlets, Cottages
New update:
- fixed Brazilian UHV goal display (Itaipu Dam name)
- Egalitarianism: now requires Sociology
- updated civic stability section in civilopedia
- added civic stability texts
New update:
- fixed terrain requirement for Ocean Fisheries
- increased contrast in the tech advisor screen
- added AI values for some new civic effects
New update: fixed a crash (really obvious division by zero error ...)
New update: fixed another cause for a crash.
New update:
- Slavery: can trade slaves if capital is located in the new world (allows Brazil and other colonial civs to continue the slave trade)
- Heavy Galleys and Cogs can be upgraded to Caravels
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: WB region map exporter.
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