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HarlNESIII - The Decline of France

Feanor, well, as Contempt has pulled out, then it is free and you can take it. Though, you did so well with Oman.

Yea, and i feel kinda sad leaving it, but Russia cant be a NPC, it is a major player after all.

From Russia
to USA

We are wondering if you are interested in Russia's American Holdings, a route to the Pacific could literally open a whole new sea of opportunities for the American Peoples.

From Russia
To Japan

We might be interested in selling some of our Asian territories, are you interested in commencing exploratory talks?
Boo hiss, i would have loved Russia!
From: Prussia
To: Austria

With a new ruler in charge, perhaps you would be open to a reasonable peace treaty?
From Russia
To Prussia

Austria is fighting a 3 way war, we (the new ruler of russia) promise to double our efforts to destroy these evil tyrants once and for all, let us not sign a peace treaty on their terms when we are about to force them into unconditional surrender.

From Russia
To Japan

Northern Hokkaido and Kuril Islands for 2 EP and a trade agreement.
From: Prussia
To: Russia

Of course, we are glad the Tsar is more dedicated than ever before to finally destroying the wretched Austrians.
To Russia
From Japan

We would be willing to pay 3 EP if you throw in Sakhlin as well.

From Russia
to Japan

We are not willing to sell Sakhlin at this time

From: Prussia
To: Russia

Of course, we are glad the Tsar is more dedicated than ever before to finally destroying the wretched Austrians.

From Russia
To Prussia

That is why we hope you shall not seek peace with the Austrian dogs.

From Russia
To the Ottomans

It seem there had been some minor Errors in translations during the peace process, however as a sign of goodwill we would be willing withdrawn our forces to previous borders in exchange of some incentives, 1ep and a trade agreement would suffice.
From Russia
to Japan
We are not willing to sell Sakhlin at this time

Perhaps later then.

We would be willing to agree to this:

From Russia
To Japan
Northern Hokkaido and Kuril Islands for 2 EP and a trade agreement.

Transaction this year then?
Prussia pledges to finish the war with Austria, no worries.
To Russia
From Ottoman Empire

Are you attempting to extort us for our own territory now?? How.... rude of you. A trade transaction would have been agreeable, but since you have the audacity to presume we would consider giving into this attempted blackmail, then you have serverly underestimated our capabilities. Perhaps you would be willing to be more... negotiable in the interest of peace and the well being of the Russian people. Lest we shed more needless blood in the conflict you yourself started. If you could rectify these errors in judgement on your part, we would be most grateful.
From Russia
To Ottomans

Without incentives i am afraid we will not be able to withdraw from the area in good speed, Russian troops will likely be out of there in a couple of years, we are afraid we are will be unable to prevent Russian troops from simply taking whatever they want from the landscape and cities, probably burning the rest.

We assure you, incentives are in both our nation's interests.
To Russia
From The Ottoman Empire

Now it seems like your threatening us... how crude. It just shows the lack of discipline and control the Czar must have over his own troops, typical of the Russian Army. No wonder your own people rise up every two months... and should your soldiers take it upon themselves to suddenly violate the sanctity of our territory, and resort to persecuting innocent civilians, we will have no choice but to respond. Your image in the international community has not been that impressive as is my dear czar, don't go completely ruining it in a hasty and ill advised decision.
From Russia
To Ottomans

Very well, your refusal to compromise seems to say to us that the Ottomans are happy to keep current borders, we will send Russians administrators and begin to administrate the region as part of Russia then.
To Russia
From the Ottoman Empire

A violation of our national soverignty, civic borders, and to compound it all you have the gaul to claim our territory as your own after a conflict you started and immediately demanded a ceasefire over. For your decision, you can expect an equally blatant and brutal response. Do change your mind after you witness the consequences....
From Russia
To Ottomans

Cease Fire does not mean White Peace, under a cease fire each nation keeps his territorial gains, we are willing to Return at peace at status quo, but not for free. 1ep
To Russia
From The Ottomans

That 1 ep is going to cost you far more if you persist with this... brazen demand...
To Russia
From The Ottomans

That 1 ep is going to cost you far more if you persist with this... brazen demand...

From Russia
To Ottomans
We are making no demands, you are demanding that we hand over ground to you and withdraw our troops from the land we conquered. If you want our Cease Fire to Become a peace treaty then we either keep the land we conquered or you make us an acceptable offer to compensate our loss of land. 1ep is Acceptable to us.
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