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[Graphic Mod] Varietas Delectat v9.2 [civ specific unit sets]

you guys can talk about Guys upgrading to different other civs all you want. I want my Incans staying Incans and My Aztecs staying Aztecs. As int he game of civ, they both will be never conquered by spain so it makes sense for them to have their normal units and none spanish stuff....;)
you guys can talk about Guys upgrading to different other civs all you want. I want my Incans staying Incans and My Aztecs staying Aztecs. As int he game of civ, they both will be never conquered by spain so it makes sense for them to have their normal units and none spanish stuff....;)

I can't say how relieved I am, that anybody does share the same opinion, I have. IMHO Civ is a complety fictional game. There is a random map generator, so you play on a completly different different planet. As far as I'm concerned the civilization could be called "Great culture of Wogglewoggle" or something like this. It is just more funny to say "I gave great general Caesar a kick in his back" than to realise "I have defeated generic leader #3".

If you want your civilizations as realistic as posible, it would be consequent only to play on an earth map, with predefined civilizations and starting points, and to script the game so that technologies won't be researed but activated at a specific year, and to make the Great Wall only buildable by the chinese civ, the pyramides only by the egyptan civ and so on. I don't know, I prefer my games unrealistic, historical not accurate and fictional but surprising and creative. That's why I never play any scenarios in Civ.

Therefore I am really glad there are two different types of unit mods: Those which are realistic but also those which are fictional or "what if", if you prefer this term. If people want an absolute realistic mod, well I don't mind, but this is not my taste. If I want it historical realistic, I watch history channel, but I don't play Civ.

So, Avain, you are really doing great work. Keep it. And please, don't listen too much to those people shouting for more historical realism. They will do this in different mods anyway.
I can't say how relieved I am, that anybody does share the same opinion, I have. IMHO Civ is a complety fictional game. There is a random map generator, so you play on a completly different different planet. As far as I'm concerned the civilization could be called "Great culture of Wogglewoggle" or something like this. It is just more funny to say "I gave great general Caesar a kick in his back" than to realise "I have defeated generic leader #3".

If you want your civilizations as realistic as posible, it would be consequent only to play on an earth map, with predefined civilizations and starting points, and to script the game so that technologies won't be researed but activated at a specific year, and to make the Great Wall only buildable by the chinese civ, the pyramides only by the egyptan civ and so on. I don't know, I prefer my games unrealistic, historical not accurate and fictional but surprising and creative. That's why I never play any scenarios in Civ.

Therefore I am really glad there are two different types of unit mods: Those which are realistic but also those which are fictional or "what if", if you prefer this term. If people want an absolute realistic mod, well I don't mind, but this is not my taste. If I want it historical realistic, I watch history channel, but I don't play Civ.

So, Avain, you are really doing great work. Keep it. And please, don't listen too much to those people shouting for more historical realism. They will do this in different mods anyway.

I do partially agree with this approach; however there is a line between a 'what-if' that is believable and one that is not. For instance; if you were to be playing as the roman empire, its fair to say that since in your game it did not fall; that it would not become the modern state of "italy", and thus wouldnt produce the same units as modern italy does, and would produce its own distinctly 'roman' units; however the units would still represent the technology of the era and their style should change with time (and not just the weapons), whilst retaining a sense of the civs culture.

What i'm saying is (as an example), if i'm playing as rome and they use the same helmet (etc) for over 2000 years, it detracts from the immersion and beleiveability of the game, regardless of whether the goal is historical accuracy or not.

So an altenative history approach is a good one (even more realistic in a random civ game) but it probably needs quite alot of creativity to make it beleivable and prevent it from being boring.

Phew:p well thats my two cents...
For what it's worth, I haven't renamed any civs in my mod (other then just ditching the HRE straight-up for Austria). I do, however, show modern units based on whatever region/nation exists in that spot today.

The Rome/Italy thing is a good comparison.

I haven't renamed Rome to Italy... it's still "Rome"... but even if Rome never fell, there simply is no historical document to say what infantry or tanks of a modern Rome would look like in the 20th century. There's also nothing to say that if Rome never fell that they wouldn't end-up looking like modern Italian units either. :dunno:

So, Babylon is still Babylon in my mod... but "Modern Babylon" is going to look a lot like modern Iraq. What else is one to do? Who knows what modern Babylon would look like in the 20th century... so I base it on Iraq. It's a lot better to use Iraqi equipment as a base then to assume modern Babylonians look like the default infantry, default Sherman, default Spitfire, etc, etc, etc... (or to give them all 5th century B.C. curled beards).
Its more the 3rd and 4th era units that I'm interested in, (Macemen, Musketmen, Knights, Cuirassiers, Cavalry and Riflemen), less with the 5th and 6th eras. I like Bakuel's and Bernie's units they made for the Incans, Egyptians and other civs that are what if for those periods. Since Peru is proud of its Incan heritage and has Incan things such as a sun on their helmuts(I saw a WW2 era helmut with the design on it) I have no problem with using their units for Modern times however(Infantry and beyond).

