• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

HarlNESIII - The Decline of France

From UP
to USA

We shall wait until next turn before selling Dutch Guiana, to give people more time to react. However do know that we are seriously considering the offer.

Orders being written up.
From Russia
to USA
We are wondering if you are interested in Russia's American Holdings, a route to the Pacific could literally open a whole new sea of opportunities for the American Peoples.
America is interested in purchasing Russian America.

From UP
to USA

We shall wait until next turn before selling Dutch Guiana, to give people more time to react. However do know that we are seriously considering the offer.
We thank you for your response and shall wait patiently.
Fëanor;5264419 said:
From Russia
To Ottomans
We are making no demands, you are demanding that we hand over ground to you and withdraw our troops from the land we conquered. If you want our Cease Fire to Become a peace treaty then we either keep the land we conquered or you make us an acceptable offer to compensate our loss of land. 1ep is Acceptable to us.

To Russia
From The Ottomans

Are you fools of the highest order or something!!!?? That is OUR TERRITORY YOU ARE CURRENTLY STANDING ON!!!! You had no right to occupy it in the first place, and instead of unleashing our justified wrath upon you we ceded to your demands for a cease-fire in the name of peace!! Had we continued, it would be your territory we would be holding right now, not the other way around. Do not presume to mock or insult us, or you will see what demanding 1 ep will cost you!!!
From Russia
To the USA

We offer you Russian America and a Trade agreement against a payment of 2 EP per turn for 10 Years.
(OOC: Pretty Fair price considering nobody else will be able to expand in north America and you will probably be able to get a EC or two and since you make 9ep so it should be no problem)

From Russia
To Ottoman

Are were aware that the Ottomans are backwards but now we wonder whether you are also ******ed, do you not know the Meaning of a Cease Fire? if you wish to break the cease fire and commence fighting once again be my guest, we have made our peace terms known to you, if you wish to continue the Peace Talks we eagerly await an Ottoman counter-Proposal.
To Russia
From The Ottoman Empire

No payment for our own territory, that is just plain blatant disregard for common courteousy and an insult to the Sultan. After all, if we are so backwards, why is it that your so called men ran at the mere sight of our forces. Do remember our last encounter, lest more Russian blood be shed. Your peace proposal is outrageoues, and you have gone straight out of your way to purposally insult us and take advantage of our Empire. That territory is inconsequential to you, it's not interegrated in your Empire nor does it posses any major industry to contribute to your nation. Our counter proposal is an NAP along with a trade agreement, but we absolutely refuse to give into this mockery you seem to be playing.
From Russia
To Ottomans

A NAP and a trade agreement as offers to end a war? that seems to us hardly an incentive for handing over a considerable amount of territory, surely the Wise, Generous and Benevolent Sultan can offer us more than signatures on pieces of paper.
To Russia
From the Ottomans

Considerable amounts of territory? It's culmination is precisly one city!!! Surly the might czar has greater prowess then to risk war over one city?
From Russia
To the USA
We offer you Russian America and a Trade agreement against a payment of 2 EP per turn for 10 Years.
(OOC: Pretty Fair price considering nobody else will be able to expand in north America and you will probably be able to get a EC or two and since you make 9ep so it should be no problem)
We believe that the proposed price is high. We make a counteroffer of 8 EP, paid at a rate which you may choose.
We believe that the proposed price is high. We make a counteroffer of 8 EP, paid at a rate which you may choose.

8 EP! we could probably sell the land on the open market for a better price!
We Counteroffer 3 EP per turn for 5 Years.

To Russia
From the Ottomans

Considerable amounts of territory? It's culmination is precisly one city!!! Surly the might czar has greater prowess then to risk war over one city?

From Russia
To the Ottoman Empire

We seek no war, in fact we are perfectly happy with the cease fire.
To: Russia
From: USA

Don't forget that the land is undeveloped, and much investment will be needed to make it profitable.

We offer 5 EP on the first turn, then 3 EP for 2 years after that, for a total of 11 EP.
Treaty of St. Petersburg:
  • The Russian Empire hands over Russian America to the United States of America
  • the United States of America Pays the Russian Empire 3 Eco Per Turn for the Next 4 Years.
  • The United States of America and the Russian Empire also agree on a Trade Agreement
Tsar Nicholas I
(Awaiting US Representative's Signature)
Diploming done, orders almost done.
To Russia
From Ottoman Empire

The cease fire means nothing if we cannot even come to a reasonable agreement for the prospect of peace!! You are illiegaly holding our territory, and if you really desired peace you would be willing to negotiate reasonably with us, instead you go out of your way in an attempt to humiliate us by making us pay for our own territory!! If you truly wish to avert war, then start acting like a reasonable and competent nation which looks out for what is best for it's people, not a whiny child too ignorant to understand the tragedy they are about to bring on their people...
Orders in.
From Russia
To Ottoman Empire

Illegally holding your territory? We were not aware of any international treaty that says a invading power has to return conquered lands when agreeing to a cease fire, please educate us oh wise Sultan, what treaty might that be?
To Russia
From The Ottoman Empire

Your entire basis for invading us was illegal!!!!! You had no right to interfere in our affairs in the first place, and after your unprovoked act of aggression we agreed to spare you the continious bloodshed that took the lives of so many of your forces. Your 'terms' for a peace treaty are utterly and completely unfounded, your logic as decadent as your culture, and your honor as hollow and cold as your winters. Completely and utterly unacceptable, and if you continue on this path then any hopes of peace will be dashed to the wind. If you desire an agreeable peace, then you would be far more respectful and reasonable in your actions. Since you are not, then we can only assume you do not desire peace. So be it then...
From Russia
To Ottomans

Our Invasion was illegal? thank you for blessing us once again with a glittering gem of your intelligence and wisdom!
But i am afraid my lowly intelligence and knowledge is lacking, so could you please, wise sultan, enlighten us on which treaties and laws you base these accusations?

We have stated several times that we find the Current Cease Fire agreement most pleasing, you are asking for alterations of the current state, so how are we the ones whom are seeking war?
To Russia
From The Ottoman Empire

Enough of these games!! It seems whatever logical argument we give, you and your buffoon advisors come up with a more idiotic answer. You've made your bed now, and we hope you sleep well in it tonight. For Tomorrow it burns!!!!
From Russia
To Ottoman

If your arguments are so true and logical, why do you fail to back them up with facts? it is clear that you are seeking to escalate our current status to full war, we Russians are Honorable peoples and thus will honor the agreements we signed, will will not Wage war unless attacked, the choice is yours my dear Sultan.
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