GoobNES01: Fallout

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The UIA Reminds the drunk Russians that while the whole world does not appreciate Vidka swilling nobodies in charge of the most powerful nation in the world, we also would like to remind you that drinking such substances as you consume daily is considered a crime against Allah and can be a result of a fine, imprisonment or in extreme cases execution throughout the UIA.
Not opuim, go tobaccoo. Besides we control the world opium supply from Afghanistan!
Afghanistan, eh? We'll see how long you keep it for....*eeek* I wanna try that...*eeek* opninium stuff...
alcoholism...*eek* is preva...ail...ailent! *eeek* aaaall the time! *eeek* It just shows more duurr *eek* during the upe*eek*date time!
*has shipments of rum sent to every embassy, port city and every CU embassy around the nations of the wide Earth to be distributed to world leaders as they please, and an official letter of apology to the Pope about the drunkeness this may be the cause of
*bans shipments of rum and reports toteone and everyone else for spamming*

OOC: so this isn't spam...

To United Korea
From China

We hope the money we sent to you was well spent.
Stormbringer said:
You insult me! Russian Vodka is made from wheat, not from potatoes! Only Poles make Vodka from potatoes! And the respectable NKE can go to you-know-where with their anti-alchohol ideas, this is a party! Russia also spits in the general direction of the UIA and their threats. :p

ayssssha!!!! That be the truth indeed!
For the record, you lot of drunks, the Update is finished except for that bloody Spanish-UIA War. i am really getting tired of the bloody same fight going on time after time after time . . . and nobody bloody well winning!!!
*Swills French wine mixed with Vodka and the juice of the Hemp plant.*
so if the update is finished why isnt it posted?
Er, I have been having some computer issues here, bloody Windows . . .

Anyway, i have finished everything except for the UIA-Spanish war, i had to start over because Miscrosoft Word felt hungry, and gobbled up all the word I had done on that as a snack, apparently. And I don't have the energy tonight to do it again.

Everything is done, except for the Spain/UIA Stats, and the NPC Stats. Everything else should be good.

Never Ending Story my derriere, these things feel like Never Ending Updates most of the time . . .
(Goober, me and Japan is sharing techs *wink*, does Malaysia still share that deal with ya Blackheart?)
Storm I have to speak to you. I realise you have interests in South America (well in the whole world), but building a base next to my borders can hardly be considered "cooperation". Either we come to a deal...... or not.
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