I should add that there is concept art for Industrial age and modern Romans availible..(what-if units) they are quite something.
I know there's concept art on modern Roman Infantry... most of it revolves on using the ancient roman helmet and/or maybe the breast plate with a modern rifle... kinda cool, but not really creative (and in the case of breast plates, rather antiquated). :dunno:

I too, use the medieval work of those that make units for ancient civs that don't fall (Incan, Roman, whatever). But by modern times, I simply go with the modern states... but I will use "Roman" medieval units as opposed to "Italian" ones.
I just dont like the approach, like in rome (example again, it could be carthage or aztecs etc) where a medieval longbowman, or maceman, pikeman etc is simply a slightly-altered praetorian with different weapons...
Even if you do have to guess/speculate, if you're not going with assuming that a civ develops as it did in history (rome>italian city states>italy; etc) then its fine to guess! it is alternate history after all! Just think of what real life units looked like in that era; in a similar geographic area, and make them look a bit more 'romanish'; without just using the same skin/model/model parts over and over...

I think you could probably have quite a lot of fun coming up with fictional timelines for the development of a civs units :) And isnt that the point of alternate history? and then if you don't like that sort of thing theres always historically accurate unit mods. any thoughts?
Well, my Polish infantry look like this...

I thought that was supposed to be Russian? :confused:

Also, equipping an ancient Roman Legionnaire with a crossbow just isn't going to be realistic.
Pfft... close-enough and a lot better then the default infantry or what's in most (not all) Polish mods... I didn't see your Polish infantry anywhere in the download database... I can't be omnipotent about every custom unit in every mod. I just stumbled across a picture of yours earlier today, though I sure didn't see it in the downloads section.
You can get it in asio's mod, I think.
Which one? I think I remember trying to get one of his mods (Polish tribes maybe?) and it was a victim of the hacker...

Trust me... I scrounged for Polish units, and Asio was the first to come to my mind, but I had trouble getting ahold of his mod (or maybe I tried to download the wrong one?).

I was happy enough that Danrell's Russian infantry also look a lot like Polish infantry... most of the Polish mods I saw just had the default (US-looking) Infantry.

Can you upload your Polish Infantry to the units database? That would be swell.
Pfft... close-enough and a lot better then the default infantry or what's in most (not all) Polish mods... I didn't see your Polish infantry anywhere in the download database... I can't be omnipotent about every custom unit in every mod. I just stumbled across a picture of yours earlier today, though I sure didn't see it in the downloads section.

I only stumbled across it on another site, but since I found it there, I am using it ;)

Not sure why Chuggi strayed there though, CFC imo is pretty established (moreso than the others).
Yeah.... that's where I stumbled across it too... and I got this...

The file you selected does not exist.

Mamba... do you have that sucker handy?
It's so darn hard to get models for civs that aren't default... nobody wants to upload them to the database, and the few that are all have broken links!

Thanks Mamba... since it's not a huge upgrade over "Russian" infantry, this guy can wait till v2.71... but he's officially the first unit of the next update!
Quite some debate here;)
To all those concerned: if you like the overall feel and approach of VD don't be afraid: I'm not gonna change direction; you can pretty much see where it's headed and I intend to keep it this way.
And strictly no gameplay changes here.
For gameplay changes, i.e. new unit classes, ditching civ for another, addig mod comps I'll use Modern Era Expansion and ultimately Quot Capita which (will) feature Civ as I'd like it to be.
Some food for thought...

The what if will always be there, as realistic as someone wants to make civ.
We've been talking about civilizations that are no more, like Rome for instance.

Portugal lost the edge, and we are still geographicly, ethinicly, culturaly and socialy, the same, sometimes I belive we are still 500 years ago. Wood and craftsmanship and some creativity where enough to build our carracks, but with no oil, no coal, etc. etc.,today we buy our warships ships from the germans and dutch. Until some time we had one of the better shipyard in the world, not for warships but for freighters and tankers and even ice breakers. We did them on demand for a large number of countries.

Due to political, economical or whatever reason the yard closed, high qualified workers lost their job and could find any for a couple years. Until one went to England were he found an excellent job in 3 days, the employers were so thrilled with the qualification and quality of the guy that soon other former co-workers went also to England.

If Portugal have been conquered or absorbed by Spain 400 years ago, we could be asking how Portugal would be if it still existed today.

And I can tell you how Portugal would look today if it existed still today

A portuguese is a guy using Levi's pants shirts and underwear, Camel shoes and Tiberland jacket and belt, Armani glasses, looking a Samsung monitor connected to a HP PC, writting on a forum on the internet, in english, about a computer game.

And in the army he used/seen the most variety of "Portuguese" equipment.
Uzi's and Galil's, H&K G3, MG3, L79 GL, M60s, M113s, F16s... ... ...

Hey wait we have Cristiano Ronaldo....LOL
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