• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Guess the New Civs

Dido has more historical sources than just the Aeneid. Going by additional sources, it is entirely possible given the time period that she was the first ruler of Carthage, albeit probably embellished in certain respects.

There's no Carthaginian stories, though, and I'm pretty sure they do have a documented foundation story. Are there any non-Roman sources? Greeks were enemies too, but that's at least a start.
Pretty sure the units in the Great Prophet screen are no Impi. The icon looks Mayan, they look "lighter skinned", and there are no shields visible.
There's no Carthaginian stories, though, and I'm pretty sure they do have a documented foundation story. Are there any non-Roman sources? Greeks were enemies too, but that's at least a start.

You have Phoenician records, as well as the histories of the Greeks.
You have Phoenician records, as well as the histories of the Greeks.

I've done some research on this casually over the years, but I've never seen any indication of Phoenician records of Dido or Elissa. Can you provide a source for this?

The problem with the Roman account of the foundation of Carthage (the oxhide story) is that it basically played up every single Roman ethnic/racial stereotype of deceptive easterners. Mixed with that is the tragedy of Aeneas and Dido, which is also fairly insulting to Carthaginians.
Looks like the Huns are confirmed:

PCG: But there are a couple religious scenarios.

Beach: We have one that highlights the religion system and how to mod it. We have another one—the Celts and the Huns and the Byzantines—we’re introducing that set of three new civilizations and we decided that a fall of Rome scenario would be perfect. And then the third scenario we’re shipping with is an interesting departure. We actually have a steampunk Victorian-era science fiction scenario that’s an interesting departure from the usual historical fare.

Bad news, very bad news
Now I have lost interest in GK...
They should have included Khazaria if they wanted a steppe-horse culture
The bigger problem is that this eliminates the chances of Hungary being included :(
If nothing else, the naming is too similar...
It would have been a much wiser decision to include Hungary as a full civ based on the Medieval scenario, instead of the Huns based on the Byzantine scenario :sad:
Bad news, very bad news
Now I have lost interest in GK...
They should have included Khazaria if they wanted a steppe-horse culture
The bigger problem is that this eliminates the chances of Hungary being included :(
If nothing else, the naming is too similar...
It would have been a much wiser decision to include Hungary as a full civ based on the Medieval scenario, instead of the Huns based on the Byzantine scenario :sad:

not bad at all to me.
Maybe Firaxis was feeling that nostalgia from Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings. Huns probably had the best campaign in that. And since it is God's and Kings.... might as well throw in Attila the Hun and all that Tarken glory. Might as well give them the bonus for building/city attacks while you are at it.
I love it Huns! Mongol vs Hun who's the better horse barbarians???
The problem is no one else does. Theres a reason why the mongols have the Keshik and thats it.
Its because the horse archer in any sort of open ground is basically going to own everyone.
If they are going to make the huns some high mobility archer force people are going to start
hating them real fast. I can only imagine this in multiplayer.
Civs that play as pure barbarians are broken to begin with. Makes for one dimensional game play. How can you have CS diplomacy as Mongol if you kill more than two CS's and the rest of em perma-war you?? And if you don't kill them you don't utilize the ability to the fullest, unless you were going for domination from the get go. Not a bad idea but not flexible. It is a terrible UA in other words.

Sometimes you want that style of play. But now with two civs that essentially fall into that? Waste. Absolute waste.
The language should be fun.... since what... Historians can point out to about three words whatever dialect they used??? Hopefully they mean "Hi", "Bye" and "Die" so we can actually tell without reading the dialogue box. I guess they will throw some hybrid mix of Mongolian, Turkic, and whatever else they can dig up. Bulgarian, Hebrew, hell.... whatever sounds about right I guess.
Hmmm, I wouldn't have guessed huns and I would still have preferred Khazars, but I'm okay with it. I enjoy Mongolia games and I think they'll go to some effort to make them truly different.
Huns are an odd choice, and probably not the best choice, but they don't ruin the game for me.
The language should be fun.... since what... Historians can point out to about three words whatever dialect they used??? Hopefully they mean "Hi", "Bye" and "Die" so we can actually tell without reading the dialogue box. I guess they will throw some hybrid mix of Mongolian, Turkic, and whatever else they can dig up. Bulgarian, Hebrew, hell.... whatever sounds about right I guess.

Not even that. No one really knows anything about them other that what was written about them.
There isn't one unbiased source. They could have been 7' redheads or midgets with orange
skin like an oomplaloompa for all we know.
Not even that. No one really knows anything about them other that what was written about them.
There isn't one unbiased source. They could have been 7' redheads or midgets with orange
skin like an oomplaloompa for all we know.

Okay, a 7 foot redhead with skin like an oompla loompa as Attila would be the most awesome leader ever. Hopefully he talks like the Swedish Chef as well...
My god a lot of people must have purchased a Jump To Conclusion mat. How about waiting and seeing what they do with the Huns before claiming it's going to ruin the game?
I have lost interest in this expansion too.
They better chose Khazaria who have real city names.
But,there was a "Hunnic Empire",but how can a empire exist without cities?
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