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Hall of Fame Rules/FAQ

I'm just curious...multiple win conditions have been discussed briefly but I don't think anything definitive was said. I'm currently playing a Huge Emperor Pangaea game as the Ottomans which isn't going to score highly enough to get on the Histo table, so I'm thinking of ending it in 2049 as a five-way. What'll happen?
Whatever victory condition the game recognizes first is the one we'd go with. I'll have to check to see what order that is...
It's conquest>space>domination>culture>diplo>histo.

I might check to see which table is emptiest, and go with that one so.
Dianthus was kind enough to look into it for me, as this question hasn't come up in a while my memory is rusty.

Apparently we don't go with the Firaxis order, but this:
  1. Histographic
  2. Diplomatic
  3. Spacerace
  4. 20K
  5. 100K
  6. Conquest
  7. Domination
  8. Wonder
  9. Victory Points
  10. Histographic
That's interesting...any particular reason?
Sure, but discussing it gets more involved in vetting security than I'd care to do. I will say that while it was established a while back, I did sign off on it. So, at the time, I either knew what I was doing or pretended to know what I was doing. :D
Wonder, Victory Points eh?
We check for them, but we don't treat them as Victory conditions. It's no different than checking for other facts and figures in the file (score, maptype, civilization, opponents, etc).
It's handy that space is near the top of the list; I can have my five-way and there's only two Huge Emp Space games on the list. :)
Perhaps this is a reiteration of the FAQ, but I'd like a submission rules clarification if I could get one....I really don't want to waste a bunch of hours on this game if it is void.

I have a 4000BC save and a few in-game saves so far... the problem is my 4000BC save is after I moved, ie., I founded my capital and moved the worker to a nearby cow. The FAQ seems to indicate that I may be OK, but the rules page seems to want the original save. (I got tired reading the 23 pages of posts in this thread after page 10 or so and a search didn't help) Am I out of luck or can I continue?

My apologies if I am asking something that has been asked and answered before.
@oogiboogie: As long as your save is from 4000bc, it doesn't matter when in 4000bc. A lot of people don't know until they move a unit whether or not they'll be playing a start, so end of turn is just fine.
Fastest finish is indeed catagories where the fastest finish gets top spot in the table.

There are separate tables for each map size-difficuly level-VC combination and it's fair to say that some tables are more hotly contested than others so don't be put off by some of the dates. If you are interested, look at some of the threads which discuss details on how to get better dates and then look for a catagory where you think that you'll chart. Some of the gauntlet threads have some real gems on how to push the finish dates back and they've certainly helped me improve my game. If you want to improve on a particular type of VC, just post in this forum and someone will look to help you out. You never know, you may be launching your spaceships before 1000AD in the near future!

OTOH the current gauntlet is a Histographic game so it's not a fastest finish, its just the highest score at 2050AD that wins so you might prefer that instead.
My first few spaceships were lanched in the 1900s, last one I did was 1600 on demigod. If I can improve I'm sure you can to. Also, not every chart is even full, I'm sure a 1976 would make it plenty of places.
Hey - I can't submit a game. I was able to submit a couple of games a couple of days ago, but now I get this series of error messages:

Warning: ftp_login() [function.ftp-login]: Login authentication failed in /home/hofciv/public_html/civ3/include/submit.php on line 66

Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: You aren't logged in in /home/hofciv/public_html/civ3/include/submit.php on line 67

Warning: ftp_login() [function.ftp-login]: Login authentication failed in /home/hofciv/public_html/civ3/include/submit.php on line 70

Warning: ftp_site() [function.ftp-site]: You aren't logged in in /home/hofciv/public_html/civ3/include/submit.php on line 71

Is this something on my side or a server problem?
In order to become a Quartermaster, it looks like I need to complete/submit/place on the charts this many games:
  • Histographic: 1
  • Machiavelli: 6
  • Pentathlon: 5
  • Octathlon: 6 to 8
At least 24 and maybe 26.


(I'm nowhere near attempting this; just want to know what it takes.)
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