Grand Diplomacy

I forgot to mention that in the Event log, I noticed that at some point a while back Q and Sirius both made peace with Mavs... Q only re-declared war on Mavs very recently... I wonder what that was about
Not to mention that CDZ are in peace with Merlots at the moment
Not to mention that CDZ are in peace with Merlots at the moment

Well that is not good. Here is a draft message to CDZ. I ask about cooperating in the war on Merlot but i don't bring up how to split up the island. I also mention ETTT breaking up and imply that we do not seek further expansion and seek to back CDZ in a war on Q. For the purpose of diplomacy I think these statements are probably true.

Hello allies and partners.

As you may have noticed the game is approaching a cross roads. Q and Sirius have landed forces on the Mavericks' home island and Team Mavericks will soon be no more. Likewise we are preparing for a final invasion of the Merlot Home Island. While the Merlot armies are vast and numerous - their forces are technologically inferior and will soon be on strike. We plan to invade in approximately ten turns at which point the striking Merlot armies will be in disarray and our invasion force will comprise of 30-50 rifles, cannons, and cavalry.

We seek to not only inform you of our plans, but to also present the opportunity to coordinate invasion plans. As our frigates have reduced Merlot's cultural defenses, any rifles you may have that were upgraded from Berserkers would be dreadfully effective amphibious attackers able to weaken Merlot's city defenses while at no risk from counter attack. We would also welcome a coordinated landing with other forces you may have.

Going forward it appears the ETTT may be fracturing. We fear potential conflict may arise between old partners, yet hope that cordial relations can be maintained. For the time being we believe our vast armies and powerful navy ensure our safety - but we can take nothing for granted. We have already secured a large empire and once Merlot is finished, we hope to peacefully grow and develop our cities.

In addition to coordinating attacks on Merlot, we also seek to know what CDZ has planned for the future. We speculate that without the glue of the ETTT conflict may once again arise between CDZ and Q. With Q being far away and a never too cooperative partner - we would of course come to your aid should conflict arise.
We should send a message to the ETTT members that as M&M look to soon be no more we are going to have to reallocate our Espionage. We will split it evenly between all teams until such time as one team presents a threat or challenge. They are welcome to match our Espionage, but if they try to put more on us than we are on them we will consider that a challenge and will raise our Espionage accordingly.

We don't want to freak people out so giving fair warning is a good idea.
I read two times the letter draft and at first I though it gives away too much.

But day after this, I am reading it again and I find it very, very good and to the point. It promisses nothing, yet shows good will. Also, dont says anything to provoke hostilities, but slightly pushes them to this.

Only I think how we will divide the possible spoil from Q?

And what if Q and CDZ are seeing themselves as victims and are already plotting against us two - Amazon and Sirius, forgetting their old hostilities?
If CDZ and Q are thinking they can take on us + Sirius.... they are going to get stomped.

If others have any suggestions on the draft letter please make them and then someone will need to send it to CDZ. We need to do this quickly as they may need time to mobilize as well.
Well, maybe not to attack us, but to coordinate in defense or at least suspect us?
Damnrunner why don't you go ahead and send the letter VIA our gmail account or just PM it to barbu1977, BCLG100, and Robi D, on CDZ? You can sign it yourself or just sign it Team AMAZON... whichever you like. I am iv the road and can't really do diplo so well on a cell phone... and youvsaid you want it to go out fast:)
Just sent via pm. If someone wants to follow up via email that might also make sense. I have never accessed the team account so I am not sure the login info.
We need to be ready to bring our "A Game" with respect to diplomacy in the coming turns. This has always been our team's strength and we have the opportunity to structure a post war (and ETTT) world.
Potential message to Merlot. What do folks think of offering Merlot and unconditional surrender messgae along the lines of: gift us all cities and all units and though Merlot will be no more you will be accepted as a valued member of AMAZON. Accept the infinite embrace of Diana, goddess of the World
Potential message to Merlot. What do folks think of offering Merlot and unconditional surrender messgae along the lines of: gift us all cities and all units and though Merlot will be no more you will be accepted as a valued member of AMAZON. Accept the infinite embrace of Diana, goddess of the World

:) Good idea, but I dont think it will be accepted by King Slaze - he fought till now, not just to surrender without a fight at the end. Also, even if Slaze somehow decides to do this, I doubt it will pass in the UN. Remember when Mavs wanted to gift all their cities to Sirius? It will imbalance the game too much.
Good point about the UN. And it might upset other teams.

But the difference would be this is a surrender vs. a just giving up.

Likelihood of it being accepted is low, but who knows.
So, I think it is time we to decide the general course of Team AMAZON now when the M&M wars are over and the post-ETTT wars are coming at full speed - they even already started.

Who we will befriend and who will be our enemy. What general strategy we will pursue - our fore mentioned 3vs1 looks best for me.

Shall we decide to put Sirius in the role of the "1". This way to me it looks the most reasonable.

Say your thoughts, fellow Amazonians.
Well, I am just a constant lurker. But anyway, I think Sirius has the greatest research capability, right? Also militarily they are huge.

I don't think that allying with them against the two others does not make too much sense. one on one against them would not be to our advantage right?

Thus, I'd say, we convince the other teams to join us against them.
I would like to formally suggest a vote on team options. However, some of the options that follow are outcomes we don't really have control over - for example we could push for a 3v1 and easily end up in a 2v2 war for example.

For this reason I suggest rank order the following options from most preferable to least preferable which will give the best sense of what the will of the team is. But before voting lets give it a few days for people to think up additional options besides the four I have. If that makes sense to folks lets shoot to vote this weekend. Any objections?

A. Stick with Sirius - they are our best, oldest, and most competent friends
B. Push for a 3v1 against Sirius - they are our biggest threat
C. Try to stay out of everything and build up our cities while Q and Sirius fight
D. Ally with Q and start a 2v2 against Sirius and CDZ
I can propose "E" right away - Jump on CDZ while their power is so low and Sirius is busy with Q.

Yes, it is not the best, and it is a bit weird, but absolutely viable option. If we so decide, we will finish off CDZ much quicker and painless than Sirius will finish Q and we then can decide who to join.
I can propose "E" right away - Jump on CDZ while their power is so low and Sirius is busy with Q.

Yes, it is not the best, and it is a bit weird, but absolutely viable option. If we so decide, we will finish off CDZ much quicker and painless than Sirius will finish Q and we then can decide who to join.
Remember we have a NAP with CDZ. This lasts until Turn 226 IIRC. What turn is it now?
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