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HarlNESIII - The Decline of France

To Russia
From Ottoman Empire

Good to know, be seeing you on the battlefield.
Outside view: Hehehe Ottomans are screwed. You had it coming Krimzon. Learn to do peace by your own another time ;)
Rain the city of Kyoto, the roads flooded and turned into thick mud. Lightining flashed across the sky highlight darkened figures with cloaks hurrying down the waterlogged streets.

The cloaked figures converged on a small house and knocked on the door making themsleves known. “Enter” said a voice

The cloaked figures entered the room. Shaking back their hoods and glancing at each othe in the light of the flickering candle that stood on a lone wooden table in the center of the table. There sat a man behind the candle the light casting eerie shadows across his face.

The cloaked figures approached closer to identiy him. Several gasped in shock when they realized who he was. Matsudaira Sadanobu chief councilor to the Shogun and damiyo of the Tayasu branch of the Tokguwa family and grandson of the 8th Shogun Tokoguawa Yoshimune.

One of the cloaked men stepped forward frowning “Why have you called us here?”

Sadanobu looked up “Ah General Ikeda, I was particulary looking forward to speaking with you. Gentlemen” he said adressing the whole group “It has come to my attention certain…feelings you hold for the Shougun Tokoguwa Inerai.”

The men glanced at each ther fearfully.

Sadanobu motioned them to sit down at the table “We have much to discuss”

The men sat down at the table uncertainely.

“Gentleman Japan for a longtime has been a inward looking nation living on the premise that we were a great nation waiting for our time to come. Over the past months we have had a jolt of reality. Our time has come. Events across the world have told us that it is time to finally take our rightful place as a new power. Japan has had a difficult history but always have we persevered and survived. We have given our people the lives that they deserve. We have created a new Japan. A Japan that no longer has to give in to threats of the imperialistic powers. A Japan that can shape its own destiny. It is time for us to awaken.”

The men glanced at each other “What are you proposing Sadanobu?”

Sadanobu leaned back and was silent for a moment before answering “I propose that we overthrow the Shogun”

There was silence in the room.

“Why” asked General Ikeda suspiciously “Yes we hold no love for the Shogun, but he is still the Shogun and ruler of this nation. Why do you of all people wish to overthrow him?”

“The Shogun is a hedonistic fool. He cares only for his concubines, food, and begets bastard child after bastard child. He is a weak and corrupt man. He goes against our proud and noble history and tradition of honor. Due to his weakness the foreign powers encroach upon Japan. It readily becoming undeniable that Japan is weak compared to the foreigners. Change must be made and change cannot be made with the current Shogun.”

General Ikeda nodded slowly “I support this in principle; however who will be our next ruler?”

Sadanobu shrugged “I know not. However the next ruler must be a strong, and capable man willing to modernize and end our self imposed isolation.”

Another one of the men spoke up “Such a man will be difficult to find who is willing to risk the fury of the samurai and the daimyos? There will be much opposition.”

General Ikeda nodded “I do not see how we can pull this off, the minute we remove the Shogun from power the noble houses will break into open revolt, I suspect many among your own family will do so.” He said looking at Sadanobu.

“That can be rectified…” he said musingly “However the planning can be done later. What I wish to know now, is that will all of you swear an oath upon your honor that no word spoken here today will leave this room, and he that breaks it must commit sekkupu”

The men nodded.

“Very well gentlemen, I will be in contact with you. And when the time comes you will know”
I'm taking Denmark-Norway. Orders will materialise shortly. Diplo will materialise later, once I get a proper grasp of where the Danes fit in.
@Harlequin I need a response to my pm before I can send orders.

@Kalthazar it would be helpful if you could confirm our agreement so I could know to include it in orders.
@fant - diplo with you after the update

I shall get a feel for mine after it, so I can better propose what I have in mind.

Do you have AIM?

EDIT: Nvm, dont need it.
aren't orders not due until the 5th?
oops. i was thinking of the wrong NES. but at the same time the right one. Diplo later.
I'm back after a long, hard weekend, including a visit to Auswitz. Pretty rough.

All PM's that said question/diplo in the title have been answered.

To: Prussia
From: Austria

We are willing to talk peace, but be aware that we won't give up on our Bavarian allies. What do you propose?
To: Spain
From: Argentina

Public dissatisfaction is building across the continent over your continuing occupation of Peruvian lands. Once more we urge you to withdraw Spanish forces from Peru, it is the only reasonable choice for the war-weary people of your country! No Latin nation wants war, but none will sit idly by while their neighbor is being abused, knowing that they themselves may be next.

To: Mexico
From: Argentina

You have been strangely quiet on the Spanish invasion of Peru for one who has an alliance with the latter state. If you can bring your own considerable diplomatic clout into the discussion on behalf of Peru, it would send a strong message on behalf of self-determination and peace in the American hemisphere. Thank you.
From: Prussia
To: Austria

Our terms are outlined below.

1. The annexation of the former Palatinate territories to the Prussia

2. The annexation of the area of furthest advance made into west Austria (basically Czech. Republic area, Prague included) by Prussia.

3. 2 eco reperation to the Austrian Empire by Prussia

4. Prussia signs a 20 year non-aggression pact towards Bavaria and Austria, on our word.
From Russia
To United Provinces

Russia is interested in opening trader routes of Spices and other Exotic Goods for fur, timber and other Goods between the Dutch East Indies and Russian Far East, therefore we offer you a trade Agreement.
From UP
To Russia

We accept your trade agreement and will be shipping over goods this autumn so you may have it before the winter.
To: Prussia
From: Austria

We can probably reach some agreement over the Palatinate lands, but Bohemia is a core province for us. We are not giving up on it. The population there is Austrian and we will not abandon it.

To: United Kingdom
From: Austria

Your Prussian allies are continuing their attacks upon us seeking to dismantle our empire. Please, use your influence to make them see sense and abandon their aggressive expansionism. We fought with you in the last war against Napoleon II and we fought with you against his father when the Prussians gave up and pulled out. Please aid us in this, our time of need.

@Lucky. Just copy your orders from your outbox, expand on them and re-send :)
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