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HarlNESIII - The Decline of France

I wish erez would turn on visibility.. you never know when he is online :(
I'd like ITs, even if they're uneventful.
You'll be receiving orders in about 4 hours Harl.
Unfortuntely, I have to withdraw. Its a combination of many things, but I never truly got into it.
lol... Who will take Russia, now!?
Whoever does, GIVE ME BACK MY CITY ALREADY!!! You've had your fun, occupied my Balkan city for 2 turns going on 3, and you know what? The Ottomans are losing patience here!!! :mad:
Ive gotten no diplo as Netherlands, and am setting a limit: Orders going in in about 3.5 hrs. You have that long to diplo me. All i know about my nation is I was at war with france for a while and Im allied to Britain, so unless I recieve something Ill make my own allegiances
Can I get my city back? ;) And did you also have Oman finish paying up for Sudan this turn? Cause if you think I forgot then you are sadly mistaken :p
From United Provinces
To World

We do not see any benefit in continuing to own Dutch Guiana. We are hereby putting it on the market. Bid fairly, as it can be used well to gain a foothold on the americas. PLEASE MAKE ALL MONETARY OFFERS IN THREAD.
From United Provinces
To World

We do not see any benefit in continuing to own Dutch Guiana. We are hereby putting it on the market. Bid fairly, as it can be used well to gain a foothold on the americas. PLEASE MAKE ALL MONETARY OFFERS IN THREAD.

OOC: I believe that selling it to non American powers is a breach of the Monroe doctrine, just giving you a heads up as the Americans could use it to simply seize Dutch Guiana without payment.
Well I've been thinking.. I guess I decided to leave the NES. I wish Austria would fight to the death but I would understand if as an NPC they choose peace.

sorry all.
OOC: While I never signed the Monroe Doctrine, by selling my colony I am adhering to it. Thereby if America wishes to purchase it, they may.
OOC: While I never signed the Monroe Doctrine, by selling my colony I am adhering to it. Thereby if America wishes to purchase it, they may.

OOC: The Monroe Doctrine is not a treaty, it is a unilateral declaration.
the U.S. would not tolerate a colony being transferred from one European country to another.
Should the US or USM make an offer to purchase it (hell, even the Brazillian rebels) I would consider it over others, for the purpose of not provoking rage. However, the UP are and always have been merchants, so it will take money to sway us.

Also, the Monroe doctrine was only successful becuase the British WANTED it to be successful. They wished for an end to US intervention in Europe, and were willing to sacrifice America for that. BUT if they didnt want to sacrifice American colonies, it would most likely NOT be successful.
Should the US or USM make an offer to purchase it (hell, even the Brazillian rebels) I would consider it over others, for the purpose of not provoking rage. However, the UP are and always have been merchants, so it will take money to sway us.

Also, the Monroe doctrine was only successful becuase the British WANTED it to be successful. They wished for an end to US intervention in Europe, and were willing to sacrifice America for that. BUT if they didnt want to sacrifice American colonies, it would most likely NOT be successful.

OOC: Well, the fact that the USA occuppied and Unilateraly Annexed the Anticosti Island from Great Britain just last update without even objecting would seem to me that Great Britain has pretty much given up on America.
I'd assumed that I was going to get Anticosti Island and Kal would keep Newfoundland, but it just wasn't clear enough in my or Kal's orders. I corrected the problem next turn.
Ok, we'll stick to IT's. Remember, late orders this time around. Not until... was it next Wednesday? I won't have any time to put anything together this weekend.

Faenor, well, as Contempt has pulled out, then it is free and you can take it. Though, you did so well with Oman.
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