Guerra del Paraguay 1864-1870


reality researcher
Dec 2, 2010
Hello!This is the first of my Industrial Era Scenarios named "Guerra del Paraguay 1864-1870".This scenario is about Paraguayan War between Paraguay and the Triple Alliance of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.The events of the second plan in this scenario are the Spanish-South American War (Spain vs. Chile & Peru) and and skirmishes with the Araucania (this topic will be developed in the following scenario "Guerra Pacifico 1879-1884").I've tried to authentically convey uniforms of all armies of that time.In my scenario will not be Chilean marines (for example) in uniform of 1812(!!!) as it was in some earlier scenarios of some forumers on the same topic.
A feature of this scenario is that I have tried to fully reproduce the political climate of the time, so I put in the game the Araucania.








I have a Russian version of the game, so on these screenshots you can see the inscription on Russian.On your computer they will be ok!

Some samples of the uniforms, which I relied in selecting units:
Spoiler :







You can download it here
Guerra del Paraguay 1864-1870

Enjoy my scenario!
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Yes, looks very cool. Hope the game play is as cool as the look!

What are the pentacle / barricade things in the screenies?
You see them best in the fourth screenie of the OP. Around the red civ's size 4 city there are 5 red ones and 2 brown ones. A few more further north, including some blue ones.
You see them best in the fourth screenie of the OP. Around the red civ's size 4 city there are 5 red ones and 2 brown ones. A few more further north, including some blue ones.
A-a-h!I've got it!These are the special units named "fuerte"(that means "fort" or "fortress").You see,Paraguayans had a strongly fortified fortress called Humaita with artillery batteries Curupaity and Curuzú.I did not know how accurate and correct to show that it was a fortified area, and the Allies had to fiercely assault the fortress.So I put this unit, which can build no-one of the players, only to show the active defense of this war.



Curuzú Paraguayan trenches
Very nice feature and detail. I suppose that's a pretty good way of implementing it. Loving these paintings you're pulling out by the way.
there doesn't seem to be any lines on your tech tree.
You're right:sad:But I was not very important to draw these arrows, and besides, I'm putting in all new technology and had to move old.Besides, I have not quite figured out how to make these arrows, while in theory knew how to do it:confused:
Does this come in english?
See the first post in this thread. But I can repeat it for you: I have a Russian version of the game, so on these screenshots you can see the inscription on Russian.On your computer they will be ok!;) I mean that on your comp this scenario will come in English...If you have another version of the game, the screen will be all in Chinese, for example:badcomp:
Excellent work, I really like your research on the uniforms and equipment. This theatre of war isn't very well known, thanks for covering it. :)
Congrats on finishing & releasing 10% of your massive plan. Bathy! :) I'll give a try definitely as I'm not good at this period of time in the region, so it'll be very interesting journey for sure! Thank you very much for creating it! :)
Congrats on finishing & releasing 10% of your massive plan. Bathy! :) I'll give a try definitely as I'm not good at this period of time in the region, so it'll be very interesting journey for sure! Thank you very much for creating it! :)
Oh, you still remember my plan, which I sent you in the message,Wolfy!:)
Unfortunately, I flew hard drive on my computer this summer, and almost complete Industrial Era scenarios
1."Age of Bismarck 1860-1885",
2."American Civil War & French Intervention in Mexico 1861-1867",
3."American War of Independence",
4."War of 1812"
like The Beatles were singing, "vanished in the haze".Only two of them should be recovered - "War of Independence" and "War of 1812".The rest will have to start from scratch,but it's always difficult...But all the better, I can take into account all the flaws that were there and I could not fix...Not as I can not begin to make myself units, or at least correct in the right side of me (for example, Army of Haiti in "War of 1812" scenario - French uniforms completely, but with black faces):dunno:.I have no time for it!
I also started a new scenario "Risorgimento 1859-1870" 'bout the Italian unification (flags as leaderheads of this scenario I already posted here,although you know it;)).Thank you for your support and wish me luck!
Excellent work, I really like your research on the uniforms and equipment. This theatre of war isn't very well known, thanks for covering it. :)
Thanks,Ares!Thank you for your attention to detail testing of my scenarios!Nice to hear praise from the acknowledged master of this forum!
And there's a little Xmas:D bonus - new x_title.pcx for Paraguayan War

Merry Christmas!:)


Due to the fact that in this scenario is reflected not only the Paraguayan War, but war for the Chincha Islands, I decided to make another title for Spanish-South American War.


This is the picture of the Spanish ironclad Numancia - the most famous ironclad of that war :trophy:


I missed this! Must try it.
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